NATA 2023 Syllabus consists of diverse topics from Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry of the 10+2 curriculum, in addition to Drawing and General Aptitude. Similar to last year, Part A Drawing Test and Part B General Aptitude and PCM both will be conducted in Online mode. It is imperative for aspirants to go through the entire syllabus, which will help them create a preparation schedule in a precise manner.
NATA 2023 will be conducted tentatively on 2nd week of April 2023. Abilities of candidates that will be tested in the examination include- Diagramatic, Numerical, Verbal, Inductive, Situational, Logical and Abstract Reasoning. As per the official notification released by NATA, questions may be asked to assess the basic concepts of Physics, Mathematics, Geometry, Language and interpretation, elements and principles of design, etc.
As per NATA 2023 Exam Pattern, the examination will be conducted for a duration of 180 minutes. A total of 125 questions will be asked in NATA Question Paper for a total mark of 200. Candidates can download NATA Previous Year Papers for a thorough understanding of the syllabus and ex[pected questions.
NATA 2023 Syllabus Highlights
Some or all of the following techniques will be used to assess the aptitude of the candidate in NATA 2023:
Techniques | Details |
Diagramatic Reasoning | Diagrams and Scenarios will be used to test logical reasoning ability |
Numerical Reasoning | Simple Problems based on fundamental concepts will be asked to test the mathematical ability |
Verbal Reasoning | Verbal Logic ability will be tested |
Inductive Reasoning | Candidates will be required to see patterns and analyze the data provided |
Situational Judgment | Problem Solving abilities of candidates will be tested |
Logical Reasoning | Ability to recognize patterns, sequences or relationships between shapes and imagery will be tested |
Abstract Reasoning | General Knowledge and ability to utilise knowledge in new situations will be tested through Abstract Reasoning |
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NATA 2023 Detailed Section Wise Syllabus
Part A is a drawing test of 2 hours 15 minutes. It will test the sketching and visualization ability of a candidate. As it is a drawing exam, hence there is no well-defined syllabus for it. Candidates can practice for the test from NATA Practice Papers to improve their skills and score well in the test.
Part B of NATA is General Aptitude and PCM Test. Through this section candidate’s aptitude and mental ability is tested. PCM section questions will be asked from class 10 and 12. One must make sure to brush up all the basic formulas and concepts of Mathematics.
NATA Syllabus 2023 for Drawing Test
NATA syllabus consists of various topics from Drawing, General Aptitude, Physics, Mathematics, and Chemistry. The drawing test aims at judging the sketching, creativity and innovation of the candidate. Candidates are advised to practice questions keeping in mind the following criteria:
- Understanding the important visual principles in a composition (2D & 3D) such as rhythm, balance, directions, hierarchy, etc.
- Understanding Geometry and the ability to visualize the shape and solve geometrical puzzles to test special intelligence.
- Understanding the color theory and the various terminologies to test color scheme awareness and knowledge.
- Visual system interpretation, and perception to test graphical similarities and other properties; Ability to understand the spatial relationship between objects and to visualize images and scenarios; Tests for cognitive ability perception, attention, recognition, memory, etc.
Know More About NATA Drawing Test
NATA Preparation Books for Drawing

Books | Author/ Publisher |
Engineering Drawing | N.D.Bhatt |
A Complete Self Study Guide for B. Arch Entrance Examinations | Arihant Publications |
NATA 2023 Syllabus for General Aptitude
General Aptitude test measures perception, imagination and observation, creativity and communication along with architectural awareness. Given below is the criteria on which the candidates will be tested:
Objects, texture related to architecture and built environment. Interpretation of pictorial compositions, Visualizing three-dimensional objects from two-dimensional drawing. Visualizing different sides of 3D objects. Analytical reasoning, mental ability (visual, numerical and verbal), General awareness of national/ international architects and famous architectural creations.
Mathematical Reasoning
Statements, logical operations like and, or, if and only if, implies, implied by. Understanding of tautology, converse, contradiction and contrapositive.
Sets and Relations
Idea of sets, subsets, power set, complement, union, intersection and difference of sets, Venn diagram, De Morgan's Laws, Relation and its properties. Equivalence relation — definition and elementary examples.
NATA Preparation Books for General Aptitude

Books | Author/ Publication |
Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning Book | R.S. Agarwal |
Quantitative Aptitude | R.S. Agarwal |
NATA 2023 Syllabus for Mathematics
It will test a candidate’s level of understanding in Mathematics Subject. Given below is a detailed information of NATA Mathematics Syllabus:
Definitions of A. P. and G.P.; General term; Summation of first n-terms of series ∑n, ∑n²,∑n3 ; Arithmetic/Geometric series, A.M., G.M. and their relation; Infinite G.P. series and its sum.
Definition; General properties; Change of base.
Concepts of m x n (m ≤ 3, n ≤ 3) real matrices, operations of addition, scalar multiplication and multiplication of matrices. Transpose of a matrix. Determinant of a square matrix. Properties of determinants (statement only). Minor, cofactor and adjoint of a matrix. Nonsingular matrix. Inverse of a matrix. Finding area of a triangle. Solutions of system of linear equations. (Not more than 3 variables).
Trigonometric functions, addition and subtraction formulae, formulae involving multiple and submultiple angles, general solution of trigonometric equations. Properties of triangles, inverse trigonometric functions and their properties.
Coordinate geometry
Distance formula, section formula, area of a triangle, condition of collinearity of three points in a plane. Polar coordinates, transformation from Cartesian to polar coordinates and vice versa. Parallel transformation of axes, concept of locus, elementary locus problems. Slope of a line. Equation of lines in different forms, angle between two lines. Condition of perpendicularity and parallelism of two lines. Distance of a point from a line. Distance between two parallel lines.
Lines through the point of intersection of two lines. Equation of a circle with a given center and radius. Condition that a general equation of second degree in x, y may represent a circle. Equation of a circle in terms of endpoints of a diameter. Equation of tangent, normal and chord. Parametric equation of a circle. Intersection of a line with a circle. Equation of common chord of two intersecting circles.
3-Dimensional Co-ordinate geometry
Direction cosines and direction ratios, distance between two points and section formula, equation of a straight line, equation of a plane, distance of a point from a plane.
Theory of Calculus
Functions, composition of two functions and inverse of a function, limit, continuity, derivative, chain rule, derivative of implicit functions and functions defined parametrically. Integration as a reverse process of differentiation, indefinite integral of standard functions. Integration by parts. Integration by substitution and partial fraction. Definite integral as a limit of a sum with equal subdivisions. Fundamental theorem of integral calculus and its applications. Properties of definite integrals. Formation of ordinary differential equations, solution of homogeneous differential equations, separation of variables method, linear first order differential equations.
Application of Calculus
Tangents and normals, conditions of tangency. Determination of monotonicity, maxima and minima. Differential coefficient as a measure of rate. Motion in a straight line with constant acceleration. Geometric interpretation of definite integral as area, calculation of area bounded by elementary curves and Straight lines. Area of the region included between two elementary curves.
Permutation and combination
Permutation of n different things taken r at a time (r ≤ n). Permutation of n things not all different. Permutation with repetitions (circular permutation excluded). Combinations of n different things taken r at a time (r ≤ n). Combination of n things not all different. Basic properties. Problems involving both permutations and combinations.
Statistics and Probability
Measure of dispersion, mean, variance and standard deviation, frequency distribution. Addition and multiplication rules of probability, conditional probability and Bayes’ Theorem, independence of events, repeated independent trails and Binomial distribution.
NATA Preparation Books for Mathematics

Book | Author/ Publisher |
Elementary Mathematics | DoroFeev, Potapov |
Higher Algebra | Hall & Knight |
Mathematics XI & XII | R. S. Agarwal |
NATA 2023 Syllabus for Physics
- Questions on Electrostatics: Electric Charges and Fields, electrostatic potential and clearance.
- Current electricity, magnetic effects of current and magnetism, moving charges and magnetism, magnetism and matter.
- Electromagnetic induction and alternmating currents, electromagnetic induction and alternating current
- Optics, ray optics and optical instruments and wave optics
- dual nature of radiation and matter
- atoms and nuclie-atoms and nuclie
- Electronic devises-semiconductor electronics, materials, devises and simple circuits
NATA 2023 Syllabus for Chemistry
Questions will be mostly asked from basic concepts of Chemistry, structure of atoms, classification of elements and periodicity in properties. Another important chapter that is covered is chemical bonding and molecular, states of matter: gases and liquids.
Chemical thermodynamics, equilibrium, redox reaction, hydrogen, s-block elements, p block elements too are covered. Importantly organic chemistry questions will be asked comsisting of basic principles and techniques, hydrocarbons, enviromental chemistry.)
NATA 2023 Exam Pattern
NATA 2023 Exam Pattern consists various details like Mode of the exam, Duration, Marking scheme, number of questions, etc. NATA Aspirants are advised to check NATA Exam Pattern along with the syllabus.
- NATA 2023 comprises two papers- Paper 1 and Paper 2
- Questions for Paper 1 are set from- General Aptitude, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry whereas, Paper 2 includes questions from drawing only.
- As per the marking scheme, 1.5 marks will be allotted for each correct answer. There is no negative marking for unattempted/incorrect answers.
- Candidates need to attempt all the questions of Part 1 and Part 2 in a duration of 3 hours 15 minutes.

NATA 2023 Schedule of Examination
Exam Timing | Exam Duration | Section/Part | Number of Questions & Marks | Total |
10 am to 12:15 pm | 135 Minutes | Part A (Online) Drawing Test | 3 Questions of 35 marks, 35 marks and 55 marks | 125 Marks |
Intermission Period of 15 Minutes (12:15 pm to 12:30 pm) | ||||
12:30 pm to 1:15 pm | 45 Minutes | Part B (Online): PCM | 15 Questions x 1.5 marks | 75 marks |
Part B: General Aptitude-Logical Reasoning | 35 Questions x 1.5 marks |
NATA Preparation Tips 2023
- Read the instructions given carefully. There might be some changes in the pattern.
- Never stick on one question. It may lessen your time for the next question. Jump quickly to next questions.
- Attempt the questions which you find easy to crack initially.
- Answer all the questions because there is no negative marking.
- Understand the NATA Exam pattern properly. It saves you from panic when you see your question paper.
- Do take mock tests twice in a week to check how much have you improved.
- Know your strengths and weaknesses.
- After going through your syllabus once, increase the number of mock tests you take.
- Also, nowadays there are test series available online too. Join and strengthen your NATA preparation to crack the exam.
NATA 2023 Syllabus FAQs
Ques. Is there any fixed syllabus for NATA 2023?
Ans. No, there is no official syllabus released by CoA. However, candidates are advised to take help of previous year question paper to get an idea about the type of questions asked in the entrance exam.
Ques. Can you suggest me some reference books for preparation of NATA 2023 exam?
Ans. In order to prepare for NATA, Candidates can refer to the following books given below:
- NATA & B.Arch Complete Self Study Material: Entrance Examination by Ar. Shadan Usmani
- A complete Self Study for B.Arch Entrance Examination 2017 by PK Mishra.
- A Modern Approach to Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning by S.Chand
- NATA (B.Arch) Guide Bachelor of Architecture Ent. Exams by GKP
Ques. What is the marking scheme of NATA 2023?
Ans. The question paper consists of 200 marks against 53 questions. Candidates will be awarded 1.5 marks for each correct answer in PCM and General Aptitude test. The drawing paper will be rectified by the panel of more than one examiners independently and an average of marks is taken. 2 drawing questions carries 35 marks and 1 drawing question carries 55 marks. There is No negative marking for incorrect answer . However. incase of tie-breaking, wrong answer will be penalized.
Ques. Is NATA necessary for Architecture?
Ans. NATA is a compulsory exam for the candidates seeking admission into any Architecture college in India (except NITs and IITs).
*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.