Director at Saveetha University
Ques 1: Kindly tell us about your experience in the education industry and what makes it the best industry to work in?
Ans. Education is the backbone of any nation. Educating someone brings a lot of changes in someone’s perception towards things. And in today’s scenario, students need to be really competent and they should be able to do the best in whatever they do. My focus is the same. I want them to learn the best, do the best and be the best in whatever course they pursue. Moreover, the education industry is something in which we were sticking to the old school of thoughts for long and a revolution is must and it is high time we do it. I wish to inculcate new innovations in teaching methodology. In fact, teaching should be a teaching-learning process rather than be preaching the students, as a matter of fact, the IQ and grasping capacity of students are growing year after year and not generation after generation. To feed these young minds, we should bring in more innovations and that makes it interesting for me.
Ques 2: Any significant challenges you faced as the Director of Saveetha University?
Ans. Of course yes. To bring in a change is a task. A lot of ground work is to be done, then manpower, infrastructure etc. Above all, making people understand and realize the change is workable. It is quite a bit of work but that’s what makes it interesting.
Ques 3: How does your curriculum ensure best practices of Industry?
Ans. Our curriculum is student friendly. We follow micro-teaching in our university. Also, we focus on interactive learning rather telling -listening. The activities include MILA, POGIL, SCALE UP and the list is endless. On the practical front, we have comprehensive clinical hours. This enhances their application skills better. On the research front, as they join the institution a brief insight is given and the inculcates research in their minds.
Ques 4: What goals do you have in your mind for Saveetha University?
Ans. Students travel abroad for education and also, they name universities abroad if we ask for best universities. Also, it’s not affordable for all to travel abroad. This should change we want to be a world class university wherein students from abroad should come down here to learn and we should be affordable for our students as well.
Ques 5: You pride yourself on the level of education and responsibility you teach here to students. How do you ensure the quality of education in your institution?
Ans. Yes, we do and there is no dispute about it too. We have n number of councils to monitor all the academic and co-curricular activities. Students Council helps students put forward their difficulties. Parents Council help them share about their wards activities and faculty council will discuss with and every year the flaws are removed and the system grows better and better. Also, there is mentorship where every faulty is a mentor for 3-5 students. This enables them to understand the student’s strengths and weaknesses. Also, the quality of work and infrastructure is monitored by SO, IQAC, NACC, RMS, CMS, FMS, CAFE Score and many more protocols.
Ques 6: How do you build a positive school culture or climate?
Ans. We give a free hand to students to explore their area of interests like they can choose their guide, research topic, credit course and not only that, they are provided with good recreation and sports centers on the campus. They have a sophisticated hostel and a-la-carte mess. Name it what a student needs and we provide it.
Ques 7: How do you tend to establish a relationship with the students?
Ans. Fear inhibits learning, we break the ice and be friendly with them. They do not have inhibition to share their thoughts with us. Here is where the mentorship helps.
Ques 8: How do you look at the growth of students through placement opportunities available at Saveetha University? How do you wish to push the envelope further?
Ans. Students get placed in Saveetha University and many other hospitals as well. No place will deny our students an opportunity. They have their graduate record book which speaks for them. This is a book with all their academic and co-curricular activity recorded in it. Also, you name any university across India, and there will be a Saveetha Alumni. Not only here, even top universities abroad will have our graduates in the board. Our students are always all-rounders, be it public speaking, organizing an event, clinical work and anything they will excel in their place as we provide a platform for them to get trained in all aspects.
Ques 9: What is your philosophy of leadership? How would you describe your leadership style?
Ans. A leader is someone who makes more leaders and that’s what we are doing. I would like to be an inspiring leader and never carry the crown of a leader. I am one among them and that makes the atmosphere more enjoyable for everyone to work. As a leader, I always wish to ignite a healthy competition among my faculty and students. Also giving them their space to think freely and implement new ideas and innovations will enhance the growth of the university. On the whole, it is “grow and let grow”.
Ques 10: Any suggestion you would like to give to the current youth and the aspiring students?
Ans. Today’s youth is smart enough to choose between right and wrong. I would tell them “Focus, be determined, nobody is less and nobody is high, hard work will bring in the taste of Success”. Also, they should have an open mind to accept the consequences of their hard work whether good or bad and keep moving without regrets that are the only set back in the current generation.