A visionary, entrepreneur, politician and an educationist, Mr Manjunath Bhandary is currently serving as the Chairman at Sahyadri College of Engineering & Management, Mangaluru. With several years of rich experience as a technocrat as well as a social activist, he is counted as one of the most influential youth icons on the global platform. He has been awarded the prestigious Eisenhower Fellowship from the Eisenhower Foundation, Philadelphia, U.S.A. and has been invited in a number of conferences, seminars and symposia internationally. At present, he is the member of the All India Congress Committee, and has established a charitable institution ‘Bhandary Foundation’ as well. 

Sahyadri College of Engineering & Management

What key factors have driven you to work for the education sector?

“Edifying youth life and contribution to community”

Over the years, the cause of giving back to society has transformed me into a visionary, entrepreneur and educationist. My visits to various countries across the globe and thereafter meeting leaders around the world made me realize that education plays a very important role in transforming the society. I have been working towards dedicating my resources and expertise to educate the youth, helping them to become an active member of community development and human welfare. In my professional life, I have attracted several leaders and hardworking individuals who have relentlessly contributed their energy and time to what we have built today. We understand that the youth workforce plays a pivotal role in steering the country’s economy and educational institutions are drivers and providers of these youth workforce. 

What can an inbound student gain from studying here in your college? 

“More practical based learning approaches and clear strategies”

Sahyadri has emphasised more on knowledge gained through pragmatic learning as opposed to straightforward transfer of information. More than academic classrooms and labs, we have established interaction spaces for collaborative learning, launch pads where students can build solutions using recent technology and learn through a first principle approach. A lot of emphasis is laid on project-based learning, and related events and activities. One would find our students indulged in participating in national and international events right from commencement of their studies in the First Semester. Also, we have a clear vision and re-introspect at the path taken so far and the goals reached every year that help us put forth strategies in the areas of Teaching learning, Research and Innovation, Enrolment and Graduation.

How does the curriculum of your college ensure the best practice of industry?

“Additional innovative programs and alignment with industrial practices”

We adhere to the curriculum prescribed by the University. However, to bring in more industry relevant courses and practicality, we have introduced Industry Connect Classes successfully for the past two years where students learn concepts that are used in the industrial world, while working closely with industries that are setup within our campus. Aptitude and Programming related skills are taught and developed among students as well. Besides the regular Internship that University has prescribed, we encourage students and provide vast avenues to get into Internship as per their interests. We are working closely with the Government of Karnataka, UNDP to impart our Entrepreneurial Mindset curriculum and Social Innovation Program to more youth, helping them become entrepreneurial. We are also mentoring New Age Innovation Networks that are available across 30 colleges to build an ecosystem that nurtures innovation for the community. 

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What do you think your roles and responsibilities towards the students are? 

“Empowering youth for achieving big term goals in life”

Our role as an educational institution is to nurture competencies in students- Technical as well as Entrepreneurial- so that they are well prepared for the future workforce. In order to ensure this, our responsibilities, apart from adhering to the guidelines of AICTE, UGC, is to certify that any gaps in the competencies are bridged through programs relevant in diverse contexts. We focus on channelizing the technical knowledge of the students in building solutions for community problems. Our role to students is to make them competent and compassionate youth, and prepare them for vast opportunities that lie ahead of them in the creative gig economy.

What do you think should be the college’s top priority over the next 10 years? 

“Continuous approaches for effective education and productivity”

We are working hard to become a premier institute in research, innovation, and incubation by inculcating quality education and unique pedagogies in our system. In coming years, we aspire to ensure 100% relevance to industry specific education focussing on pragmatic learning, employing flipped classroom models, hybrid learning relevant to societal needs. We want to accomplish industry ready graduates by Involvement of Professionals from different Industrial Sectors, through lectures, address and Project Based Learning. Also, we strive to attract a diverse population of students from various districts, states and communities.

What would you like people to know about your college they may not know?

“Affirming innovation, entrepreneurial and ambitious skills in students”

Our institution focuses on nurturing leaders, visionaries and youth with entrepreneurial mindset, who are passionate to make a difference in the region and for humanity. We are ranked among top 25 most innovative private institutions in India (ARIIA ranking) which recognises our efforts to drive innovation. We are acknowledged as the innovation hub in India driving student’s novelty that positively impacts communities. We have presence of 4 Industries, 5 start-ups and 15 LLP’s with incubation facilities to nurture entrepreneurial mindset in students. Also, we possess an excellent placement team responsible for enhancing employability of the students and responsible for record placements.

What are some of the biggest challenges you see for higher education in India?

“A renovation from conventional to contemporary industrial needs”

Currently in our country only 10% of our engineers are employable. In order to make all of them employable we have to change our education System to more practical based learning. Further new jobs need to be created through promoting Start-ups, so changing the mindset of the students from being job seekers to job creators. Also, challenging their accustomed habit of focussing on marks to focussing on creative thinking and problem-solving mindset to make the best from the creative economy of students. Today’s globalisation and its opportunities expects students to have better soft skills along with technical competencies addressing these in a short span of time to make a more employable workforce is a challenge to all the higher education institutions. 

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Any suggestions you would like to give to the current youth?

“Solve societal and global challenges with your education”

One needs to look beyond just selfish needs; we today live in an interconnected world, where our lives are intertwined to our actions and its consequences. We look forward to our students to see beyond personal benefits and look for humanity and harmony in the world and work for it. Youth’s role is critical in the progress and development of the nation. We want our youth to be driven for a cause and visionaries who thrive to make a difference in society. When youth is educated, the communities are enlightened and when the communities are enlightened the nation is empowered.

How do you tend to establish a healthy environment in your college?

“Fine leadership and liability within the organisation”

We are a process and system driven institution, hence over years our leadership team have worked on building systems and processes with merit and incentivised innovations and new ideas. Every individual has their targets and is benefitted for their innovative approach they bring in achieving the mission. Challenges are accepted by teams and leadership teams help in navigating through these challenges. We see students as resources and we rely upon their knowledge too for several decisions, hence there is an atmosphere where our decisions are widely accepted in time. Through cross functional departments, we ensure effective communication and encourage ownership and accountability by giving credits to the team at several occasions and with right leadership programs.