MH CET Law 5 Year LLB 2023 Admit Card (Out), Exam Date, Pattern, Syllabus, Preparation

MH CET LAW Latest Updates

10 Mar, 2025

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MH CET Law 5 Year LLB 2023: Only the registered candidates who have completed fee payment can download the admit card from the official website- Check MH CET Law 2023 Admit Card

  • MH CET Law 5-year LLB Exam pattern will include Legal Aptitude and Legal Reasoning, General Knowledge with Current Affairs, Logical and Analytical Reasoning, English, and Mathematical Aptitude. Check MH CET Law 2023 Syllabus
  • Candidates are awarded 1 mark for each correct answer. There will no negative marking for the exam. Check MH CET Law 2023 Exam Pattern
  • Candidates attempting MH CET Law 2023 can practice using MH CET Law 5-Year LLB Practice Papers. The conducting body will release mock tests on the official website, the candidates can access after registering for the exam.

What is MH CET Law 5-year LLB? MH CET Law or Maharashtra Law CET 5-year LLB is a state-level entrance exam conducted for 5-year Integrated LLB courses in various law colleges across Maharastra. MH CET Law is a computer-based entrance exam that will have a total of 150 questions, which will carry a total of 150 marks. The paper will be conducted in 18 exam centers of Maharashtra. More than 11 major law colleges that offer 5 year LLB courses accept MH CET Law Score.

MH CET Law Highlights

MH CET Law 2023 5-Year LLB Highlights

Exam Name MH CET Law or Maharashtra Law CET
Conducting Body State Common Entrance Test Cell
Official Website
Exam Level State Level
Eligibility Criteria 5-year Program: Class 12 with 45% marks
Mode of Application Online
Exam Mode Computer Based Test
MH CET Law Helpline | 022-26473719 (between 10 am to 6 pm)
MH CET Law Dates

MH CET Law 2023 5-Year LLB Dates

Events Dates 
MH CET Law 2023 Application Form Released March 1, 2023
MH CET Law 2023 Last Date to Apply March 23, 2023
MH CET Law 2023 Admit Card (Out) April 15, 2023
MH CET Law 2023 Exam Date (Revised) April 20, 2023
MH CET Law 2023 Result 2nd week of May 2023
MH CET Law 2023 Counselling Last week of July 2023

Check MH CET Law Important dates

Why Attempt MH CET Law

Why take MH CET Law 2023 5-Year LLB Exam?

There are several reasons for law aspirants to choose MH CET Law Exam for the 5-year LLB course: 

  • Candidates can apply right after the 12th standard instead of completing graduation. 
  • Candidates will receive an integrated BA LLB Degree. 
  • Candidates will not have to go through 6 years of education.
  • There are a wide range of 5 year LLB courses to choose from, such as BA LLB, BBA LLB, BCom LLB, BSc LLB, BA LLB (Hons), BBA LLB (Hons), BCom LLB (Hons), BSc LLB (Hons) and so on. 
  • It offers a mixture of various subjects based on the candidate's choice along with ample exposure to law. 
  • Candidates can choose subjects such as economics, Politics, Psychology, etc. depending upon their specialties. 
  • There are several great colleges that have 5 year LLB courses such as Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Government Law College, Mumbai, and so on. Check MH CET Law Participating Colleges
MHCET 5 Yr LLB Registration

MH CET Law 2023 5-Year LLB Eligibility

Particulars  Details
  • A candidate should be an Indian national.
  • Candidates with Maharashtra domicile will be eligible for 85% of seats in the law colleges
  • Only 15% of seats will be reserved for Outside Maharashtra candidates. 
Age Limit There is no age limit
Academic Qualification Candidates must have passed the 10+2 or equivalent exam from any recognized board.
Minimum Marks Applicants must have 45% marks in the qualifying exam, however, reserved category candidates should have 40% marks.

Check MH CET Law 2023 Eligibility

MH CET Law 2023 5-Year LLB Registration

Given below are the basic steps for MH CET Registration: 

  • Visit the official website of State Common Entrance Test Cell i.e.
  • Click ‘Apply Online’ and choose ‘Click here for New Registration’
  • Enter your Name, Contact details, and Email-id, to get a Provisional Registration No. and Password.
  • Save application by clicking the 'Validate your Details' and 'Save & Next’ buttons.
  • Upload the Photograph and Signature. Check Detailed Guidelines to Upload Documents for MH CET Law 2023
  • Pay the Application Fee

For more details, check MH CET Law 2023 Application form

MH CET Law 2023 5-Year LLB Application Fee

Category Application Fee
General Category from Maharashtra State, All Candidates belonging to Outside Maharashtra State (OMS/All India Candidature), J & K Migrant INR 800
Reserved Category of Backward Class Categories [SC, ST, VJ/DT- NT(A), NT(B), NT(C), NT(D), OBC, SBC] Candidates belonging to Maharashtra State only Reserved category INR 400

MH CET Law 2023 5-Year LLB Admit Card

  • MH CET Law 2023 Admit Card has been released on April 15, 2023 by State CET Cell on their official website.
  • Candidates can download MH CET Law 2023 Admit Card by logging into the candidates’ portal with their roll number/ registration number and password/ date of birth.
  • It is mandatory for candidates to carry admit cards to the exam center on the day of the examination.
MH CET Law Exam Centers

MH CET Law 2023 Exam Centers

  • Candidates have to select any three exam cities of their choice at the time of MH CET Law 2023 Registration.
  • Complete details of the exam venue will be mentioned on the admit card. 
  • Candidates must reach their exam centers according the schedule mentioned on MH CET Law 2023 Admit Card.

Check MH CET Law Exam Centers

MH CET Law Exam Pattern

MH CET Law 2023 5-Year LLB Exam Pattern and Syllabus

  • Unlike MH CET Law Exam for 3-year LLB courses, the 5-year MH CET Law will contain one extra section.
  • MH CET Law 5-Year LLB will have a Mathematics section syllabus, will have questions set by 10th standard. 
  • MH CET Law 2023 5-Year LLB course has a duration of 2 hours.

Given below are the important topics and mark distribution for MH CET Law 2023 for the 5-year LLB course

MH CET Law 2023 5-Year LLB Section-wise Mark Distribution

The section-wise distribution of marks and questions for the 5 year LLB program of MH CET is tabulated below:

Section Name Number of Questions Mark Distribution
Legal Aptitude and Legal Reasoning 40 40
General Knowledge of Current Affairs 30 30
Logical and Analytical Reasoning 40 40
English 30 30
Mathematical Aptitude 10 10
Total 150 150

MH CET Law 2023 5-Year LLB Syllabus

Given below is the syllabus for MH CET Law 5-Year LLB Exam.

Section Name Syllabus
Legal Aptitude and Legal Reasoning This section will test the candidate's interest in the study of Law, Legal aptitude, and problem-solving ability. 
General Knowledge of current affairs History (Ancient, Medieval and Modern), Geography, General Science, Economics, Civics, and the Current Affairs of the past One Year
Logical and Analytical Reasoning Analogies, Completing Arguments, Drawing Well-supported Conclusions, Reasoning by Analogy, Applying Principles or Rules
  • Vocabulary (Synonyms, Antonyms, Analogies, etc.)
  • Proficiency (Idioms and Phrases, One-word Substitution, Sentence Improvement, and Rearrangement, Fill in the Blanks, etc)
  • English Usage Errors (Common Errors, Spotting Errors, Inappropriate Usage of Words, Spelling Mistakes, etc.)
  • English Comprehension
Mathematical Aptitude Profit and Loss, Speed and Distance, Time and Work, Algebra, Average, Venn Diagram

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MH CET Law LLB Preparation

MH CET Law 2023 5-Year LLB Preparation and Books

While attempting MH CET Law 2023  for the 5-Year LLB courses, candidates must make sure that prepare well and understand the exam pattern & syllabus before the exam

MH CET Law 2023 Preparations

Here are some points candidates need to be mindful of while preparing for MH CET Law 2023:

  • Make sure to read newspapers such as The Hindu, Business Standard, etc. of the past 1 year as it will help in preparing for Legal Aptitude, English as well as General Knowledge sections of the paper. 
  • Keep yourself updated with the landmark case judgments in India, especially of the past 1 year. 
  • Revise Mathematics of 10th standard level and make sure all your basics are cleared. 
  • Prioritize the Legal Aptitude and Legal Reasoning section as it carries the highest weightage. 
  • Candidates can also practice for MH CET by using Collegedunia’s MH CET Law Practise Papers

MH CET Law 2023 Preparation Books

Section Name Preparation Books Author/Publisher
Legal Aptitude and Legal Reasoning Universal’s LLB Entrance Guide Universal
Legal Aptitude R.K. Gupta, Samiksha Gupta
General Knowledge of Current Affairs Manorama Yearbook  Mammen Mathew
General Knowledge Lucent
Logical and Analytical Reasoning Universal's Logical Reasoning for CLAT, LSAT, and other Law Entrance Exams Jain Prateek
Analytical Reasoning MK Pandey
English Word Power Made Easy Norman Lewis
High School English Grammar and Composition Wren and Martin
Mathematical Aptitude Quantitative Aptitude RS Agarwal
10th Standard Mathematics Book NCERT
MHCET 5 Yr LLB Result

MH CET Law 2023 5-Year LLB Result & Selection Process

  • MH CET Law 2023 5-Year LLB Result is initially released in the form of a consolidated list online.
  • Candidates can check the results on the official website i.e
  • On the website, click on MH CET Law 2023 5-Year LLB Results link provided on the website.
  • The list of qualified candidates will open up and you can check if your name is within the list of qualified candidates. 
  • After MH CET Law 2023 Result is published, candidates will be able to download their scorecard by logging into the candidates’ portal.
  • MH CET Law 2023 Scorecards are available in PDF format, which can be downloaded and printed for future reference.

MH CET Law 2023 5-Year LLB Counselling

  • State CET Cell Maharashtra holds the counseling for MH CET Law 2023 through a Centralised Admission Process (CAP).
  • Through this procedure, candidates are granted admissions to various law programs offered in the state of Maharashtra.
  • Candidates can register online by entering their CET 2023 Roll Number on the official website.
  • After successfully registering for MH CET Law 2023 Online Counselling, candidates must select their preferred college and upload the required documents.
  • MH CET Law Counselling will approximately have four rounds of seat allotment, i.e. 3 rounds of seat allotment and 1 mop-up round.
  • Candidates will be able to find their seat allocation online at the official website of State CET Cell CAP website.
MHCET 5 Yr LLB Cut off

MH CET Law 2023 5-Year LLB Cut Off

The participating colleges release category-wise cutoffs to grant admission to CET-qualified candidates. The cutoff is in the form of opening and closing ranks. Candidates who fall in that rank range will get admission in the college. 

Check MH CET Law Cut Off

Rank based on MH CET Law Score: 

Marks Obtained Expected Rank Range
Less than 30 45,000
30 – 40 45000 – 30000
41 – 61 30000 – 16000
61 – 70 16000 – 8000
70 – 80 8000 – 6000
80 – 91 6000 – 4000
91 – 113 4000 – 1000
112 – 120 1000 – 250
120 + 250 – 1

MHCET 5 Yr LLB Colleges
MH CET 5 Yr LLB Reservation

MH CET Law 2023 5-Year LLB Seat Reservation

Given below are the seat reservations for MH CET Law 2023 5-Year LLB

Institute Type Percentage of Sanctioned CAP Seats
Maharashtra Domiciled All India Seats NRI, OCI, PIO, Foreign Quota Minority Quota
Govt. Institutes 85% 10% 5% NA
Govt. Aided Institutes 85% 10% 5% NA
Govt. Aided Minority Institutes 35% 10% 5% 50%
University Dept/ Courses (Govt. Aided) 85% 10% 5% NA
MH CET Law Accepting Colleges

MH CET Law 2023 5-Year LLB Participating Colleges

This is a list of the colleges that accept MH CET Law 2023 scores for 5 year LLB course: 

College Location
Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University Nanded
Government Law College, Mumbai Mumbai
Savitribai Phule Pune University Pune
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University Aurangabad
Solapur University Solapur
University of Mumbai Mumbai
Gondwana University Gadchiroli
North Maharashtra University Jalgaon
Rastrasant Tukdoji Maharaj Nagpur University Nagpur
Shivaji University Kolhapur
Smt Nathibai Damodar Thackersey Women’s University Mumbai

Check MH CET Law 2023 Participating Colleges

MH CET Law 5-Year FAQs

MH CET Law 2023 5 Year LLB FAQs

Ques. What are the factors that affect MH CET Law 2023 5 yr LLB Cut Off?

Ans. The cutoff rank is based on various factors such as:

  • No. of candidates qualified for the exam
  • The difficulty level of question paper
  • Number of seats available in participating colleges

Ques. What is the reservation criteria for MH CET Law 2023

Ans. MH CET Law 2023 reservation criteria is as follows: 

Institute Type Percentage of Sanctioned CAP Seats
Maharashtra Domiciled All India Seats NRI, OCI, PIO, Foreign Quota Minority Quota
Govt. Institutes 85% 10% 5% NA
Govt. Aided Institutes 85% 10% 5% NA
Govt. Aided Minority Institutes 35% 10% 5% 50%
University Dept/ Courses (Govt. Aided) 85% 10% 5% NA

Ques. How is the seat allotment process for MH CET Law 2023 5 year LLB program? 

Ans. The seat allotment process is the last and final step of the admission process. If a candidate has been allotted a seat then he/she has to download the ‘Provisional Seat Allotment Letter’.Candidates then have to pay the fee for the respective program. 

Ques. What is the basic eligibility for MH CET Law 2023 5 year LLB?

Ans. Students writing the exam for a 5-year LLB program must have passed 10+2 or equivalent from any recognized Board with a minimum of 45% (40% for reserved categories). 

Ques. There is a mistake in MH CET Law 2023 Admit Card. How do I get it changed?

Ans. Any sort of discrepancy in your MH CET Law 2023 Admit Card can affect your candidature in the exam and admission process thereafter. MAHACET encourages students to report at the following address in case of any discrepancy in students’ Admit Cards.

305, Government Polytechnic Building,

49, Kherwadi, Ali Yavar Jung Marg, Bandra East

Mumbai – 400051

Phone Number: +91-22-26476034



Ques. What is the language in which MH CET Law 2023 is conducted?

Ans. MH CET Law 2023 is taken state-wide bilingually. You can write MH CET LAW in any of the following languages.

  • English
  • Marathi

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.

Previous Year MH CET LAW Questions

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Fees Structure

Structure based on different categories


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