M.Ed (Master of Education) Course Syllabus, Entrance Exam Syllabus, Subjects and Books 2023

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Sounak Banerjee

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Master of Education, acronymed as M.Ed, is a 2 year program which basically caters to the needs of professional preparation of teacher educators at various stages of education and simultaneously for job specific preparation of trained professional manpower to run various departments of education/educational institutions. 

There are a number of colleges offering Master of Education courses in India with options of distance learning as well. 

M.Ed Syllabus

The M.Ed syllabus is structured in a way that it lays emphasis on different pedagogy of learning techniques that help candidates develop the right technical finesse to become an educator.

The course curriculum of M.Ed involves a great amount of practical work along with theoretical knowledge. Candidates are encouraged to prepare dissertations, join internships, pursue academic writing, and attend workshops and seminars as a part of the M.Ed syllabus.  

Tabulated below are semester-wise core subjects that are mandatorily taught in M.Ed curriculum.

Semester I
Educational Psychology Historical and Political Perspectives of Education
Educational Studies Methodology of Educational Research & Educational Statistics
Human Rights and Education Information and Communication Technology in Education
Semester II
Philosophical Foundations of Education Sociological Foundations of Education
Curriculum Studies in Education Teacher Education in Indian and Global Perspectives
Semester III
Advanced Methods in Educational Research In-Service Teacher Education in India
Comparative Education -
Semester IV
(Only elective subjects mentioned below) -

The students should be aware that apart from the core courses, each student will have to select one area of specialization at the end of each year. The candidates can choose from an array of elective subjects available in the M.Ed course curriculum. 

M.Ed Elective Subjects

Some of the specialisation subjects are mentioned as follows:

  • Elementary Education
  • Teacher Education
  • Curriculum Studies
  • Guidance and Counselling
  • Planning, Management and Financing of Education
  • Distance Education and Open Learning
  • Inclusive Education
  • Educational Technology and ICT
  • Gender Studies
  • Advanced Curriculum Theory

The M.Ed syllabus might slightly vary from one college to another, hence students are advised to go through the M.Ed syllabus Pdfs available at the colleges’ official website. 

M.ed elective subjects

M.Ed Subjects

The M.Ed course curriculum includes various subjects from different fields. The elective subjects depend on the choice of subjects in the B.Ed course, but the compulsory subjects or the core subjects are almost similar for most top M.Ed colleges.

Tabulated below are some of the subjects taught in the M.Ed courses.

Educational Technology Historical and Political bases of Education
Educational Management Language Education
Guidance and Counselling Special Education
Women Studies Environment Education
Yoga Education and Curriculum Studies Educational Psychology
Theory of Advanced Human Development Teacher Education
Teachers Education with respect to Global Perspectives. Philosophical and Sociological Foundations of Education
Educational Research & Educational Statistics Information and Communication Technology in Education 

M.Ed Course Structure

The course structure of two years M.Ed program is divided into four major categories as

Perspectives (Core), Specializations (Optional), Practicum and Research. 

The detailed structure is tabulated below:

Paper No.  Title of Paper  Marks 
Core Courses External  Internal  Total 
I Philosophical Perspectives of Education 80 20 100
II Psychological Perspectives of Education 80 20 100
III Introductory Methods in Educational Research 80 20 100
IV Historical and Political Perspectives of Education 40 10 50
V Educational Measurement and Evaluation 40 10 50
VI Advanced Educational Technology  40 10 50
Specialization VII Any one: i. Curriculum Development ii. Pedagogy and Assessment iii. Human Rights and Value Education 40 10 50
Practicum  VII School Observation - 25 25
Field Based Activities  - 25 25
Self Development and Communication Skills Through grades (Minimum D required to pass) A-Excellent B- Very Good C- Good D- Satisfactory E- Unsatisfactory
Research  IX Preparation of Synopsis - 50 50
Total  400 200 600
Total First Year 600
Paper No. Title of Paper  Marks 
Core Courses External  Internal  Total 
I Socio- Economic Perspectives of Education 80 20 100
II Advanced Psychological Perspectives 80 20 100
III Advanced Methods in Educational Research 80 20 100
IV Advanced Educational Measurement and Evaluation  40 10 50
V ICT and E-learning 40 10 50
VI Teacher Education in Indian and Global Perspectives 40 10 50
Specialization  VII Any one: i. Gender and Inclusive Education ii. Educational Management and Administration iii. Guidance and Counseling 40 10 50
Practicum  VIII i. Internship in Teacher Education Institutions - 25 25
ii. Field Based Administration of Tools - 25 25
iii. Seminar and Workshop 50 50
Research  IX Dissertation and Viva Voce 80 20 100
Total  480 220 700
Total Second Year  700
Grand Total (First Year + Second Year) 1300
m.ed entrance exam

M.Ed Entrance Exam Syllabus

The top M.Ed colleges conduct an entrance exam for admission, the students should be well prepared before taking the exam. The entrance syllabus is primarily based on the topics studied during the B.Ed program.

Main Topics for M.Ed Entrance Exam are as follows:

Education & Philosophy Education in Ancient & Medieval India
Education in British India Educational Thinkers and their contribution in developing Principles of Education
Intelligence Learning & Motivation
Major Philosophies of Education Nature & Meaning of Psychology
Personality Psychology & Educational Psychology 

The M.Ed entrance exam pattern may differ from one college to another, and can be easily found in the college websites. Given below is the exam pattern of MAH CET 2023 for M.Ed which would give an idea of the question paper pattern.

  • Mode of exam: Online (CBT)
  • Type of Questions: MCQ type
  • Duration: 1 hour and 30 minutes
  • Marking Scheme: 1 marks for every correct answer and no negative marking for any incorrect answer
  • Medium of the Test: English and Marathi only
Subject / Area Number of Questions Total Marks
Educational Philosophy- and Educational Sociology 20 20
Educational Psychology     20 20
Educational Evaluation and Educational Statistics 20 20
School Administration and Management 20 20
Information and Communication Technology and Research Aptitude 20 20
Total  100 100

M.Ed Books

NCERT books and government policies and journals form an important part of the M.Ed study material which help students understand the subjects well. Given below is a list of some of the essential reads.

Name of the Book  Author 
Modern Philosophies of Education McGraw Hill, New Delhi Brubacher, J.S
Building of Philosophy of Education Englewood, Cliffs Prentice Hall, Inc. Broudy, H.S 
The Doctrines of Great Educators Rusk, R.
Comparative Education: Some considerations of method- Unwin Education Book, Boston. Brain Holmes
The Concept of education, Routledge, United Kingdom Peters, R.S. 
Democracy and Education: An introduction to the philosophy of education. New York: Macmillan. Dewey, J. 
National policy on education (revised) New Delhi. MHRD, Gov. of India
Frames of Mind: The theory of multiple intelligence. New York: Basic Books. Gardner, H. 
EFA Global Monitoring Report on Quality of Education Finance. UNESCO (2005)
Teachers and Educational Quality. UNESCO Institute for Statistics Montreal. UNESCO (2006)

To successfully pass the M.Ed course one should diligently follow the course curriculum of the program. 


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Master of Education [M.Ed] Colleges IN INDIA

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1.13 L first year fees
65 K first year fees
1.24 L first year fees
7.4 K first year fees
60 K first year fees
Amity University
Noida, Uttar Pradesh
90 K first year fees
Galgotias University - [GU]
Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh
65 K first year fees