MSc Biotechnology Syllabus, First Year, Subjects, Entrance Exam, Semester, Colleges, Books

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Sounak Banerjee

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M.Sc. Biotechnology is a postgraduate degree in the domain of Biotechnology and Biochemistry studies. The course aims to provide knowledge about the disciplines of Biology, Immunology, Cell Engineering, Fermentation, etc. M.Sc. Biotechnology course is designed in a way that it provides adequate knowledge of biotechnology and related subjects such as Molecular Biology, Food Technology, Molecular Biotechnology, etc.

MSc Biotechnology finds application in a variety of fields such as Animal Husbandry, Growth of Vaccines and Medicines, Agriculture, Pollution Control, Energy Production and Conservation, Healing Of Prolonged Diseases and Ecological Conservation, and the development of insecticides, fertilizers and quality of seeds. See Also: Biotechnology Syllabus

MSc Biotechnology Syllabus consists of Practical & Laboratory sessions, An emphasis on Practical Learning, Experimentation, Guest Lectures, Seminars, and Workshop, Group Assignments and Discussions, Learning through Industrial Visit, Research & Development etc. MSc Biotechnology is available at IIT Bombay where students will need to sit for IIT JAM for admission. Learn More: MSc Biotechnology in IIT Bombay 

MSc Biotechnology Course Details

Course Name MSc Biotechnology
Course Level Postgraduate
MSc Biotechnology Duration 2 Years
MSc Biotechnology Admission Process Merit/Entrance Examination
MSc Biotechnology Top Entrance Exam BHU PET, BITSAT, DUET, JNUEE, etc.
MSc Biotechnology Eligibility Bachelor’s degree in either Physics, Biological Sciences, food science, nursing or pharmacy, BPT, BMIT or in any other related discipline with a minimum aggregate score of 50%
MSc Biotechnology Top Colleges Jawaharlal Nehru University, Banaras Hindu University, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, University of Hyderabad, Calcutta University, Manipal Academy of Higher Education
MSc Biotechnology Fees INR 2,000 to INR 60,000.

MSc Biotechnology Syllabus

Semester I Semester II
Advanced Biological Chemistry Genetic Engineering
Environmental Biotechnology Principles of Bacteriology and Virology
Exercises in Advanced Biological Chemistry Exercises in Plant Biotechnology
Molecular Biology Exercises in Genetic Engineering
Exercises in Environmental Biotechnology Immunology
Cell Biology Exercises in Bacteriology and Virology
Exercises in Molecular and Cell Biology Plant Biotechnology
- Exercises in Immunology
Semester III Semester IV
Animal Biotechnology Genomics and Proteomics
Database Management and IPR in Biotechnology Exercises in Biochemical and Biophysical techniques
Food Technology and Nutrigenomics Stem Cell Technology and Regenerative Medicines
Exercises in Bioinformatics Bio-Entrepreneurship
Exercises in Animal Biotechnology Biochemical and biophysical techniques
Scientific Research and Communications Nanobiotechnology
Bioprocess engineering & Fermentation Technology Agricultural Biotechnology
Bioinformatics Project
Advanced Genetics -
Exercises in Bioprocess Engineering -
Seminars, Term paper writing

MSc Biotechnology Subjects

Students should learn about the subjects before going for it and thus all the subjects of MSc Biotechnology are explained below: 

MSc Biotechnology Syllabus: First Year Subjects 

  • Advanced Biological Chemistry: Advanced Biological Chemistry has diverse topics such as nucleic acids, DNA repair, bioconjugate chemistry, peptides and peptidomimetics, glycoscience, imaging, and biological catalysis.
  • Environmental Biotechnology: Environmental Biotechnology addresses environmental problems, such as the genetic rescue of a species, the removal of pollution, renewable energy generation or biomass production.
  • Molecular Biology: Molecular biology studies the molecular basis of biological activity. Molecular biologist studies how molecules interact with one another in living organisms to perform the functions of life.
  • Genetic Engineering: Genetic engineering is a process that uses laboratory-based technologies to alter the DNA of an organism. 
  • Plant Biotechnology: Plant biotechnology is used to adapt plants for specific opportunities. Situations that combine multiple needs and opportunities are common.

See Also:  

MSc Biotechnology Syllabus: Second Year Subjects 

  • Animal Biotechnology: Animal biotechnology is used to genetically engineer animals in order to improve their suitability for agriculture, industrial, or pharmaceutical applications.
  • Bioprocess engineering & Fermentation Technology: Bioprocess or fermentation technology involves complete living cells, organelles or enzymes as the biocatalyst, and aim to bring specific chemical and/or physical changes in biochemical.
  • Bioinformatics: Bioinformatics is the application of tools of computation and analysis to the capture and interpretation of biological data. 
  • Genomics and Proteomics: Genomics is the study of the entire set of genes in the genome of a cell, and proteomics studies the entire set of proteins produced by the cell.
  • Nanobiotechnology: Nanobiotechnology is a multi-strategic technique that combines nanotechnology and biotechnology to engineer the properties of therapeutic agents.

See Also

MSc Biotechnology Entrance Exam syllabus

Biology Structure and function of Biomolecules
Enzymes and intermediary metabolism
Anatomy and Physiology
Cells and organelles
Molecular Biology
Defense system
Ecology, evolution and biodiversity
Chemistry Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry Solutions
Atomic Structure
Organic Chemistry
Analytical Chemistry
Solid State
Properties of liquids
Chemistry of Biomolecules
Coordination Compounds
Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure
Gaseous State
Chemical Kinetics
Classification of Elements
Physics Properties of Matter
Thermodynamics and Thermometry
Oscillations and Waves
Electricity and magnetism
Electromagnetic waves
Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating
Communication Systems
Dual Nature of Matter and Radiation
Semiconductor physics and digital electronics
Units and Measurements
Atomic structure and Radioactivity

MSc Life Science Syllabus

Semester I Semester II
Biochemistry Ecology
Genetics and molecular evolution Plant Diversity
Cell and molecular biology Microbiology
Biophysics Plant Developmental biology
Life science practical l Plant Physiology
- Life sciences practical ll and lll
Semester III Semester IV
Animal Diversity Dissertation
Animal Development Safety & First Aid
Animal Physiology Plant cell, tissue, and organ culture, and transformation
Immunology Seminar I
Biostatistics Plant cell, tissue, and organ culture, and transformation
Life Science Practical IV Horticulture, floriculture, and landscaping
- Animal Systematics and molecular Taxonomy
- Economics and Ethnobotany

AIIMS biotechnology syllabus

Biotechnology Syllabus in AIIMS is mentioned below: 

Techniques: Instrumentation & Principles Computers
Cell Biology Structural Biology
Biochemistry Dissertation
Immunology Biostatistics
Molecular Biology Applied Biotechnology
Seminar Series ( Immunology Seminars, Mol. Biology, Recombinant DNA technology Seminars) -

MSc Biotechnology Syllabus in MG Central University

MSc Biotechnology Syllabus at MG Central University is mentioned below

Semester I Semester II
Biochemistry and Metabolic Regulation Genetics and Molecular Biology
Cell and Cancer Biology Enzymology and Enzyme technology
Microbiology and Microbial Technology Genetic Engineering and Gene therapy
Bioanalytical Techniques and Biophysics Immunology and Stem cell
Lab I Lab II
Semester III Semester IV
Bioprocess and fermentation technology Major Project-Dissertation
Plant and animal Biotechnology Genomics and Proteomics
Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Research Methodology and Biostatistics
Environmental Biotechnology Medical biotechnology IPR and Bioethics
Pharmaceutical Biotechnology and drug designing -
Lab III -

MSc Biotechnology Syllabus in NE Hill University

MSc Biotechnology Syllabus in NE Hill University is mentioned below

Semester I Semester II
Cell Biology & Genetics Molecular Biology
Biomolecules Immunology
Microbiology Microbial Technology
Laboratory – I Laboratory – II
- Laboratory Work
Semester III Semester IV
Computer applications, Bio-informatics & Biostatistics Animal Cell Science & Basic Enzymology
Genetic Engineering & Plant Biotechnology Bioprocess Engineering & Technology
Research Project Environmental Biotechnology
Laboratory – II Laboratory IV
Applied Molecular Genetics Research Project
Laboratory Work (Molecular Genetics) -
Bioinformatics in Molecular and Cell Biology -
Laboratory Work (Bioinformatics) -

MSc Biotechnology Syllabus in Calcutta University

MSc Biotechnology Syllabus in Calcutta University is mentioned below 

Semester I Semester II
Biomolecules Genetics
Cell Biology Biostatistics
Molecular Biology Metabolism
Biophysical Chemistry & Instrumentation Recombinant DNA Technology
Semester III Semester IV
Genomics Medical Biotechnology, IPR, Bio-safety and Bio-ethic
Proteomics and Protein Engineering Bioprocess Engineering & Microbial Technology
Summer Project Industrial Training
Choice Based Credit Course A/B Seminar
- Grand Viva

MSc Biotechnology syllabus in Kerala University

MSc Biotechnology syllabus in Kerala University is mentioned below 

Semester I Semester II
Cell Biology and Genetics Basic Microbiology
Biochemistry Molecular Biology
Biophysics and Biostatistics Mathematics, Computer Science & Bioinformatics
Biochemistry Lab Microbiology Lab
Cell Biology /Genetics and Biostatistics lab Molecular Biology Lab
Semester III Semester IV
Plant Biotechnology Immunology
Animal Biotechnology Environmental Biotechnology
Genetic engineering Food and dairy Biotechnology/Basics of Bioprocess Technology
Plant BT/ Animal BT Lab Project
Genetic Engineering Lab General Viva -voce

MSc Biotechnology Syllabus IIT

MSc Biotechnology Syllabus IIT Bombay is mentioned below 

Year 1
Biochemistry and Metabolic Regulation Microbiology and Microbial Technology
Bioanalytical Techniques and Biophysics Genetics and Molecular Biology
Enzymology and Enzyme technology Immunology and Stem cell
Genetic Engineering and Gene therapy Cell and Cancer Biology
Lab Work & Practical Work -
Year 2
Bioprocess and fermentation technology Environmental Biotechnology
Pharmaceutical Biotechnology and drug designing Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
Plant and Animal Biotechnology -

MSc Biotechnology Books

Name of the book Author
An introduction to Biostatistics P.S.S. Sunderrao and J. Richards & Prentice Hall
Analytical Biochemistry Holme
Chromatography: Concepts and Contrasts James Miller, John Wiley and Sons
Chemical Microbiology Rose
Lab Manual in Biochemistry J. Jayaraman

MSc Biotechnology Syllabus: FAQs

Ques. What is MSc Biotechnology?

Ans. MSc Biotechnology is a two-year program that focus on the higher-level application of technology in biological systems and human science, including food technology. 

Ques. What is the eligibility criteria for MSc Biotechnology?

Ans. The eligibility criteria is bachelor’s degree in either Physics, Biological Sciences, food science, nursing or pharmacy, BPT, BMIT or in any other related discipline with a minimum aggregate score of 50%.

Ques. What are the Top colleges for MSc Biotechnology?

Ans. Top colleges for MSc Biotechnology:

  • Jawaharlal Nehru University, 
  • Banaras Hindu University, 
  • Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, 
  • University of Hyderabad, 
  • Calcutta University, 
  • Manipal Academy of Higher Education

Ques. What are the job options affter MSc Biotechnology?

Ans. Top job options after MSc Biotechnology?

  • Biomedical Engineer.
  • Senior Biochemist.
  • Senior Medical Scientist.
  • Biological/Clinical Technician.
  • Microbiologist.
  • Process Development Scientist.

Ques. How much I can earn after MSc Biotechnology?

Ans. MSc Biotechnology average salary in India is around INR 2.1 Lakhs.

Ques. What is the scope of MSc Biotechnology?

Ans. There are immense job opportunities for MSc biotechnology graduates globally. Some of the most opted MSc biotechnology career options are in the field of research, teaching, and even as an environmental or a safety specialist. If students want to go for further studies can opt for PhD after completion of their masters.

Ques. What are the entrance exam after MSc Biotechnology?

Ans. Some of the popular entrance exams are BHU PET, BITSAT, DUET, JNUEE, etc

Ques. What are the elective courses in MSc Biotechnology?

Ans. Elective courses in MSc Biotechnology are:

  • Advanced Cell Biology 
  • Cellular Signal Transduction 
  • Life Science Entrepreneurial Ventures
  • Proseminar in Biotechnology 
  • Bioethics 
  • Economic Dynamics of Change in Biotechnology
  • Managing and Leading Biotechnology Professionals 

Ques. What are the core courses in MSc Biotechnology?

Ans. Core courses in MSc Biotechnology:

  • Immunology,
  •  Environmental Biotechnology, 
  • Advanced Biological Chemistry, 
  • Molecular Biology, 
  • Animal Biotechnology.

Ques. Is it worth doing MSc Biotechnology?

Ans. Biotechnology opens multiple work opportunities across the world. After completing an M.Sc Biotechnology degree can land the best jobs from a sea of options.

Master of Science [M.Sc] (Biotechnology) : 9 answered questions


Ques. Which is the best college for msc biotechnology

● Top Answer By Advait Joshi on 15 May 23

Ans. Here is a list of the best colleges for MSc Biotechnology in India based on 2023 ranking College Ranking Fees Loyola College, Chennai 6/186 ( India Today) ? 46.10K 1st Year Fees Fergusson College 18/56 (The Week) ? 83.57K (1st year) St. Xaviers College, Kolkata 7/56 (The Week) ? 1.68L total fees St. Xaviers College, Mumbai 24/186 (India Today) ? 69.33K 1st Year Fees Stella Maris College  9/186 (India Today) 15k 1st year fees MCC Bangalore  23/186 (India Today) INR 42000 - 1,33,000 Christ University Bangalore 13/186 (India Today) ? 80K 1st Year Fees Mithibai College of Arts 19/186 (India Today) ? 90K 1st Year FeeRead more
1 Answer

Ques. How can one clear the JNU entrance for MSc biotechnology?

● Top Answer By Yash Mishra on 10 Nov 21

Ans. Here are some of the tips from my friends at JNU that can help you score well in the entrance for M.Sc Biotechnology.  Clear your basics on core subjects like Biochemistry (Enzyme Kinetics, Bio-Energetics), Genetics, Cell-biology.  Practice probability-related questions. These are quite scoring and there are a good number of questions asked from these topics.  Ecology and Evolution are the other areas that you should stress. If your undergraduate study included immunology developmental biology then you should revise those topics well.  Also, practice from previous year’s question papers. Also, try to cover the last 5 years of GATE life science papers.  Try to do maximum number of questions in both sections of the examination.  There are very few seats available, so prepare sincerely.Read more
1 Answer

Ques. What is the admission process in MSc Biotechnology in CSJM University (Kanpur University)? How is the placement?

● Top Answer By Deepshika Singh Rathod on 28 Oct 21

Ans. CSJM University Kanpur conducts a separate entrance examination for M.Sc Biotechnology. The admissions are based on the merit list prepared based on the examination.  As for placements, there are little to no placement opportunities for Biotechnology in India. It is a research-based subject. So, most job opportunities are in the R&D sector. But India doesn’t spend much on the R&D budget. That’s why there are not many Biotechnology companies. So, the placement for M.Sc Biotechnology at CSJM University, Kanpur is not good. Read more
1 Answer

Ques. How is M.SC biotechnology from IMS Ghaziabad UC Campus?

● Top Answer By Aditi Roy on 03 Jun 23

Ans. IMS Ghaziabad 2-year M.Sc Biotechnology course offers a total of 30 seats. The college is affiliated with CCS Chaudhry Charan Singh University in Meerut. The curriculum places a strong focus on a rigorous research-based teaching and learning method.  IMS Ghaziabad offers a world-class learning environment and state-of-the-art lab facilities to educate its students for the needs of the industry. To bridge the gap between students and successful biotechnology professionals, a special focus is placed on dissertations, internships, industrial/laboratory visits, and other departmental activities including guest lectures, seminars, and conferencesRead more
1 Answer

Ques. Which institute is better for pursuing M.Sc. in Biotechnology: Amity, Apeejay Stya University, or Sharda University?

● Top Answer By Tithi Aggrawal on 18 Aug 23

Ans. Among all the aforementioned institutes, Amity University seems to be the best option. My sister is an alumni of Amity University Biotech department and claims it to be one of the best departments of the They have a good research facility and trained faculty. The placements are worth it University. Moreover, Amity University has an extraordinary ambiance that grooms your personality as a whole.  Moreover, I haven't heard of Apeejay so that alone means it's not worth joining. However, if you are serious about pursuing MSc in Biotechnology, consider joining BHU, or AMU, and . these will offer a better ambiance, curriculum, and job opportunities. Read more
2 Answer

Ques. Is Amity University, Kolkata good for MSc in biotechnology? What about the placements?

● Top Answer By Soumyadeep Ghose on 02 Jun 22

Ans. Yes, Amity University, Kolkata is a great option for an M.Sc in Biotechnology. The Biotechnology department has a brilliant faculty base.  The job opportunities are fewer in this field. But if you are skilled, you can get good salary packages through campus placement. According to the highlights of Amity University Kolkata placement, students receive an average CTC of INR 3.5 LPA. Read more
2 Answer

Ques. What are IIT Bombay MSc Biotechnology fees?

● Top Answer By Admin on 06 Jun 24

Ans. IIT Bombay accepts admission for MSc Biotechnology through JAM entrance. The fee structure depends on the category of students like General, OBC, SC/ST etc. The structure can change from year to year. The typical fee structure for M.Sc in Biotechnology at IIT Bombay includes tuition fees, accommodation fees, mess fees and other miscellaneous charges. The approximate total fees for M.Sc Biotechnology are listed below. However, for more detailed insights you should check out the official website of IIT Bombay. Fees Breakup Fees(1st semester)(in INR) Fees(2nd semester)(in INR) Admission Fees ?2700 - Tuition Fees ?7500 ?7500 Registration Fees ?900 ?900 Exam Fees ?1200 ?1200 Other Fees ?17550 ?4850 Total ?44,300Read more
1 Answer

Ques. Does Christ offer direct MSc Biotechnology admission?

● Top Answer By Admin on 29 May 24

Ans. Christ University offers various programs across undergraduate, postgraduate, and PhD levels. UG-level admission is based on the entrance exam Christ University Entrance Test (CUET). MBA program admission at the PG level is based on entrance exam scores like CAT, MAT, etc.  Christ University also offers direct admission for some courses through the management quota. Direct admission through the management quota seats is limited. By using this option direct admission is applicable for those students who are allowed to secure a seat in their desired course by paying a higher fee, set by the university.Read more
1 Answer

Ques. What is the fee for MSc. Biotechnology at LPU?

● Top Answer By Admin on 27 May 24

Ans.  Lovely Professional University - LPU offers several courses at a PG level including MSc. The university offers around 43 courses for MSc and MSc Hons. There are a total of 640 MSc seats at LPU which include 30 MSc Biotechnology seats.  The fees for MSc Biotechnology at LPU - Lovely professional University is INR 80,000 per semester .  In addition to the course fee, students must pay INR 4,500 per semester as examination fee . Check out the following table which shows the fees distribution for MSc Biotechnology at LPU: Years Year 1 Year 2 Semester 1 2 3 4 Tuition Fees INR 80,000 INR 80,000 INR 80,000 INR 80,000 Total Year Wise Fees INR 1,60,000 INR 1,60,000 Total Fees INR 3,20,000 I hope this answer has given you knowledge of the course fee for MSc. Biotechnology at LPU.Read more
1 Answer


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78.6 K first year fees
36.1 K first year fees
45.2 K first year fees
82 K first year fees
1.4 L first year fees