Interview by Yash Panchal
Mr. Om Sharma is working as the Admin Director at IIAEIT Pune. He believes in taking people along, looking after their needs and create an environment that would result in unity and productivity.
A learning education sector experience
When I had joined IIAEIT, I had no experience in the education sector. I am basically a hospitality management graduate. Through observation and experience, I learned the tricks of the trade. I had developed a keen interest in the education domain to such an extent that I had registered myself to Master of Business Administration and completed the course; practicing the theory in the institute. In many other sectors the effect of the cause is evident immediately, but in the education sector, we have to wait for some time because absorption of the theory takes some time before the student can exhibit his proficiency. This is precisely the reason why the innovation is slow in education as compared to other sectors.
Having said that, it gives me immense pleasure to introduce innovation in education including course delivery, assessment, improvisations, etc. There is a constant interaction between students, staff, faculty, and management all putting in synergetic efforts towards development. That is what makes the education sector a unique proposition.
Leadership philosophy of taking people along and looking after their needs
Director of administration is responsible for smooth functioning of the institute taking care of the whole requirements of the institute, excluding delivery of the course content. However, providing facilities for conducting the examinations is my responsibility. In fact, at every moment, the administrator has to concentrate on the immediate and futuristic requirements of the institute, personnel, transportation, civil works, etc. This requires cooperation from all sectors of the institute through interaction, instructions, and responses. It is evident that the Director of Administration has to have direct interaction with all concerned and lead them towards the goals of the institute. Dictatorship, in my opinion, gives immediate results, but in the long run, it is very detrimental to the administration of the institute.
So, my type of leadership is to take people along, get their cooperation willingly, look after their needs and create such an environment that would result in unity.
I will always advocate for participative management where every person has a right to express his concerns and contribute towards development.
Together, we march ahead.
Major changes in the education industry as well as IIAEIT
The major change that has emerged in the last 7 years is that there is a consensus among the people and everybody has his role to play, play with conscientiousness, zeal, and enthusiasm. They have developed a feeling of belonging and common goals. Competitive spirit has emerged towards effective contribution and thereby satisfaction.
IIAEIT is not just an institute but it is a coherent family, everybody contributing towards its welfare, progress, and achievements.
As the time passed, we have started focussing on the main course in the field of aviation and put in exhaustive efforts to achieve excellence. We are the best aviation institute in this part of the country.
Ensuring best infrastructure, quality faculty and top class work and living environment at IIAEIT for students
As far as the infrastructure is concerned, we have the best infrastructure in respect of classrooms, faculty rooms, laboratories, library, hostel facility for both boys and girls in separate buildings, dining facilities catering for Maharashtrian food and occasionally food belonging to other states as we have students from all over India.
Our selection process of faculty is rigorous and we make sure that the person knows his subject well and is capable of interacting with the students in a conducive manner. We have a playground where games like cricket, football are played regularly. Indoor games are also very popular.
Discipline is like a religion to us and we try to maintain it at any cost.
We try to develop cognitive factors of the human being by following principles of yoga and meditation.
Placements at IIAEIT
We give a high degree of importance for placements of students. The efforts start well ahead of the examination season and strive to give training in interviews, personality development, domain-specific industry knowledge. Our placement officer is well experienced with industrial background and contacts. Unsatisfactory placements will discourage the students and diminish their hopes for a lucrative job. Good placements are one of the most sought-after characteristics of any education institute and we are well aware of this fact. We endeavor to have a good liaison with industries and prepare the students for the interviews in order to maximize the placements.
Creating awareness about Aeronautical engineering
Generally speaking, the awareness is quite strong among people from various parts of the country. We have our agents all over the country and in Bangladesh who take seminars and spread the awareness. In fact, our own students who are well placed are our brand ambassadors. We don’t have to make numerous paper advertisements for attracting the students; not having a competition in the aviation field is to our advantage. Our placements speak for themselves.
Top qualities that an aspiring engineer must possess
The methodology of teaching is changing towards student-centric. The good old method of doling out curriculum routinely and student appearing for the examination after studying the course content to the extent of teaching in the class has become obsolete. Presently, the cognitive capacities are addressed in the form of critical thinking, communication skills, motivation, self-realization, mathematical abilities, active reasoning, and logical deductions. Exploring the subject beyond the syllabus is encouraged. Why and How are becoming more important than what!
Goals to globalize educational assets
Shastri Group of Institutes, of which IIAEIT is a constituent institute, is concentrating on education as a whole, which means right from school to junior college, computer applications to business management, aviation hospitality to airport management to aircraft maintenance and aeronautical engineering. It is not easy to excel in all the above fields simultaneously. Yet, we will do our best in not only to excel in all the above domains but also globalize our educational assets.
Suggestions for the current youth and the aspiring students
Aspiring students should set the goal and strive to achieve the same in an exemplary manner. They should focus on their goals and every step they take should take them closer to their goals. Setbacks do appear on the way and one should not lose his aim and get into the wilderness. Perseverance is the key to success. I wish them all the success.