bySonam Rana updated Content Curator updated
Karnataka PGCET 2022 Admit Card has been released on the official website on November 13, 2022. To access the hall ticket, candidates have to enter their PGCET login credentials i.e. Application Number and Date of Birth. Candidates who have successfully completed their registration will be able to download their admit card at kea.kar.nic.in. Candidates are required to bring their Karnataka PGCET Admit Card and a photo ID card with them to the examination hall when appearing for the exam. Check Karnataka PGCET 2022 Exam Pattern
- Karnataka PGCET Admit Card will neither be dispatched nor be sent via email or post or courier to any candidate under any circumstances.
- Candidates are advised that mutilating, laminating, or changing any section in their Karnataka PGCET 2022 Hall Ticket can be considered impersonation, which is a legally punishable offense.
- Electronic gadgets such as mobile phones, pagers, laptops, etc. are not permitted in the examination center.
- If the candidate desires to change any information printed on the Admit card, they must contact the PGCET Office immediately, before the exam. Check Karnataka PGCET 2022 Exam Dates
Karnataka PGCET Admit Card Dates 2022
Events | Dates |
Karnataka PGCET Application Start | October 15, 2022 |
Karnataka PGCET Admit Card Release | November 13, 2022 |
Karnataka PGCET 2022 Exam Date | November 19-20, 2022 |
How to Download Karnataka PGCET 2022 Admit Card/ Hall Ticket?
Candidates can follow these steps to download their Karnataka PGCET 2022 Admit Card:
- Step 1: Visit the official website of KEA i.e. kea.kar.nic.in
- Step 2: Click ‘Hall ticket Download Link’ tab.
- Step 3: Enter your application number and date of birth.
- Step 4: Click on the “Submit” button to download the admit card
- Step 5: Karnataka PGCET admit card 2022 will be displayed on the screen after the application number and date of birth are submitted.
- Step 6: Before downloading the admit card, the candidates are advised to check the document for any discrepancy.
- Step 7: After making sure there are no mistakes, the candidates will have to download and print out the admit card of Karnataka PGCET 2022.
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Details on Karnataka PGCET 2022 Admit Card
Before downloading the admit card, students need to carefully check all their details written on it. Following are the details mentioned on Karnataka PGCET 2022 Hall Ticket:
- Candidate’s Name
- Passport size photograph of the candidate
- Signature of the candidate
- Date of Exam
- Time of Exam
- Venue of the Examination center
- Important instructions regarding the examination
Discrepancy in Karnataka PGCET 2022 Admit Card/ Hall Ticket
In the case of any discrepancy or unavailability of Karnataka PGCET 2022 Admit Card or not able to access the admit card, students must immediately contact the Karnataka Examination Authority on the following address:
Karnataka Examination Authority
Bangalore – 560012
E-Mail: keauthority-ka@nic.in
Website: http://kea.kar.nic.in
Karnataka PGCET 2022 Exam Centers
- While filling the online application form, students have to enter their choice of Karnataka PGCET 2022 exam center.
- They will be allotted as per the selection and availability at the time of examination.
- Examination centers once selected by the candidate will not be changed under any circumstances.
- Karnataka Examinations Authority (KEA) releases the list of Karnataka PGCET 2022 exam centers.
PGCET Exam centers | |
Bangalore | Dharwad |
Bellary | Gulbarga |
Bijapur | Mysore |
Belgaum | Shimoga |
Davangere | Bagalkot |
Mangalore | Tumkur |
Documents Required at Karnataka PGCET 2022 Exam Center
Here we are providing a list of required documents needed at the time of examination (candidates have to bring any one of the photo ID proof along with hall ticket):
- Karnataka PGCET 2022 Admit Card.
- College Identity Card.
- Driving License.
- Bus Pass.
- PAN Card.
- Aadhaar Card.
- Voter ID.
Karnataka PGCET 2022 Exam Day Instructions
Here we are giving some useful instructions that should be followed on the examination day:
- Candidates have to affix a photograph on their Karnataka PGCET Admit Card 2022.
- Candidates should reach the exam venue before the prescribed timing.
- Any calculator or log table is not allowed.
- Non-programmable calculators are allowed for ME, M.Tech & M.Arch candidates.
- Students are not permitted to wear any type of watch to the exam center.
- Candidates should not bring more than 2 or 3 black/blue ballpoint pens.
- Any kind of Electric Equipment, Mobile Phones, Bluetooth, White Fluid, Markers, Wireless Sets, Books, Notes, etc. will not be allowed in the exam center.
- Candidates should visit their PGCET exam center one day before the examination to avoid any kind of last time hassle.
Karnataka PGCET 2022 Admit Card/ Hall Ticket FAQs
Ques. Can I request a duplicate Karnataka PGCET hall ticket?
Ans. In case you need a duplicate copy of your Karnataka PGCET 2022 hall ticket, you can re-download it from the website. Request for issuance of the document after a certain date will not be entertained.
Ques. Can I carry a black and white print out of my KPGCET Admit Card?
Ans. It is always advisable to carry a coloured printout of your KPGCET 2022 Hall Ticket. It makes the verification process easy.
Ques. Can I carry a Xerox copy of the photo ID card on the exam day?
Ans. No. Candidates should carry any one of the mentioned id proofs in original. A Xerox or scanned copy will not be accepted at KPGCET exam centers.
Ques. What documents are to be carried with our KPGCET Admit Card on the exam day?
Ans. You must carry any of the following photo ID proofs to the exam center along with your KPGCET admit card.
- College Identity Card.
- Driving License.
- Bus Pass.
- PAN Card.
- Aadhaar Card.
- Voter ID.
Ques. How can I ensure that my admit card for KPGCET is valid?
Ans. Your KPGCET Admit Card 2022 can be downloaded from the official website. Only the candidates who have registered successfully for KPGCET can download their hall tickets. Hence, it is a validation in itself.
Ques. Can I change my KPGCET Test Center?
Ans. No, the test center for the exam should be chosen with the utmost care during registration. Candidates can take the exam only at the test center mentioned on their KPGCET Admit Card. The request for changing the KPGCET exam center will not be accepted under any circumstance.
Ques. If the photo on my KPGCET 2022 admit card is not clearly visible, will I be able to sit for the exam?
Ans. No. If the photo on your KPGCET admit card is not clearly visible then immediately contact the concerned authorities for a replacement. Any admit card, where the details are obscured, will not be accepted at the exam hall.
Ques. Can I carry a soft copy of my KPGCET admit card to the exam hall?
Ans. No. Only a printed hard copy of your KPGCET 2022 admit card will grant you entry into the exam hall.
Ques. What are the details that should be printed on my KPGCET admit card 2022?
Ans. The following details will be printed on your KPGCET admit card
- Candidate’s Name
- Passport size photograph of the candidate
- Signature of the candidate
- Date of Exam
- Time of Exam
- Venue of the Examination center
- Important instructions regarding the examination
Ques. Is there any provision to receive our KPGCET admit card via mail?
Ans. No. The only way to obtain your KPGCET admit card is to download it from the official website. It will not be physically mailed or sent as an email attachment to candidates.
*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.