Prof. Manoj K Arora is the Vice Chancellor at BML Munjal University. Having more than three-decades on experience in teaching, research and administrative experience, he shares his views about the education sector in our country. He emphasizes on the importance and appreciates the efforts taken to device the National Education Policy. He goes on to articulate his thought-process about various aspects in the institution. Read here to know more what he has to say.
How do you strategize about the key programs and plans for the marketing and administration of your school?
“We make sure to review our plans whenever there is a deviation from the proposed objective”
It starts from the Governing Body's leadership, which has a vibrant membership from industry, academia, government, and society. The vision comes from there. The Directors, Deans, and HODs then convert that into a mission looking at industry and society's current demands. The implementation of the new academic programs in relevant areas occurs, induction of new specializations happens, and planning of physical and ICT infrastructure. Additionally, planning happens for human resource management. The marketing and administration is a continuous process and goes hand in hand.
In your experience, what can an inbound student gain from studying here in your university?
“We make sure that our students are aligned with the current trends of the industry”
The new national education policy (NEP) majorly talks of inter-disciplinarity, career connected education, immense flexibility, academic freedom, and all the right things practiced in foreign universities. Fortunately, at BMU, we have been practicing most of these things. I was pleasantly amused as I read each line of the NEP.
- We strongly advocate a competency-based approach, where teaching-learning focuses on disseminating knowledge and building up competencies to enhance employability or entrepreneurship. Our course, such as Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Design Thinking, Venture Ideation, aims to share the same. Our unique specializations align with the industry 4.0 era technologies.
- We have adopted and integrated the Practice School concept in its programs. Practice School prepares the student to transform from the “World of Education” to the ‘World of Occupation.” This process starts in the first year for education, continues in the second year for two months, and finally, the students work in the industry for one full semester..
Therefore, with a unique blend of practice school internships, supported by robust industry engagement, hands-on practical approach to learning, we can address the new generation of students' job market challenges.
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Any insights into how your university could be more welcoming to students of different races or economic backgrounds?
“We are always at the forefront to support students from different backgrounds and social strata”
Our continuous attempt to develop awareness about the importance of creating educational inclusion has prompted a structural change in the education system to foster social equity and inclusion. We have introduced a robust scholarship program, which leads to broad student diversity on the campus.
Apart from educational inclusion, we aim to make students learn life skills as soon as they are done with their degree, to become self-reliant. Besides, our partnership with foreign universities worldwide also enables us to develop mentorship and support in diverse areas.
How do you want to bring in transformation at your university?
“We will continue to ensure that students holistically developed into industry-ready individuals”
We seek to transform higher education in India by creating world-class and innovative teaching, learning, and research environment. We aim to enhance the student experience and student satisfaction by providing quality education. We don’t compromise on quality. In terms of induction of leadership team and faculty, physical and ICT infrastructure, academic curricula, and delivery, relationship with the corporates and international universities, and other significant aspects. We have drawn a new five-year strategic plan with a focus on improving the student experience. We want to sustain a culture that supports teaching excellence across all academic departments, encourages, supports, and recognizes translation research and interdisciplinary entrepreneurial efforts of students and faculty, and achieves good NAAC ratings and NIRF rankings.
What do you see as your College’s greatest strengths? What are some of the biggest challenges you see, both for your University specifically?
“We will become a pioneer of quality education in a brief span”
BML Munjal University is an institute destined to make a difference through innovative teaching, learning, and research. The University is in a powerful position and has already established itself as an institute of higher academic fraternity learning in a brief span. The School of Management of the University received a ranking of 37th in the(NIRF) 2020. We were the youngest private University to make it to the top Indian personal business school list.Challenge is to recruit students with the right mindset who are willing to take up out of the box assignments and projects. The same is the case with the recruitment of faculty.
What are some plans that you’re currently (or will be) designing for your College international affairs and/or students?
“The focus is not on providing jobs but on building a student's career”
We aim to make each graduating student "Deployable rather than Employable." We have created an exclusive International Affairs Deans' office, who looks after all the International relations, right from student to faculty exchange, joint research initiatives, co-teaching, and online learning. We have set our targets to recruit students from nearby countries in the next five years interested in acquiring knowledge differently from other traditional institutions.
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Any suggestions you would like to give to the current youth and the aspiring students?
“The university is not just a physical space of ground, buildings and equipment; it is an Idea”
BMU is an idea to nurture ethical leaders who are skilled and knowledgeable. We create leaders and not just engineers, managers, and lawyers. We are known for excellent laboratory infrastructure, highly learned faculty, strong pedagogy through experiential learning blended with quality research and development, stable industry connections and international university relations, and student experience in all spheres. We know that you are genuinely Digital, and we provide a learning environment that allows you to study anytime from anywhere. You can have significant and minor specializations depending upon your interest and passion for excelling in certain areas. In the future, there will be colossal flexibility in the choice of courses from across various disciplines, which will allow you to Build Your Degree.