TANCET 2023 Results Released @tancet.annauniv.edu; Check Direct Link Here

TANCET 2023 Results Released

New Delhi: Anna University has released the results of Tamil Nadu Common Entrance Test (TANCET) 2023 on its official portal @websitetancet.annauniv.edu, today on April 14, 2023 at 10 AM.

Candidates who have appeared for the TANCET 2023 can visit the official website of Anna University to access and download the TANCET 2023 results. As per the data, more than 24K students registered for the MBA and MCA entrance exam this year. In order to check the TANCET 2023 results, candidates are required to enter their login credentials such as email id and password.

The TANCET exam was conducted on March 25, 2023, for admission to various MBA and MCA courses. According to the schedule, candidates will be able to download the TANCET 2023 scorecard between April 20 and May 20, 2023, from the official website @tancet.annauniv.edu.

TANCET 2023 Results: How to Download? 

Candidates can go through the following steps to download the TANCET 2023 results.

Step 1: Go to the official TANCET website i.e. tancet.annauniv.edu/.

Step 2: On the homepage, Click on the tab TANCET 2023 Result.

Step 3: Now, it'll redirect you to a new login page.

Step 4: Enter the login credentials such as email id and password.

Step 5: Your TANCET 2023 results will appear on the screen.

Step 6: Check and download the results and take a printout of the same for future references.

Direct Link: TANCET 2023 Results 

TANCET 2023 Scorecard 

As per the latest reports, along with the release of the results, Anna University will also release the TANCET scorecard. Candidates will be able to download the scorecard from April 20, 2023, to May 20, 2023.

Since the TANCET 2023 scorecard is a mandatory document that acts as a key document during the TN MBA & MCA admission process, it must be carried by the candidates at the time of the TANCET counselling.

Anna University, on behalf of DTE Chennai conducts the TANCET Exam for admission to M.B.A. and M.C.A. courses for the academic year 2023-2024 offered at University Departments, Constituent colleges of Anna University, Annamalai University, Government and Government Aided Colleges (Engineering, Arts & Science Colleges) and Self-Financing Colleges (Engineering, Arts & Science Colleges including stand-alone Institutions) in Tamil Nadu state.

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