National Institute of Epidemiology - [NIE], Chennai

Chennai, Tamil NaduEstd 1999 University of Madras Chennai, Chennai
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About National Institute of Epidemiology Chennai

Written By Sapna Malik updated 

The National Institute of Epidemiology (NIE) was established by merging the Central JALMA Institute for Leprosy (CJIL Field Unit), Avadi with the Institute for Research in Medical Statistics (IRMS), Chennai. This institute was established with an objective to cover the Developments of Human resources in Epidemiology and biostatistics as well as for networking of the various ICMR and non-ICMR Institutes at the national level for epidemiological purposes, and Consultancy.

The Institute carries out a variety of research activities which include areas such as interventional studies, diseases modelling, health systems research, evaluation of health schemes and diseases control programmes, issues of statistical methodology, epidemiological investigations and clinical trials of traditional remedies. It has been conducting training programmes annually in biostatistics, controlled clinical trials and basic epidemiology for medical doctors, PG medical students and Para –medical workers.

It has expertise in the areas of biostatistics, epidemiology, epidemiology of communicable disease namely leprosy, tuberculosis and other diseases, controlled clinical trials, maternal and child health, health surveys, data processing etc. They provide online courses and majorly 3 regular courses, Masters in Physical health, Masters of Science in Biostatistics and a Doctorate degree of Epidemiology.

For Doctorate and Post Graduation courses, selection is done on the basis of the qualifying details, then a written test and a personal Interview is conducted. Candidates can download the prescribed application form from the Institute’s website.

National Institute of Epidemiology Highlight

Name of the Institute  National Institute of Epidemiology, Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Year of Establishment 1999
Affiliated to  SCTIMST , University of Madras
Approved by  Indian Council of Medical Research 
Institute Type Autonomous 
Courses Available Ph.D M.Sc M.PH
Basic Admission criteria Merit based +written Test + Personal test 
Application Mode Offline as well as offline 
Facilities   Library (physical and digital) Hostel facilities Laboratory Canteens Gyms facilities
Official Website

National Institute of Epidemiology: Important Dates

Event Dates
Last Date to Apply for MPH December 31, 2022

National Institute of Epidemiology Rankings/Awards/Achievements 

Organizations/ Magazines Grade/ Rank/ Awards/ Achievements
National AIDS Control Organization  Technical Resource Group of Epidemiology of HIV
WHO WHO collaborating Centre for Epidemiology of Leprosy.

National Institute of Epidemiology Courses

The institute provides courses in majorly two streams. It offers post graduate as well as doctorate courses. It also offers a variety of online courses. The major streams are:

  • Medical and Allied Sciences
  • Sciences
Courses Details
Master of Public Health (M.PH) Duration: 2 years
Specialization : Epidemiology and Health Systems
Eligibility: MBBS degree recognised by the Medical Council of India
Master of Science   Duration: 2 years
Specialization : Biostatistics
Eligibility: graduation in Biostatistics or allied courses.
Ph.D. Duration: 6 years
Specialization: Epidemiology
Eligibility: A recognised Higher Specialty Degree, Post graduate degree/ Diploma with a minimum of 50% in medical degree or 55% in non-medical degree. The degree should be registered with Recognised University and recognised by TNMGRMU.
Online Certificate course on Health Research Fundamentals Duration: 20 hours in 8 weeks
Eligibility : Undergraduate Medical/ Dental/ AYUSH students, graduate in any other discipline.=
Online Course on Basic Course in Biomedical Research  Eligibility : Medical Postgraduate ( MD, MS, PG Diploma, MPH). Teachers in medical institutes

Check National Institute of Epidemiology Courses & Fees

National Institute of Epidemiology Admissions

For Doctorate and Post Graduation courses, selection is done on the basis of the qualifying details, then a written test and a personal Interview is conducted.

How to Apply:

  • Candidates can download the prescribed application form from the Institute’s website.
  • The prescribed application form given in the website or its photocopy alone should be used by the candidates.
  • Application in any other form will not be considered.
  • Candidates need to submit the application form filled with all relevant details and attach all the attested documents of certificates asked in the form.
  • Application should be submitted along with the application fee of INR 600/- ( for M.PH) by means of a Demand Draft drawn on any nationalized bank in favour of “Director, NIE”, payable at Chennai.
  • Application without the application fee will not be considered.
  • Submission of Application: Duly filled in prescribed Application Form with necessary enclosures should be sent to the following address, super scribing, “Application for MPH” on the top of the cover. Program Coordinator, ICMR School of Public Health, ICMR- National Institute of Epidemiology, Tamil Nadu Housing Board, Ayapakkam, Chennai, Tamil Nadu- 600077”

Note- Candidates should submit an advance copy of the application in the prescribed form with the Application Fee of INR 600/- ( original Demand draft) and other enclosures by Registered /Speed post, to reach NIE, directly , on or before the last date. 

  1. They should send a copy of the Demand Draft along with their original application through the proper channel. 
  2. The application through the proper channel should contain either Sponsorship Certificate from the employer or NOC. ( Please tick the appropriate box in the first page of the application regarding Original or Advance Copy)
  3. For Ph.D., Completed online application form with necessary attachments to be uploaded on the official website.
  4. Application fee is : INR 1,000 ( One Time )
  5. Separate application to be submitted to the University as per the PhD guidelines after selection at ICMR-NIE.
  6. For M.Sc., a separate online application form will be released on the official website.

National Institute of Epidemiology Faculty

There are different committees under which there are staff members and faculty works together towards a brighter future for the students. They provide the best faculty for every course.

Read moreNational Institute of Epidemiology Faculty

National Institute of Epidemiology Facilities

  • Laboratory: NIE has a well-equipped state -of -the art laboratory for public health training and advanced research activities in the field of epidemiology. The laboratory facilities are created in a 14000sq.ft area for routine and special investigations. The centralized laboratory system is access controlled and composes of dedicated areas for biochemical and haematological analysis, bacteriology, serology, tissue culture, molecular biology, HIV, lyophilisation and strain maintenance etc, the epidemiology training lab is the most modern and accommodates 25 trainees at a time. The laboratory is equipped with advanced and modern equipments like auto analysers, bio-safety cabinets, fume safety cabinets, centrifuges of various capacities, deep freezers, electrophoretic systems, blotting and hybridization equipment, gel documentation systems, U-V spectrophotometers, MT plate readers, sophisticated research microscopes, freeze drying apparatus, biophotometer, robotic liquid handling systems, ultra-pure water purification system, regular gradient and real time PCR systems etc. to name a few. The walk-in-cold rooms and walk-in-incubator room provide additional facility to the laboratory.
  • Library: The library has a rich collection of latest books, journals and other documents in various fields of epidemiology, biostatistics, public health, diseases, clinical trials, social science, demography, computers and other related areas. the collection is completely computerized and in the process of being converted into a Digital Library. It caters to the information needs of over 300 members comprising staff, scholars of the ICMR school of Public Health pursuing MPH, HIV Epidemiology Training Programme, Ph.D. fellowships, faculty members and to everyone who wants to explore the information provided in the library. It primarily consists of Books, Journals, E-resources, ProQuest, Electronic Resources in Medicine, A customized Journal Custom Content Consortia, J-Gate, Electronic Databases, Thesis and many more other facilities as well.
  • Auditoriums: The main auditorium is on the left side of the first floor of the Institute building. It has a capacity of accommodation of 75 seats with centralized air-conditioned facilities. Well equipped with a good audio and video system. The institute workshop, guest lecture, Journal Club conducts in this auditorium
  • Mini Auditorium: The auditorium is located on the left side of the first floor of the Institute building and has a capacity of accommodation of 75 seats with centralized air-conditioned facilities. Well equipped with a good audio and video system. The institute workshop, guest lecture, Journal Club conducts in this auditorium.
  • Conference Hall: It is on the fourth floor of the Institute Building. It has the capacity to accommodate 45 seats with centralized air conditioned facilities. Well equipped with a good audio and video system.
  • Lecture Hall: It is on the fourth floor of the Institute Building. It has the capacity to accommodate 30 seats with centralized air conditioned facilities. Well equipped with a good audio and video system.
  • Besides these, the Institute also has a Data Centre, Canteen, Gym areas, ATM and Bank facility too so the students feel comfortable and focus on their studies. 


Ques. What is the minimum attendance requirement in the Masters Courses?

Ans. 75% attendance is essential.

Ques. What is the course fee of master of Science (Biostatistics)?

Ans. Course fee is INR 60,00 for four semesters (non-refundable).

Ques. Is there an option for Accommodation?

Ans. On-campus, limited hostel Accommodation is available. Allotment will be based on the first come first served basis.

Ques. What is the address of this Institute?

Ans. The full address is National Institute of Epidemiology (ICMR), Second main road, Tamil Nadu Housing Board, Ayapakkam Near Ambattur, Chennai 600 077.

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National Institute of Epidemiology Chennai Fees & Eligibility

Full time Courses
Master of Public Health [MPH]1 Lakh (1st Year Fees) Graduation
Master of Science [M.Sc] (Biostatistics)30,000 (1st Year Fees) Graduation
Ph.D. (Epidemiology)26,000 (1st Year Fees) Post Graduation

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Courses Offered By National Institute of Epidemiology Chennai 2025

Select Degree and Streams to See Course Fees and Admission Details.

Streams :
Degree :
Program Type :
Full Time
Master of Public Health [MPH] 
1st Yr Fees:₹1,00,000
1 Courses2 Years Full Time


1 Courses2 Years Full Time


Ph.D. (Epidemiology) 
1st Yr Fees:₹26,000
1 Courses3 Years Full Time


Post Graduation

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National Institute of Epidemiology Chennai Facilities

You can check here to see what types of facilities National Institute of Epidemiology Chennai provides.

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National Institute of Epidemiology Chennai Faculty

Basic Information about the Faculty of National Institute of Epidemiology Chennai

Dr. M.V. Murhekar
Dr. R. Ramakrishnan
Dr. Vidya Ramachandran
Dr. Manoj V. Murhekar
Dr. Sanjay Mehendale
Mr. A. Elangovan
Dr. J. Yuvaraj
Mr. J. Arockiasamy
Dr. Prabhdeep Kaur
Dr. C. P. Girish Kumar

National Institute of Epidemiology Chennai College Details

Basic Information About the Colleges

Second Main Road, Tamil Nadu Housing Board, Ayapakkam, Near Ambattur,
Chennai - 600077
Tamil Nadu, India
Get SMS Contact:  044-26136417
Get Call Details:  044-26136417
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