HITAM Hyderabad

Dr.S. Arvind is the Dean Academics of Hyderabad Institute of Technology and Management. He has 27 years of experience in reputed engineering institutes. He has presented and published 54 papers in reputed National and International conferences and Journals.

What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector?

“Being the right guide and advisor to my students”

When I often look at the type of students joining technical education with different aspirations, I have felt that along with providing quality teaching, I need to be a mentor to them. I had the passion to help them achieve their aspirations and this sector has brought respect to my profession. This has kept me motivated to stay connected with the education sector. 

In your experience, what can an inbound student gain from studying here in your institute?

“Students will feel no difference in respect to the education back at home”

Unlike foreign universities, many of the institutes in India never concentrate on teaching and learning through a practical approach. We at HITAM concentrate on various pedagogies like experiential learning which will help them gain knowledge through projects. Students here will learn to solve problems, possess the ability to work with a team, and most importantly develop leadership skills. 

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How does the academic structure of the Hyderabad Institute of Technology and Management ensure the best practice of industry?

“Staying updated and on the path of upscaling”

Under the affiliation process, we need to follow the curriculum designed by the JNTUH. However, to bridge the gap between industry and academics we have partnered with IBM, recruited experienced and talented resources as adjunct faculty from industries. Going beyond the curriculum, we have introduced concepts through SSDC’s and prepare students to meet industry requirements. 

What do you see as your Institute’s greatest strengths?

“Being solely dedicated to the students”

The institute has visionary management which is committed and dedicated to providing the students with the best education. Along with that, our dynamic leadership team, experienced faculty and above all our work culture adds to our strength. 

How important is it to have updated subjects for the students?

“It helps the students in being the best at what they do”

It’s very important to update the academic structure. It is not a hidden fact that the industry and trends keep changing. It is a dynamic world and if you fail to stay updated, you will fall behind. Updating the subjects and the curriculum is of utmost importance. Being in a key position, it is my responsibility to keep my students updated and make them acquire the latest skills. Modifying the curriculum as per the changing trends will help the students secure the best positions in the industry and help them stay relevant. 

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Any message you would like to give to the current youth and the aspiring students?

“Be a lifelong learner”

There is no end to learning. Grab opportunities and prove your worth to the world. Acquire skills so that the industry requires you and you don’t have to chase your dream job.