bySayantani Barman Experta en el extranjero
GMAT exam pattern has four sections with a different time limit. The syllabus of GMAT includes 4 different areas namely verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, integrateted reasoning, and analytical writing assessment. GMAT AWA is an optional section and it contains a descriptive question. The rest of the 3 sections comes with MCQs:
- GMAT verbal – 36 questions – 65 minutes
- GMAT quant – 31 questions – 62 minutes
- GMAT IR – 12 questions – 30 minutes
- GMAT AWA – 1 topic – 30 minutes
GMAT Online is developed during COVID-19 to help the candidates to take the test from their homes. While preparing for the GMAT exam syllabus, applicants do not know the right time to appear for GMAT. Taking this exam is completely dependent on the application deadline of the business schools. The GMAT syllabus assesses the verbal, quant, analytical writing, and integrated reasoning skills of the candidates.
Check CAT vs GMAT
Is GMAT Tougher than CAT?
If we consider the CAT and GMAT syllabus difference it can be stated that the GMAT verbal syllabus, as well as quant, is balanced along with well-defined question types. This makes the preparation process easier than that of CAT. A candidate can score well if they dedicate around 90 – 120 hours of proper studying. This makes the CAT exam harder than GMAT.
Is Calculator Allowed in GMAT?
The candidates are not allowed to take calculators as the test centers provide the same. The calculator is only provided for the integrated reasoning section and not for the quant section. During the quant section, they will provide note boards and markers for use.
Is GMAT Very Tough?
The GMAT exam is taken by over 200,000 candidates every year and hardly around 6% of candidates receive a 720 score and above. Therefore, the GMAT exam needs extra hard work to score around 700. To score high in the GMAT exam follow the below preparation section.
Can an Average Student Crack GMAT?
With the scoring trend available for the last 3-4 years, 650 is the average score for the GMAT test-takers. There is no defined meaning of average student, if a test taker pushes to an aimed score then scoring 700 could be easier with a few preparation tips.
Is CAT and GMAT Syllabus same?
While discussing the GMAT syllabus and eligibility, the CAT and GMAT syllabus difference is not much. Both CAT and GMAT have similar exam patterns, where the concentration is on both verbal and quant skills. The only difference is, the CAT focuses on quantitative skills more whereas GMAT focuses more on logical reasoning.
What is the Syllabus of GMAT?
GMAT comprises 80 questions to be answered in 3hrs 7minutes. In this exam, test takers get different topics to attempt across quantitative, logical reasoning and verbal reasoning sections. GMAT score ranges from 200-800. Before completing GMAT Registration, get a proper idea about the exam pattern and section-wise details.
- The GMAT exam has a sectional time limit which varies with each section
- Test takers are given three options to choose the order in which they can attempt the four sections of the exam
- Integrated Reasoning and Verbal Reasoning sections are computer-adaptive and have multiple-choice questions
- In the above two sections, one cannot skip, return to or change the response to the previous questions
- Two-third of the GMAT test-takers score between 400 and 600
- GMAT score of 760+ ranks a candidate at above 99 percentile
Check GMAT Score Trends

GMAT Syllabus 2023
There is no defined syllabus for GMAT. These four sections are designed to test the analytical reasoning skills of the test takers.
GMAT Analytical Writing Assessment
In this Analytical Writing Assessment section, the test-taker analyzes reasoning given around an argument and writes a critique of the given argument. In this section, examiners measure the critical thinking ability of the candidate and how well the ideas are communicated through writing skills.
Note: GMAT online exam has included AWA section at home edition as well.
This section is evaluated on the basis of two scores given by two independent raters. Analytical Writing Assessment section scores on the basis of
- An electronic system evaluates the linguistic structure of essays like syntactic variety, the flow of ideas, and topic wise analysis
- Human evaluators assess the complete quality of the essay including writing style, development of ideas, analyzing an argument, relevant examples to substantiate logical reasoning.
While writing this section, test takers should remember a few basic things
- If a candidate retakes a particular exam for a better score, then only one request for rescoring is acceptable
- Rescoring can result in increasing or decreasing of original AWA score
- Candidates will receive revised results online and the scores will also be sent to all those programs designated as recipients of score within 20 days
- If a rescoring request has already been processed then there will be no refund
GMAT Integrated Reasoning Section
In this section of the GMAT syllabus 2023 GMAT IR, test takers are asked to integrate given data and find out solutions to complex problems. In the top business schools, test takers are examined on basis of how well data have been evaluated to make decisions. In this section, test takers gather information given through graphical representation and find out relevant information around it. In this section, test takers are also asked to find out relations to the interrelated problems.
In this section total of four kinds of questions have been asked
- Multi-source reasoning
- Table Analysis
- Graphics Interpretation
- Two-part Analysis
GMAT IR score lies in a range of 1-8. This section is introduced in GMAT as a different data point for all those top business schools to consider the application form of the candidates. Scoring in this section will not bring any change to the other sections of GMAT- Quantitative, AWA, Verbal, and Total. A score of IR will be given to the test taker as unofficial score reports immediately after completing the exam. In the official score reports, test takers get a percentile of Integrated Reasoning score.
Read More GMAT IR Practice Paper
GMAT Quantitative Reasoning
In this section of the GMAT Quant syllabus, the quantitative and mathematical aptitude of the test takers is being measured. In this section, test takers get 31 MCQ to attempt within 62 minutes. Two types of questions asked in this section of the GMAT maths syllabus are:
- Problem Solving: In this section, the test taker has to use analytical reasoning to solve out quantitative problems
- Data Sufficiency: In this section, test takers analyze relevant data and find out data points to solve the required problem
GMAT Quant Score
Firstly test takers have to understand that this section is computer adaptive therefore GMAT quant score is based on a few factors
- Number of questions one attempted
- Number of questions one answers correctly
- Other parameters around the questions
It has been noticed that the test taker who has answered a higher number of questions correctly mostly qualifies for this exam with a high GMAT score.
Read More GMAT Quant Practice Papers
GMAT Verbal Reasoning
In the GMAT Verbal Reasoning section, how well the test taker articulates arguments through writing skills are being measured. In this section, test takers have to express logical ideas along with coherence in simple language. One needs to attempt 36 MCQ in 65 minutes. Three types of questions asked in the Verbal Reasoning section are as follows
Reading Comprehension: It measures how well the test taker understands logical statements present along within the passage and to write it in their own style. Logical structure, writing style, and the supporting ideas of the test taker has been measured in this section
Critical Reasoning: This section measures how well the test taker evaluates an argument through coherent writing and finds out the solution of it. For this section, questions are being asked out of a short passage of 100-word length.
Sentence Correction: In this section language proficiency of the test taker is measured. In this section grammatical usage and structure of the language used by the candidate are measured. The test taker has to construct the sentences properly in this section.
GMAT Verbal Score
GMAT verbal score varies in the range of 0-60 with one point increment with each correct answer. Along with the scaled score, candidates also get percentile ranking.
Read More GMAT Verbal Practice Papers
GMAT 2023: Computer Adaptive Testing (CAT)
GMAC uses computers for making the exam pattern more reliable to test takers. In the GMAT syllabus for MBA, responses given by the test taker will be the deciding point of what types of questions will be asked next. Through this adaptive nature of the computer, GMAC shares a more secured and reliable exam pattern as required by the top business schools. One must know the logic and the advantages behind this CAT exam pattern.
CAT is a kind of tailored testing. As it is administered by the computer therefore the next set of questions will completely be dependent on answers given by the test takers. Suppose the test taker gives the first answer correctly then the very next question will have a higher difficulty level whereas if the test taker gives the first answer incorrectly then the very next question will have a lesser difficulty level. Computer administers the difficulty level of GMAT as per responses given.
Percentile Ability
Suppose 10 questions are given in this section among which only 8 questions have been answered correctly by the 60% of the total test-takers. Therefore it says that 80% accuracy level is equivalent to 50 percentile. Similarly if those same 10 questions among which only 8 questions have been answered correctly by 3% of the total test-takers then the percentile would have become 97 percentile.

In this above-mentioned picture, it is explained clearly that if the first answer is given correctly then the difficulty level will be higher on the very next question whereas if the first answer is given incorrectly then the very next question will be comparatively easier. Questions will be asked from the Quantitative and Verbal Reasoning sections.
GMAT Preparation Tips
Interested test takers always believe that proper preparation for GMAT is required to score the highest. Few preparation tips for GMAT are as follows
- Start practising for GMAT at least 6-7 months before the scheduled date and get hold of the GMAT syllabus pdf
- Always study one section of the exam daily and find necessary weaknesses out of it
- Go for the best GMAT preparation books:
- In the beginning, find out the basic strengths and weaknesses of subjects
- Improve quantitative skills and try practising calculations mentally to save time
- Focus on time management for a better result in GMAT
- Get a proper idea about the exam pattern of the GMAT
- Practice one mock test a week to pace up with the preparation
- Practice is the main key to scoring the best score on GMAT
*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.