MH CET Law 2023 Exam Pattern: Section Wise Weightage, Marking Scheme, Syllabus

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10 Mar, 2025

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MH CET Law 2023 Exam Pattern is set and released by the conducting body, i.e. MAH State CET Cell. MH CET Law is conducted annually by the Directorate of Higher Education, Maharashtra as a state-level entrance examination to seek admission to candidates into 3-years and 5-years LLB programs to its affiliated law universities in Maharashtra. MH CET Law Exam is a computer-based exam that is conducted for a duration of 120 minutes.

MH CET Law 2023 Exam will have 5 sections, i.e. General Knowledge, English, Mathematical Aptitude (only for MH CET Law 5-year LLB), Logical Reasoning, Legal Aptitude.For every correct answer, one mark is awarded and there is no negative marking for MH CET Law Exam.A total of 150 questions multiple-choice objective-type questions will be asked in MH CET Law 2023

MH CET LAW Highlights

MH CET Law 2023 Exam Pattern Highlights

Exam Mode Online or computer-based examination
Type of Questions Objective type questions or MCQ
Total Number of Questions 150 questions will be asked 
Language English
Time Duration 120 minutes
Marking Scheme +1 will be awarded for every correct answer
Negative Marking No negative marking will be given 

MH CET Law 2023 3-year LLB Exam Pattern

Aspirants will be encountered with the following MH CET LAW 2023 exam Pattern as given below:

  1. The exam will have one paper with four sections viz.
    • Legal Aptitude and Legal Reasoning
    • General Knowledge with Current Affairs
    • Logical and Analytical Reasoning
    • English
  2. Mode of Examination – Online mode
  3. Nature of Questions – Objective type i.e. Multiple-Choice Questions
  4. Duration of Exam – 120 minutes for general/ reserved category and 30 minutes extra for PwD category candidates.
  5. Medium of Exam – Bilingual (English and Marathi)
  6. Marking Scheme – One mark will be awarded for each correct answer; No negative marking

Check MH CET Law 2023 Syllabus

MH CET Law 2023 Exam 3-year LLB: Section-wise Question Distribution

Section No. of Questions
Legal Aptitude and Legal Reasoning 30
General Knowledge with Current Affairs 40
Logical and Analytical Reasoning 30
English 50
Total 150

MH CET Law 2023 Exam 3-year LLB: Section-wise Marking Scheme

Section Name No. of Questions Total Marks
Legal Aptitude and Legal Reasoning 30 30
General Knowledge with Current Affairs 40 40
Logical and Analytical Reasoning 30 30
English 50 50
Total 150 150
MH CET LAW 5 years LLB

MH CET Law 2023 5-year LLB Exam Pattern

Aspirants will be encountered with the following MH CET LAW 2023 exam Pattern for 5-years LLB program as given below:

  1. The exam will have one paper with five sections viz.
    • Legal Aptitude and Legal Reasoning
    • General Knowledge with Current Affairs
    • Logical and Analytical Reasoning
    • English
    • Mathematical Aptitude
  2. Mode of Examination – Online mode
  3. Nature of Questions – Objective type i.e. Multiple-Choice Questions
  4. Duration of Exam – 120 minutes for general/ reserved category and 30 minutes extra for PwD category candidates.
  5. Medium of Exam – Bilingual (English and Marathi)
  6. Marking Scheme – No negative marking and one mark will be awarded for each correct answer.

MH CET Law 2023 Exam: Section-wise Question Distribution

Section No. of Questions
Legal Aptitude and Legal Reasoning 40
General Knowledge with Current Affairs 30
Logical and Analytical Reasoning 40
English 30
Mathematical Aptitude 10
Total 150

MH CET Law 2023 Exam 5-year LLB: Section-wise Marking Scheme

Section No. of Questions Total Marks
Legal Aptitude and Legal Reasoning 40 40
General Knowledge with Current Affairs 30 30
Logical and Analytical Reasoning 40 40
English 30 30
Basic Mathematics 10 10
Total 150 150
MH CET Law Preparation Tips

MH CET Law 2023 Preparation

MH CET Law 2023 Preparation requires strategizing for the examination to secure a good score and get selected for the further counseling procedure. Given below are some MH CET Law 2023 Preparation Tips:

  1. Acquaint yourself with MH CET Law Exam Pattern – While preparing, familiarise yourself with the paper pattern. Doing so will help you in analyzing and preparing a proper time schedule.
  2. Don't learn new topics – In case you have not prepared something before, do not try to learn at the last moment. Instead, do focus on whatever you have learned already to avoid confusion.
  3. Prepare a suitable timetable – After going through the pattern and MH CET Law Syllabus thoroughly, prepare a schedule as per your comfort. Since the law exam takes place every year, there is always plenty of time to plan the schedule. Keep the pointers listed below in mind before starting with your preparations:
    1. Begin with recognizing your weak sections and making a list of it.
    2. Start with practicing one weak and one strong topic simultaneously so that you don’t feel demotivated.
    3. Circle out your average sections which need more practice.
    4. Keep practicing your strong sections as well so that you can save time in them at the last moment just before the exam.
    5. After analyzing your strengths and weaknesses, and making notes of all these things, you can easily figure out the topics you need to work on first. Also, analyzing how much time you need to devote to the sections will become easy.
  4. Revision of Syllabus – The vast syllabus of law exams can leave anybody in confusion. Hence, you should make notes of each topic as per your understanding. Make sure to revise all the notes at the end of the day or week before proceeding to another section or topic.
  5. Keep Yourself Updated – For General Awareness and Current Affairs, it is a must to read relevant newspapers/ magazines/ reading digital content every day.

Check MH CET LAW 2023 Practice Papers

MH CET Law Best Books

MH CET Law 2023 Preparation Books

Given below are some recommended books for MH CET Law Preparations:

MH CET Law Preparation Books Author
Pradnya's MH-CET: Law for L.L.B for 3 years & 5 years LLB exam  Adv. Revati Mohril, Gajanan Shewalkar (Nikita Publications) 
MHCET CLAT - Best book for Law entrance C J Pooniwala
CLAT Master Box Karan Mehta and Harsh Gagrani

MH CET Law 2023 Section-wise Best Books

Given below are some section-wise preparation books for MH CET Law 2023 Exam:

MH CET Law Subjects  Best Books for MH CET Law Author/ Publishing House 

Quick Learning Objective General English 

RS Aggarwal

Objective General English

A P Bhardwaj 
Legal Aptitude and Reasoning 

Legal GK for competitive examination

Universal Publications
Legal Awareness and Legal Reasoning  A P Bhardwaj 
Logical Reasoning

A modern approach to Logical Reasoning

RS Aggarwal 

Logical Reasoning for CLAT, SLAT, LSAT India and other law entrance exams Universal Publications
501 Challenging Logical reasoning Learning Express
General Knowledge and Current Affairs

General Knowledge 2019-2020 

Arihant Experts 
Yearly General Knowledge Book  Pearson

Class 10 Mathematics IQ Challenge 

Anil Ahlawat
Quantitative Aptitude ebook RS Aggarwal
Fast Track Objective Arithmetic Arihant Publications
Objective Mathematics R D Sharma
MH CET Law Exam Pattern FAQs

MH CET Law 2023 Exam Pattern FAQs

Ques. What are the sections I need to study as per MH CET Law Exam Pattern 2023?

Ans. The sections that the candidate need to study as per MH CET Law Exam Pattern  2023 are:

  • English
  • General knowledge and current affairs
  • Logical reasoning and legal aptitude
  • Elementary mathematics

Ques. What are MH CET Law minimum cut-off marks defined by the university?

Ans. MH CET Law minimum cut-off will be announced soon by the university. MH CET Law Cutoffs are released with each round of seat allotment. 

Ques. Is there any negative marking as per MH CET Law Exam Pattern 2023?

Ans. There is no negative marking in the examination as per MH CET Law Exam Pattern 2023. Applicants are awarded 1 mark for every correct answer.

Ques. Will MH CET Law Application Form procedure be offline or online?

Ans. MH CET Law 2023 Application form procedure will be online. Applicants will be able to fill in the application form by visiting the official website of Maharashtra State CET Cell.

Ques. Is there any language preference provided by the university?

Ans. Applicants will be able to attempt MH CET Law Exam in English and Marathi. Applicants can choose their preferred language during the application process.

Ques. What are the passing marks for MH CET law?

Ans. MH CET Law passing marks is determined by the conducting body depending on various factors like difficulty level, the number of applicants, and more. Applicants who have qualified for the exam will be shortlisted for counselling.

Ques. How is MH CET law exam conducted?

Ans. MH CET Law exam is conducted in an online computer-based test mode. Applicants will be asked a total of 150 multiple-choice questions. 

Ques. Is MH CET law tough?

Ans. As per the previous years’ MH CET Law Exam Paper Analysis, the exam is of a moderate level of difficulty. Each section will include topics of moderate to difficult level of difficulty.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.

Previous Year MH CET LAW Questions

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