Dr. C Arthi is HOD and Associate professor of the ECE Department at Sengunthar Engineering College. She obtained her B.E in Electronics & Communication Engineering, M.E in VLSI Design, and her Ph.D. degree in the area of ICE. She has 16 years of teaching experience. She has published more than 20 international journals and one Patent titled “Delay Buffer design in FFT using MLEs”. She published the Anna University Question Bank for the Subject “Linear Integrated Circuits.” She received Best Teacher Award, Best Engineer Award, and she acted as Resource person in FDPs, Conferences and Symposiums. She Presented papers in 30 national and international conferences.
What are your roles and responsibilities towards the students?
“To ensure the quality education, and well-equipped facilities for students”
Being a Professor at Sengunthar Engineering College, my roles and responsibilities towards the students are various. We strive to provide quality education to the students, which should meet the current industrial needs. I ensure to provide proper care and supervision to the students like the parents. Our department develops a methodology to educate students about the topic (problem-solving, small group discussions, etc.) and then implement the same in the classroom. Other roles of mine include motivating the students to participate in Paper presentations, conferences and encouraging them to submit funding Proposals to various research funding agencies.
How do you ensure healthy relations with the students and fellow faculty?
“To motivate the students and help in the development of the college”
To establish healthy relations with the students and fellow faculty try encouraging them with a positive attitude. We provide moral support for their career development and motivate them to improve their skills. We also have a robust mentoring system to provide career counseling to students. We try to make virtual learning as simple and clear to understand as possible.
How do you make the subjects industry-oriented?
“Providing students with industrial visits to gain practical experience”
To bring a Practical approach towards subjects and to make it industry-oriented, we start by motivating students to participate in Project and design contests which will enhance their Practical oriented knowledge. We encourage students to participate in International level industry-oriented design challenges like Smart India Hackathon, Texas Instruments India Innovation design challenge, which will enhance their knowledge-based upon industrial needs. We also give more practical exposure in the industry-oriented subjects by Signing MoU with leading industries and Organizing Value added Courses.
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How do you help students to gain necessary subject-related skills?
“Designing the curriculum to enable students with highly demanding skills by attending various webinars”
The curriculum is designed to include various Value added courses, association activities, symposiums, and conferences to enable students to enhance skills. Various guest lectures, seminars, and workshops are organized to increase exposure. Apart from these, we also have contests and paper presentations to encourage students to innovate and ideate.
How do you strategize the curriculum and update it regularly?
“Assist students in updated curriculum syllabus regularly”
The Curriculum is Strategized like Theory and Embedded Theory Courses, Employability enhancement Courses, Mandatory Courses with One credit to Four credits. The Syllabus is designed based upon the industrial needs which are most beneficial to the students. The Value-added course is incorporated into the curriculum to improve industry-oriented knowledge. Industry needed subjects are included as Professional electives and Open electives. Based upon the Current Technology, the syllabus can be updated after getting approval from the Board of Studies.
What do you think about the placement in your department?
“Our College provides 100% Placement Assistance to the Students”
The Students are Trained for Placement through the Placement cell for getting the job at their core companies. The Students are categorized into three groups like
- Students interested in Higher education
- Students interested in core companies
- Students interested in Software companies
Based upon their interest the students are trained by Providing Placement training, Internship, and Value-added courses. For Higher education, the Students are trained with GATE coaching and Technical aptitude training during the Placement hours.
How do you help your student to cope up with the competition being so high in the outside world?
“Providing students with practical and theoretical skills of subjects”
To cope up with the competition in the outside world, we will adopt the following strategies,
- Improving Practical oriented knowledge by encouraging them to participate in more innovation challenges, Hackathons which will enhance their skills.
- Giving training with technical and non-technical aptitudes
- Encouraging them to organize more Association activities which will give them confidence and management skills.
- Arranging Guest lecturers and Skill development courses in recent trends
- Improving Institute Industry interaction
- Encouraging them in Project works and motivating them to file the pattern for their innovation.
Do you have any extracurricular activities/ programs to enhance the skills of the students?
Yes, we are having more clubs to enhance the skills of the students. The name of the some of the clubs are as follows:
- Academic committee
- Association committee
- Program committee
- Symposium committee
- Magazine Committee
- Events Committee
- Sports committee
- Guest lectures
- Symposiums, Workshops, and conferences
What are the challenges faced by you in uplifting the quality of education of your department?
“To uplift the quality of education of the students coming from the rural areas”
The main challenge faced to uplift the quality of education of my department is that most of the students are from a rural background, so improving their Communication Skills becomes difficult since they haven’t had the relevant exposure. Communication is important for jobs and other scholarly feats such as Innovative publications in reputed journals and pattern filing.
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What advice would you give to the upcoming aspiring students?
“Students should dream to find new innovative products by using the concept of ECE”
The Students can get through knowledge about the field of Electronics and Communication when they are getting into this department, but they should be more confident and they concentrate in the Academic and Practical work.They should improve their practical knowledge by doing more design and research works. They should have the dream to find new innovative products in their field which should be useful for our society and nation.