Interview by Bhawna Rawat

Dr. Vinod Kapse is presently working as the Principal of Gyan Ganga Institute of Technology & Sciences, Jabalpur. He holds Bachelor Degree in Industrial Electronics, Master Degree in Electronics Engineering (M.Tech.) and Ph. D. from RGPV University in the faculty of Electronics Engineering. He has a massive work experience of 18 years in Teaching and over 3 years in Analysis, Design, Development, testing, and maintenance. He is technically qualified and experienced in VLSI design, PLC programming in stepper motors and job commissioning.
Dr. Kapse’s responsibilities at GGITS include teaching Under Graduate & Post Graduate students & looking after all the activities of the institute. He has attended several international & national seminars & conferences. He has also published and co-published about his designs’ research in various journals.
Through the education sector, we can provide the country with a skilled youth for its development
Education is one of the most important aspects in any country and is helpful for the development or progress of any country. The youth is the backbone of any country. If you want to convert a developing country into a developed country you should actively participate in the progress of the country.
If we educate the people and develop the skill set of the students they will definitely be the main pillars of any development. So, that is why only through education we can provide the skill set. If the students have the skill set they will definitely progress and work brilliantly in the IT sector as well as in the manufacturing sector. As we know that the Prime Minister of India has given a scheme which is known as skill India. So, under this skill India scheme, being a part of the technical education, we have to work on the education and the technical skill set of the youth.
My philosophy of leadership is to motivate my faculty and students to adopt the technological changes
Being the head of the institution, my basic philosophy is that I have to motivate the students and the faculty because if they can cope up with the demands and requirements of the industry they will be absolving the industry.
So, whenever there is a technological change, I should promote the faculties for the adoption of the technological change and at the same time, I should promote the students too for the same.
As a whole, as a part of this technical institute, I should promote the faculty and students to be conducive to the technological change.
The significant challenge is to train the students in IT and Technical sector at the same time
Nowadays, one of the important factors is that the jobs are available in the IT sector. So, I have to promote the students from core Engineering to the IT sector and one more thing, there is a lack of awareness among students regarding this as the students think that there are jobs only in IT sector but in core Engineering too there are jobs but those are related to IT.
Suppose if you take the service sector, then it will be applicable to the IT as well as the manufacturing sector. So, definitely, we have to promote the students to get equipped with these changes. Students should shift to the IT sector as well as they should be well equipped with the technical knowledge so that they can work brilliantly in the manufacturing sector also.
We ensure to provide the students with students with the best curriculum
We are basically the private institute and we are affiliated to the Rajiv Gandhi Praudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya. So, it is mandatory for us to follow the curriculum provided by the university but as the Gyan Ganga Institute of technological science departments of electronic science, Communication and Mechanical Engineering and Electrical Engineering are NBA accredited courses.
So, while studying the NBA accreditation courses, we have found that we have to always provide the students beyond the course curriculum. We have worked on the curriculum of the RGPV and we have added some courses too so that whatever important content is not provided by the University that will be added and that will be called the added content beyond the University curriculum.
We are providing the curriculum for the RGPV and at the same time, we are providing training programmes also. So that the courses which are not included in the curriculum that curriculum or content will be provided to the students also provided from the first semester to the eighth semester.
Technological changes are taking place very fast so the students need to adapt with them
There is a fast development or growth in terms of technological change so again the students or the faculty should be in the position to adopt the changes. Nowadays the communication skills, technical knowledge and modern tools usage are the most important aspects so that the students and faculty can work brilliantly on their projects. That is why these changes are very much required for the development of any student and students are doing good in such areas.
There is no replacement for classroom teaching
We always encourage our students to attend the classes regularly. There is no replacement for classroom teaching. If the students will be regular, they will definitely get the benefits throughout their life. So, we encourage the students to attend the classes regularly to develop their skill set, to go for online classes and to go for certifications. So, at the end of the final year, they will be in the position of working in any type of work environment. So, that is our philosophy.
Goals of getting an autonomous status and accreditation for each department
Definitely, we will go for the autonomous status. At present we are affiliated with the university but in the future, we will go for the autonomous status. As well as we will go for the accreditation for the seven branches that we have.
Suggestions for the current youth and the aspiring students
Work on your skill set, respect your parents and teachers as they are your well-wishers
They always think that their student or their ward should reach the heights of success and they will be happy with their students’ progress and happiness.