Dr. Ravindra V. Kshirsagar is the Principal at Gyan Ganga Institute of Technology & Sciences. He is a dynamic personality with several years of experience in the education field. Bringing the experience together, he wants to change the quality of education by introducing new ventures and helping students understand the complexities of analytical aspects. Read here what he has to say in his interview.

What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector?

“Education impacts the lives of every individual”

One of the key factors that kept me involved with the educational field at every step of the way was the impact of the field that we, as educators, have the privilege of working. It is one of the few professions out there which hold great importance for not only on a very personal individual level but also has enormous consequences for the entire community, and there are different ways of creating an impact or contribution which one realizes moving out of the classroom and experiencing different steps of the educational structure.

What is your philosophy of leadership? How would you describe your leadership style?

“A motivational style of leadership is what I prefer”

Leadership has usually been understood as a top-to-bottom kind of chain of command, and that is it. Unfortunately, people seem to fail to recognize that there is a lot more to being a leader than merely shouting orders and punishments. One of the most important forms of leadership that youngsters at a college might require is motivational leadership. Positive encouragement and guidance instead of negative punishment and humiliation work much better in helping a student. College is an incredibly overwhelming period of life. Hopefully, as the Principal of this college, I can provide as many opportunities for students as could be possible in my position.

How do you strategize about your key programs and plans for the marketing and administration of your school?

“We believe word of mouth has done significant wonders for us”

I believe marketing and administration of any place depend on one key factor that is ‘goodwill’. Yes, intentions play a significant role in the success of any work. And here at Gyan Ganga, our only intention is the goodwill of our students in every manner which includes physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. This intention of ours becomes the USP of our institute as nothing spreads faster than word of mouth. 

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How does the curriculum of Gyan Ganga Institute of Technology and Science, Jabalpur ensure the best practice of industry?

“We make sure to upgrade our curriculum whenever there are changes required”

The curriculum is an essential aspect for any institution, and this is the base which the students bank upon. The curriculum of Gyan Ganga Institute of Technology and Science, Jabalpur is of such a remarkable account that it’s not only relevant but also beneficial for the students in every aspect. It will not only make the students virtuosos in their respective field but also allow them to succeed in multitudinous ways. The curriculum of the institute assures thorough development of the students in their subjects and job placements. 

What do you think your roles and responsibilities to the institute and the students are?

“I ensure that each vertical of our college flourishes”

As a principal, my roles and responsibilities are many. Still, the most important of them are Student Evaluation and Reporting, Communication and Public Relations, Budgeting and Buying, Staff supervision and Evaluation, Professional Development and so on. Additionally, it is my responsibility to create and maintain a healthy and fruitful atmosphere between everybody so that the Institution can work as a team. Also, I ensure to provide students a platform for job placement and opportunities so that their academic journey may complete successfully. 

What are some of the biggest challenges you see for education sector? 

“There are several challenges that the education sector is facing”

Education is the primary sector that shoulders the most significant responsibility of shaping the future of a nation. Presently, education standards of higher education, research and innovative skills for novel ideas are not at par with the international community in most of the universities of India. There is an increasing gap between education and employability. Many industrial persons complained about the quality of students coming from colleges. Mostly, students lack job skills. One of the most significant challenges faced by higher education in India is the shortage of highly qualified teaching faculty. Pedagogy and assessment are focused on input and rote learning, and there are neglected skills, including critical thinking, analytical reasoning, problem-solving and collaborative working.

But in the present scenario, teaching and learning in this time of Pandemic is the biggest challenge that the whole world and even we at Gyan Ganga are facing.

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What are your learnings from the pandemic and how are you dealing with the situations?

“As we all will agree this Pandemic and lock down has taught us a lot”

Especially, students and teachers all over the world have realized how exhausting it is to be on screens all day long. Although I feel this remote teaching and learning has increased the attention span and focus among the students as well.

Secondly, we have also realized that this is not just remote learning, it is learning during a pandemic. Factors like anxiety, uncertainty, fear and isolation exist at this time. A continuous checking with students to ensure that they are coping has become extremely important.

And at last something positive that happened in this time is, students have been able to enhance their digital learning through sophisticated software and have got access to high performing devices.

I believe, dealing with such situations with patience, coordination, and systematic approach would be a better way to manage the situation.

Any suggestions you would like to give the current youth and aspiring students?

“Student must make good career decisions”

There is a lot of pressure in the lives of young people to study and create a good future. But one can overcome these by setting goals for oneself. Few things that could help youth are:

  1. Keep up the self-confidence.
  2. Be ready to work hard.
  3. You must love the path you’ve opted.
  4. Leave laziness and be brave.

To build a better life ahead, it is necessary to set goals. Without the goal of life, the future cannot be bright. In any case, we will achieve this goal. We have to succeed in our lives. We will work as hard as possible to reach the goal. Overcome the confusion, and your confidence will increase. The youth must be confident.