Dr Vinay Jain is the Director of Shri Ram College of Pharmacy, Gwalior. He has completed B.Pharm and M.Pharm as part of his academic qualifications. He has also received Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical science and technology. To date, he has guided more than 20 undergraduate and postgraduate students in major projects. He has worked on a total of 30 research papers that have been published in distinguished journals/books of international and national repute. He has received grants from technical professional bodies like AICTE and MPCST for organising conferences. He is a lifetime member of the Indian Society of Pharmacognosy. With efficient leadership skills, he aims to build a highly motivated team for an efficient institution.
What is your philosophy of leadership?
"Under my leadership, I am able to meet both implied and obligatory requirements for managing the institute”
As a leader, I always look forward to the holistic development of the institute and its stakeholders. My first responsibility is to nurture faculties. If they are good and they in-turn ensure that the same should pass to our student as well. I ensure that they take conferences, seminars, workshops and publish articles/books. Having established well-qualified faculties in institute the excellent content delivery is ensured. They perform practicals under the supervision of our highly qualified teachers. The industrial- academia interaction is also ensured so that both teachers and students should understand recent trends and practices in different fields.
How do you plan the marketing and administration of your institute?
"Decentralizing decision-making and federating power should be the goal”
I always believe that the power of decision making should be shared and democratic. For ensuring this, several committees have been made under my supervision, the heads of which are well qualified and experienced. They have been entrusted powers of decision making which in turn ensures smooth and efficient performance of regular tasks. Thus, making administration and marketing easy for me. For marketing task “an excellent performer needs no introduction” and in consonance with this statement, I just want to say that we are trying to be one.
What can an inbound student gain from studying here in your institute?
“The links between industry and academia offer students access to the latest advances in industry practices”
If we examine the educational structure of any foreign university, we would analyse that maximum school hours are dedicated to practical training and internships. At our institute, along with the regular teaching of theory and performance of practical, we have an environment of strong mentoring as well. By doing so, students can learn all the important concepts by heart. Along with that, a student is also made to learn recent advances and best practices of industry through our industrial academia interactions. This makes a student industry ready and justifies our edge over other competing institutes.
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How does the curriculum ensure the best practice of industry?
“It is drafted by experts of different disciplines and aligns with industry expectations”
A curriculum's implementation plays as much a role in its efficiency as its content. Basically, we are going to see whether it meets industry standards. The pharmacy curriculum for our college has been drafted by experts of different disciplines from AICTE and PCI. Hence, the content of the curriculum is perfect in all senses. When it comes to its implementation and teaching, I personally make sure that a working day is bifurcated for theory as well as practical. We have a dedicated state of art central instrumentation room and along with well-equipped labs for research purposes. We ensure that the curriculum meets best practices for research purposes and industry.
How could your institute be more welcoming to students of different backgrounds?
“Scholarships, a diverse environment and equal opportunities for all”
We, at SRCP, welcome students of all states, nationalities and economic backgrounds. We provide free and fair opportunities to every student to express himself/herself and this makes them feel at home. Their morale increases and they start feeling like a part of the institute. Any grievance is settled at immediate priority so that they should not feel discriminated against. For economically challenged students we do have scholarship schemes that ensure that they complete their higher education seamlessly.
What do you think should be the institute’s top priority over the next 10 years?
“To establish ourselves as a centre of excellence for research and development”
- To establish a centre for pharmacovigilance training.
- Assuring holistic development of all stakeholders and employee well-being is one of our top priorities.
- To guarantee that every student has a high employment quotient.
- Sign more MOUs with industries of repute, foreign industries and exchange programs.
- The continuous pursuit of excellence (in all implied and obligatory requirements).
What would you like people to know about your institute they may not know?
“A high placement record with remarkable salary packages offered to our students”
- Our three students have made it to the university merit List in the last couple of years. They have also got Chancellor’s award for the same.
- 4 Patents by our professors have been awarded in different fields of research and development in the last 2 years.
- Three students got offer letters from the QA department of Macleods Pharmaceuticals limited (2021)
- The maximum salary package of INR 9 LPA is offered to our students by planet spark (2021)
- Signed MOU with AIESEC.
- Only institute in the Gwalior Chambal region which is allowed to keep animal houses for experiment purposes.
What are some of the biggest challenges for higher education currently?
“Adapting to the huge change that technology will bring in this field”
In Pharma education, with the advent of sophisticated technologies, the conventional dosage forms and therapeutics will become obsolete. They will be largely replaced by technology-driven targeted dosage forms. Even the technology of dosage form development and testing will get a big update. All the development and approval in this domain will happen in a shorter time frame comparably. Both the students and mentors will have to adapt to and learn new technologies for the welfare of mankind.
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Any suggestions you would like to give to the current youth?
“Maintain your soft skills and technical skills on a regular basis”
Corporate is looking for candidates who have a perfect blend of technical knowledge in distinguished concentration with high emotional intelligence. Many people who are good at hard skills sometimes fail to achieve employment just because they lack expressiveness. I would like to suggest the aspirants that always look for your holistic development. Never ignore the importance of soft skills development.