JEE Advanced 2023 Question Paper: Download Paper 1 and Paper 2 Question Paper PDF

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bySonam Rana updated Content Curator updated

JEE Advanced 2023 Question Paper will be available for download after the conclusion of the exam on June 4, 2023. JEE Advanced 2023 paper pattern is not fixed. JEE Advanced Question Paper usually consists of MCQs, numeric value-based answer questions, multiple select questions, match the columns, etc. based on topics from Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. There is also a negative marking in some questions.

JEE Advanced 2023 Question Paper with Solution PDF

JEE Advanced 2023 Paper 1 Question Paper To be Updated
JEE Advanced 2023 Paper 2 Question Paper To be Updated
JEE Advanced 2023 AAT Question Paper To be Updated

JEE Advanced Previous Year Question Paper

Since there is no specific JEE Advanced exam pattern, candidates can use previous year JEE Advanced question papers with solution PDF to practice and know the type of questions asked.

JEE Advanced B.Arch Question Paper

JEE Advanced B.Arch Question Paper is released separately by IIT for AAT paper (Architecture Aptitude Test). Candidates can download and practice JEE Advanced B.Arch Question Paper using the links below.

JEE Advanced Question Paper Pattern

There is NO specific JEE Advanced question paper pattern. Details on the number of questions, type of questions and marking scheme are available in the instructions added on JEE Advanced question paper provided on the exam day. The below-mentioned table is in reference to the previous year's JEE Advanced question paper pattern.

Type of question Description Maximum marks Partial marks Negative marks
MSQs (Multiple Select Questions) questions with 4 options of which 1 or more than one option are correct 4 Yes Yes
MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) questions with 4 options of which only 1 option correct 3 No Yes
Paragraph Questions questions in form of a paragraph with 2 MCQ each 3 No Yes
Stem Questions questions with 2 corresponding to each question stems each stem question has a numerical value answer upto 2 decimal places 2 No Yes
Non-negative Integer Type Question questions with an answer as a non-negative integer 4 No No

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.

JEE Advanced 2025 : 7 Answered Questions

Ques. My daughter has a JEE Advanced rank of 6048 (General). What are the branches she can get in IIT Kharagpur?

Tabulated below are the JEE Advanced Cutoff 2023 for IIT Kharagpur: Branch Opening Rank Closing Rank Civil Engineering 4479 6556 Computer Science and Engineering 112 303 Electrical Engineering 1288 1805 Electronics and Electrical Communication Engineering 434 1145 Mechanical Engineering 2042 3350 Metallurgical and Materials Engineering 5448 6920 Mining Engineering 7169 8739 Ocean Engineering and Naval Architecture 6846 8355 Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering 6407 7751 From the above table we can infer that with a Rank of 6048 one can get the following branches  Civil Engineering Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Mining Engineering  Ocean Engineering and Naval Architecture  Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering ...Read More
Answer By Aditya Trivedi 21 Mar 23
1 Answer

Ques. What was the IIT Madras JEE Advanced cut-off for 2023?

To get admission at IIT Madras, you need to qualify for the JEE Advanced exam and get a very high score so that you can rank in the top 1000. There are many counselling sessions at that place. The closing rank of  The JEE Advanced cut-off 2023 for different departments is as follows: Department Last Closing Rank BTech in Computer Science and Engineering 148 BTech in Electrical Engineering 964 BTech in Mechanical Engineering 2572 BTech in Engineering Physics 1877 BTech in Biological Engineering 7967 Integrated Automotive Engineering 4436 Integrated Aerospace Engineering 3293...Read More
Answer By  05 Jun 24
1 Answer

Ques. Can I get an IIT with 4000 JEE Advanced Rank?

I recently completed my Graduation from IIT BHU. Securing a rank of 4000 in JEE Advanced is a commendable achievement, and it opens up several opportunities for admission into the Indian Institutes of Technology. However, whether you can get admission into a specific IIT with this rank depends on various factors including: Some branches are more competitive than others, so the cutoff ranks may vary accordingly. Each IIT has a different number of seats available for each branch, and the cutoff ranks can fluctuate based on this. Reservation quotas may affect the cutoff ranks for different categories (General, OBC-NCL, SC, ST, etc.). The difficulty level of the exam can influence the cutoff ranks. Here are the cutoff trends for B.Tech Admissions at various IITs (for CSE and Civil Engineering branches, Open Category seats)- B.Tech cutoff trend at the IITs through JEE Advanced (Open Category) College Name B.Tech CSE B.Tech Civil Engineering IIT Madras 148 6132 IIT Delhi 118 4472 IIT Bombay 67 4371 IIT Kanpur 238 6116 IIT Roorkee 412 7100 IIT Kharagpur 279 7177 IIT Guwahati 654 8453 IIT Hyderabad 674 9303 IIT Indore 1385 10994 IIT BHU 1079 10232 I hope this gives you a basic idea of the JEE Advanced cutoff at various IITs across India. For a more detailed overview of these cutoffs, you can visit the official website of JoSAA- More
Answer By  29 May 24
1 Answer

Ques. Is 12,000 JEE Advanced Rank decent enough for admission into an IIT?

Yes, there are a total of 17,385 seats in the IITs, you can get admission into IITs with a rank of 12k in JEE Advanced. However, you will probably not get admission in top 7 IITs and in the branches which are the favourites of the most people. But indeed you can get admission into IITs with 12,000 rank in JEE Advanced. You can visit the official JoSAA website to check the previous year cutoff trends for B.Tech admissions at the IITs- More
Answer By  29 May 24
1 Answer

Ques. Can I get into IIT Bombay with Rank 3000 in JEE Advanced?

Securing a rank of 3000 in JEE Advanced is a commendable achievement, and it will open up a wide range of opportunities for you in terms of college choice.  With a rank of 3000, you have a good chance of getting admission into IIT Bombay, but you may not get your desired domain. With this rank you can get admission in these specialisations at IIT Bombay:  Environmental Science and Engineering Civil Engineering Metallurgical Engineering and Materials Science You can visit the official JoSAA website to check the previous year IIT Bombay branch wise cutoff for B.Tech Admissions- This will give you a better understanding of your options....Read More
Answer By  29 May 24
1 Answer

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Fees Structure

Structure based on different categories


Note: The application fee for foreign nationals from SAARC countries is USD 75 while for candidates who belong to Non-SAARC countries, the application fee is USD 150. Indian Nationals (including PIO/OCI) who have chosen exam centers outside India, have to pay USD 75 as the application fee.

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