Candidates who successfully register for NATA 2023 will be able to download NATA 2023 Admit Card. After downloading the Admit Card, applicants must make sure that the photograph and signature printed on the admit card are not distorted or soiled in any way.
- NATA 2023 Admit Card will contain important details like NATA 2023 Exam Center, date, timing, and examination guidelines.
- Candidates appearing in NATA 2023 should ensure that they carry either one of ID Proof- Aadhar/ Passport/ Driving License/ Voter Id/Valid Photo Id document along with NATA 2023 Admit Card.
- In case of any discrepancy in NATA 2023 Admit Car, Candidates can contact the helpdesk of NATA 2023.
NATA 2023 Admit Card Dates (Test 1)
NATA 2023 Dates as per the official schedule is tabulated below:
Events | Dates |
Start of NATA 2023 Application Process | March 20, 2023 |
Registration Ends | April 13, 2023 |
Release of NATA 2023 Admit Card | April 18, 2023 (Out) |
NATA 2023 Exam Date | April 21, 2023 |
NATA 2023 Admit Card Highlights
Features | Highlights |
Issuing body | Council of Architecture |
Mode of availability | Online |
Admit Card can be downloaded from | |
NATA Admit Card can be accessed using | Application Number and Password |
Details on NATA Admit Card | Candidate’s name, application number, test center, test date & time, course, category |
Documents to carry on exam day | NATA Hall Ticket and one Photo ID |
How to Download NATA Admit Card 2023?
The process to download NATA Hall Ticket is completely online. It should be noted that the document will not be mailed or sent to candidates. The facility of downloading the hall ticket will be available until the day of the exam.
Steps to download the NATA Card are listed below:
Step 1: Visit the official website of NATA i.e.
Step 2: Click on the “Download Admit Card for NATA 2023” link.
Step 3: Login by using NATA Application No. and Password.
Step 4: The admit card will be displayed on the screen.
Step 5: Download and take printouts for future reference.
NATA Admit Card 2023 Sample

Details in NATA Admit Card 2023
Admit Card for the architecture examination will contain the following information with regard to candidates taking up NATA 2023.
Candidate’s Name | Father’s Name |
Mother’s Name | Admit Card Number |
NATA Application Number | Date of Birth |
Examination venue with proper address | Centre code |
Gender | Candidate’s Photograph with his digital signature |
PwD status | Exam day Instructions |
Forgot your NATA 2023 Application Number and Password?
In case candidates who register for NATA 2023 forget their Application Number and Password which are required to download Admit Card can recover their credentials by following steps:
- Click on ‘Forgot application number and password’ tab given on the login page of NATA Admit Card.
- Enter some basic details like Name, DoB, Contact Number, and Email id (mentioned at the time of filling application form).
- Security question selected at the time of form filling has to be entered again with the right answer.
- Passoword will be send to registered mobile number and email id of the candidate.
Corrections in NATA 2023 Admit Card
In case of any error in your NATA admit card 2023, immediately contact the helpdesk of NATA 2023. If the concerned issues are not resolved, you will face problems on the day of examination.
You can contact the involved authorities in the following conditions:
- If your name is wrongly spelled in the admit card
- If your PwD/DA rating is inaccurate on the admit card
- If your photograph is invisible on the admit card
Retrieve NATA Admit Card 2023
There are two ways to retrieve the document. They are as follows:
- Visit the official website and re-print the admit card.
- Contact or Report the issue to the concerned authority. The contact information is as follows:
India Habitat Centre, Core 6A, 1st Floor,
Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003 India
Tel: 01179412100, +91 9560707764, +91 9319275557
Email ID:
Read How to Download NATA Result?
Documents Required on Exam Day
Candidates have to bring any one of the below valid photo identity in original for examination along with their NATA 2023 Hall Ticket. Candidates will not be allowed to enter the examination hall without bringing a valid photo identity:
PAN Card | Aadhaar Card |
Voter Identity Card | Passport |
Driving License | College Instructions |
Read NATA Syllabus 2023
NATA 2023 Exam Day Instructions
Candidate’s are advised to carry Admit Card of NATA 2023 along with proof of Identity- Aadhar/ Passport/ Driving License/ Voter ID/ e- Aadhar.
Pen, pencils, eraser, color pencils (Not water/oil color or crayon). Instruments of any kind including scale are not permitted.
- Candidates may bring with them a cardboard or a clipboard on which nothing should be written so that they have no difficulty in taking the drawing test even if the tables provided in the examination room/hall do have a smooth surface.
- Candidates must show on demand the Admit Card (NATA-2023) for admission to the Examination Hall. A candidate not possessing a printout of the downloaded admit card and valid photo identity shall not be allowed to enter in the Examination Hall by the Center-in-Charge.
- A photograph of the candidate and the biometric will be taken at the Centre before the candidate is indicated his seat for taking the examination. The seat will be allotted to the candidate only on completing this procedure.
- Candidates found carrying any textual material, printed or written, bits of papers or any other material except those listed will be debarred from the examination.
- Mobile Phones, Bluetooth devices, Calculators, Slide Rules, Log Tables, Electronic Watches with facilities of Calculator are not allowed in the Examination Hall. Possession of such items during the Examinations may lead to cancellation of candidature.
- No candidate, without the special permission of the Centre-in-Charge, will leave his/her seat or Examination Hall until the duration of examination is over.
- Candidates shall maintain silence during the examination. Any conversation or gesticulation or disturbance in the examination hall shall be deemed a misdemeanor. If a candidate is found adopting unfair means, his/her candidature shall be cancelled and he/she will be liable to be debarred from taking examination either permanently or for a period according to the nature of the offense.
Note: If a candidate is found impersonating, his/her candidature will be canceled outright and the concerned examinee will be handed over to the Police.
Prohibited Things in Exam Centre: NATA 2023
Things which are not allowed in examination centre are mentioned below:
Calculators | Log Tables |
Any Text material that is printed or written | Mobile Phones |
Slide Rulers | Bluetooth Devices |
Electronic Watches | Water/Oil Colours and Crayons |
NATA Admit Card FAQs
Ques. Who will release NATA 2023 Admit Card to the candidates?
Ans. Council of Architecture in India releases the admit card on behalf of to all the eligible and registered candidates.
Ques. What is NATA Appointment Voucher?
Ans. NATA Admit card is called Appointment Voucher. It is an essential document that aspirants must carry in order to appear for NATA examination.
Ques. When will NATA 2023 be held?
Ans. COA will conduct NATA 2023 on April 21, 2023 for test 1. All candidates must carry his/her admit card to the examination center if they want to appear for the examination
Ques. What is the last date to download the Admit card?
Ans. NATA Admit card can be downloaded until the exam date, however, you are advised to download the admit card as soon as possible to avoid a last-minute rush and complications.
Ques. What are the other documents I must carry to the examination center along with the admit card?
Ans. Candidates must carry an original passport size photograph, a valid Photo ID Proof along with admit card to NATA 2023 exam center.
Ques. What are the valid Photo ID that can serve as Identity Proof?
Ans. Any of the following below mentioned documents will serve as Identity proof to appear for NATA 2023:
- Aadhaar Card
- Driving License
- PAN Card
- Passport
- Voter ID
Ques. Do I need to bring the hard copy of the admit card to the examination center?
Ans. Yes, you will need to carry the hard copy of NATA 2023 admit card to the examination center to avoid any complications at the examination center.
Ques. Can I bring a photocopy of a valid Photo ID to the examination center?
Ans. No, Photocopy of any Photo ID is not a valid identity proof. The following documents will not be accepted as valid photo IDs. You are advised not to carry them instead of valid IDs:
- Temporary ID proof or learner’s driving license
- ID proof that has expired
- ID proof issued by an employer
- Documents issued by a notary officer
- Credit or debit cards
- The candidate mustn’t along bring along photocopies of valid photo ID proof, as they will not be accepted.
Ques. My admit card download page is taking too much time to load, what to do?
Ans. The page takes time to load due to slow internet speed, huge web traffic, and slow server speed. If such a case occurs, you are advised to refresh the page and try after some time during lighter hours of the day (such as after midnight).
Ques. What to do if there is some discrepancy in my NATA Admit card, How can I make the correction?
Ans: If you have any discrepancies in NATA Admit Card, you should report it to the conducting body immediately and get it corrected.
Ques What are the details mentioned in the NATA Admit Card?
Ans. NATA Admit Card contains examination related information such as Candidate’s Name, Roll Number, Test Date & Timing, Exam Centre, etc. It is mandatory for all candidates to bring his/her appointment voucher along with the official identification document & photograph to the examination centre.
*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.