MA English Syllabus: Subjects, Semester Wise, Books, Entrance Exam Syllabus, Top Colleges

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Sounak Banerjee

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MA English is a 2 year post graduate program that deals with cultural, historical, societal concepts in literature written by authors of different ages. Students with graduation degree and 45-50% marks can get admission in MA English course. 

MA English syllabus is divided into 4 semesters over a 2 year period. The universities decide which type of literature is to be included in the MA English syllabus. Top Universities are sought after due to their better MA english syllabus. 

Delhi University is one of the best Universities for MA English. MA english Syllabus in Delhi University is renowned for its advanced nature. The MA English syllabus from JNU contains works of both Indian and British English works. Calcutta University syllabus for MA english is also of high standard. 

MA English Syllabus

MA English Syllabus: First Year
English Poetry from Chaucer to Milton Eighteenth Century English Literature
Literary Criticism I European Comedy
Seventeenth Century Drama Eighteenth Century Drama
Language and Linguistics Shakespeare
Literature and Gender Romantic Paper
New Literatures in English -
MA English Syllabus: Second Year
Indian Literature I 20th Century Poetry and Drama
19th Century Novel Literature and the Visual Arts in Europe
20th Century Novel Literature and the Visual Arts in American Literature
Literary Criticism 2 Indian Literature II
The Novel in India Ancient Greek and Latin Literature

MA English Semester Wise Syllabus

MA English Syllabus is divided into 4 semesters. MA English is a 2 year duration course. Students get to choose which prose, poem or novel they will be studying at different stages of the course.

MA English First Semester Subjects

MA English Syllabus Topics Subjects
Structure of Modern English Communication
English Fiction Jonathan Swift: Gulliver’s Travels
Henry Fielding: Joseph Andrews
Jane Austen: Pride and Prejudice
Charles Dickens: David Copperfield
George Eliot: Middlemarch
Traditional English Drama Ben Jonson: Volpone
Christopher Marlowe: Dr Faustus
William Congreve: The Way of the World
Sheridan: The School for Scandal
William Goldsmith: She Stoops To Conquer
Indian Verses (Elective) Background to Indian English Poetry
Nissim Ezekiel
Arun Kolatkar – Jejuri
The Old Playhouse and Other Poems – Kamala Das
English Language and Literature Teaching (Elective) Methods and Approaches to Language Teaching
Teaching of Grammar
Teaching of Language Skills
Dimensions of Research in English Language and English Literature
Teaching of Poetry, Drama, Fiction
Approaches to Teaching of Literature
Research Methodology (Elective) What is Research?
Constructing Research Design
Research Process
Dimensions of Research in English Language and English Literature
Development, Hypothesis and Preparation of Research Proposal
Research Process

MA English Second Semester Subjects

MA English Syllabus Topics Subjects
The Structure of Modern English Language and Society
Distinctive Features of British, American and Indian English
English in India
Introduction to Stylistics
English Fiction Thomas Hardy: Jude the Obscure
Joseph Conrad: Lord Jim
D. H. Lawrence: Sons and Lovers
Graham Greene: The Power and the Glory
EM Forster: A Passage to India
Modern English Drama GB Shaw: Candida
TS Eliot: Murder in the Cathedral
Samuel Beckett: Waiting for Godot
Harold Pinter: Home Coming
John Osborne: Look Back in Anger
Indian Prose Works (Elective) Background to Indian Prose
Lokmanya Tilak – Essays from Bal Gangadhar Tilak
RK Narayan: An Astrologer’s Day
Rohinton Mistry: A Fine Balance

MA English Third Semester Subjects

MA English Syllabus Topics Subjects
Literary Theory and Criticism Aristotle: The Poetics
Philip Sidney: An Apology of Poetry
Dr Johnson: A Preface to Shakespeare
William Wordsworth: A Preface to Lyrical Ballads
Matthew Arnold: The Study of Poetry
English Poetry John Milton: Paradise Lost Book
John Donne: The Sun Rising
Andrew Marvell: To His Coy Mistress
Alexander Pope: The Rape of The Lock
William Blake: From Songs of Innocence
English Language and Literature Teaching (Elective) Methods and Approaches to Language Teaching
Teaching of Grammar
Relationship between Psychology and Teaching of Language
Teaching of Language Skills
Approaches to the Teaching of Literature
Teaching of Poetry, Drama and Fiction

MA English Fourth Semester Subjects

MA English Syllabus Topics Subjects
Literary Theory and Criticism T.S.Eliot: Tradition and the Individual Talent
F.R.Leavis: Literature and Society
Northrope Frye: The Archetypes of Literature
Ronald Barthes: The Death of the Author
Elaine Showalter: Feminist Criticism in the Wilderness
English Poetry Coleridge: The Rime of Ancient Mariner
William Wordsworth Poetry
Tennyson Poetry
Robert Browning Poetry
W. B. Yeats Poetry
Shakespeare King Lear
Julius Caesar
Measure for Measure
American Literature (Elective) Background Topics
Arthur Miller: The Death of a Salesman
Edward Albee: Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf
John Steinbeck: Of Mice and Men

MA English Syllabus: Top Colleges

Top Colleges providing MA English contains the literary works that are more relevant to the modern literary enthusiast. Moren concepts in our society are covered in the syllabus of MA English. 

DU MA English Syllabus

Semester 1
Life, Literature and Culture: Medieval Literature Life, Literature and Culture: Early Modern World
Classical To Pre Modern Literature Poetry 1
Aesthetics and Literature Politics Literature and Philosophy
Semester 2
Life, Literature and Culture: 16th and 17th Century Criticism and Theory
Introduction to the Study of Language Poetry II
Fiction Literature of the Americas Dalit Studies
Semester 3
Life, Literature and Culture in the 18th Century Life, Literature and Culture in the 19th Century
Postcolonial Literature and Theory Research Methodology
Criticism and Theory Gender Studies
Semester 4
Life, Literature and Culture in the 20th Century Post-Independence India Literature
Religion and Literature Dissertation

IGNOU MA English Syllabus

First Year
British Poetry British Drama
British Novel Aspects of Language
Second Year
Literary Criticism and Theory American Literature
Indian English Literature New Literatures in English
Australian Literature English Studies in India
American Novel A Survey Course in 20th Century Canadian Literature
Writings from the Margins Contemporary Indian Literature in English Translation
Comparative Literature: Theory and Practice Indian Folk Literature

MA English Syllabus in JNU

First Year
Modern English Usage Phonetics & Language Grammar and usage
Theme Writing
Word substitution, Idioms and Phrases, Synonyms and Antonyms
Literary Appreciation
Advanced Comprehension
Aspects of Pronunciation and Word Structure
English Literature : Elizabethans and Augustans The Duchess of Malfi
King Lear
The Tempest
Paradise Lost
The Battle of the Books
English Literature : Pre-romantics and Romantics Ode to Simplicity
Ode to Evening
Ode on the Distant Prospect of Eton College
Ode on the Death of a Favourite Cat
Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard
The Rivals
The Prelude, Book 1
The Rime of Ancient Mariner
Kubla Khan
Ode to Grecian Um
Victorian Literature Mansfield Park
Frankenstein or The Modern Prometheus
Mansfield Park
Frankenstein or The Modern Prometheus
Spring and Fall
Pied Beauty
A Tale of Two Cities
Wuthering Heights
Jude the Obscure
Second Year
Literary Theory Poetics
Natyashastra (Chapter I) and Rasadhyaya (Chapter VI)
Essay on Dramatic Poesy
Essay on Criticism
Biographia Literaria
Tradition Individual Talent
Twentieth Century Literature : Poetry and Drama From A Pocket Book of Modern Verse
The Waste Land
Toad, Coming, At Grass, The Whitsun Wedding
Pike, View of a Pig, Home Roosting, Thistles
Saint Joan
Riders to the Sea
Waiting for Godot
The Birthday Party
Twentieth Century Literature : Prose and Fiction Shooting an Elephant
A Portrait of the Artist as a Youngman
The Rainbow
To the Lighthouse
The Toy Shop
American Literature -
Applied Linguistics and Contemporary English Grammar -

MA English Syllabus in Calcutta University

Semester 1
British Literature from Geoffrey Chaucer to the Beginning of English Civil War Elizabethan and Jacobean Drama
British Literature from the English Civil War to the French Revolution British Literature from the French Revolution to the End of the Victorian Age
Introduction to Linguistics and Structure of Modern English -
Semester 2
British Literature from the End of the Victorian Age to 1945 – Poetry and Novel British Literature from the End of the Victorian Age to 1945 – Drama, Short Fiction and Non-Fiction
British Literature from 1946 to the Present – Poetry and Novel English Language Teaching I
Ancient European Literature Nineteenth Century American Literature
Indian Literature I -
Semester 3
British Literature from 1946 to the Present – Drama, Non-Fiction and Short Fiction Literary Criticism I
Modern European Literature Sociolinguistics, Phonetics and Phonology
Indian Literature II Colonialism and Postcolonialism
American Literature of the Twentieth Century Film and Literature
Semester 4
Literary Criticism II Literary Theory
New Literatures English Language Teaching II
Gender and Literature Modernism and Postmodernism
Popular Culture Children’s Literature

MA English Syllabus in BHU

Semester 1 Semester 2
Introduction to Linguistics Linguistics and English Language Teaching
Poetry I (Chaucer to Blake) Poetry II (Wordsworth to Arnold)
Drama I (Marlowe to Wilde excluding Shakespeare) Drama II (Shakespeare)
Prose Fiction I (Defoe to Hardy)
Semester 3 Semester 4
Poetry III (Hopkins to Ted Hughes) Fiction II
Drama III (Twentieth Century Drama) Literary Criticism & Theory II
Literary Criticism & Theory 1 Indian Literature in English II
Indian Literature in English I Indian Literature in Translation or New Literatures in English
American Literature I Women Writing

MA English Syllabus PU

Semester 1 Semester 2
Greek and Classical Literature Modern Drama
Classical Poetry Renaissance and Neoclassical Literature
Study Skills 19th Century Poetry
17th Century Poetry Twentieth-Century Novel
18th Century Novel Victorian Novel
Elizabethan Drama Literary Criticism
Semester 3 Semester 4
Critical Theory 20th Century Poetry
American Fiction Post-Colonial Fiction
American Drama Twentieth-Century Drama
American Poetry Linguistics
20th Century Prose Literature in English around the World Short Stories
Research Methodology Essays

MA English Entrance Exam Syllabus

Students need to give entrance exams in top colleges for MA English admission. The syllabus for MA English syllabus is mentioned below:

  • 17th-Century Poetry
  • Early Modern Poetry
  • 19th-Century Poetry, Drama and Novel
  • Medieval Poetry
  • Modern and Postmodern Critical Theories
  • Early 20th-Century Fiction and Drama
  • Neo-classical Criticism and Theory
  • 18th-Century Poetry, Drama and Fiction
  • Early 20th-Century Poetry (up to WWII)
  • American Literature
  • Classical Theory
  • Contemporary Writings
  • Romantic Criticism
  • Indian Literature
  • Indian Writing in English
  • Dalit Literature
  • Language and Comprehension
  • Research Methodology

MA English Books

Books Author
Hamlet William Shakespeare
King Lear
Troilus and Cressida
Measure for Measure
The Winter’s Tale
Dr Faustus Marlowe
Kyd: The Spanish Tragedy
The Duchess of Malf Webster
Massinger: A New Way to Pay Old Debts
Samson Agonistes John Milton
Congreve: The Way of the World John Dryden
Gulliver’s Travels Jonathan Swift
Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience William Blake

MA English Syllabus: FAQs

Ques. Which subject is best for MA in English?

Ans. MA English has a couple of specialisations such as MA English, Language and Literature, MA English Literature etc. MA English Literature is the most popular course in English postgraduate courses.

Ques. What is taught in MA English?

Ans. Students get to study about various prose, poems, drama and novels about various authors both Indian and foresign authors. Students understand the story and form their own opinion about it. 

Ques. How can I prepare for MA English?

Ans. Students need to have sufficient information about English literature and study various books from an early age. Students should be adept at writing and understanding various literary concepts. 

Ques. How many papers are there in MA English?

Ans. MA English literature has 9 papers. There are 4 papers in the first year and 5 papers in second year. MA English papers each have 3 hours duration and carry 100 marks each. 

Ques. Who can study MA English?

Ans. Students with minute interest in English Literature are the best candidates to study MA English. Apart from having interest, students must complete a bachelor's degree in English with at least 45-50% from a recognised college or university. 

Ques. Can a B Com student do MA in English?

Ans. Students must complete graduation from any stream with 45-50% in order to study MA english. 

Ques. Can I do MA and bed together?

Ans. Students can MA and B.Ed in the same year by doing one course in distance education and another full time mode. 

Ques. What is the scope for English Literature?

Ans. Students have huge scope after studying English literature with job profiles such as professor, teacher, editor, content writer etc.

Master of Arts [MA] (English) : 19 answered questions


Ques. How do I prepare for the MA in English program at Delhi University entrance exam?

● Top Answer By Ritu on 09 Nov 22

Ans. It’s not too late to prepare for the entrance exam MA in English program at Delhi University even in the 3 years of your bachelor's. Just be regular at it and keep some important points in mind.   Be well versed in your BA course- Read your text thoroughly and in various aspects. Read diverse critical essays on each text to attain a multiplicity of perspectives. In case you are graduating from a different subject, refer to the BA(Hons.) DU syllabus.   Read History of English literature- Knowing the roots is a basic step. To get an idea of the basic chronology and ages refer to these books: A short history of English literature by Sir Ifor Evans. A brief history of English literature by Peck & Coyle.   Indian Literature in English- To get enough knowledge of the same refers to these books: A concise history of Indian literature in English by Arvind Mehrotra. Indian writing in English (4th edition) by K.R. Srinivasa.   Gain enough knowledge of literary theory & criticism- For this read: Beginning theory by Peter Barry Literary theory by Terry Eagleton   Update yourself with award-winning authors- This is not difficult if you read beyond your syllabus. Some of the awards to keep track of are: The Nobel prize The booker prize Sahitya Akademi Award Gyaanpith (for Indian regional literature translated into English) Pulitzer Prize Apart from these strategies, I suggest becoming an avid reader and reading beyond your syllabus, and also practicing writing book reviews. All this will help you make a way for the DU English Literature program.Read more
1 Answer

Ques. How is the English MA course in IGNOU University?

● Top Answer By Padmini Alina on 20 Oct 22

Ans. It is extremely convenient to pursue an M.A. in English through IGNOU. The only problem is that the course materials are delivered very late. However, you are not required to rely on or wait for the materials. Because the materials remain the same year after year, they can be obtained from anyone who has already completed the course or from used bookstores. To be honest, the material isn't much help. In fact, guidebooks are more beneficial because they also provide you with the previous year's question papers, which are extremely helpful in understanding the exam question pattern, and once understood, you are guaranteed to score above 55% on your first attempt. You have five years to complete your course, which consists of eight credits, four in the first year and four in the second. It is mandatory to submit the assignment for the paper you wish to sit for during the exams, which are held twice a year. It is entirely up to you whether to take all exams at once or spread them out over all ten semesters. In short, if you are determined, you can complete your master's degree in two years by taking two papers each semester. Contact classes are scheduled; if possible, attend them as they will get you started on your preparation and keep you motivated.  Doing some research for your assignment and attempting to keep your answer original rather than copying from the guide will increase your chances of getting good grades on the assignments. If you fail a paper in the semester exam, you have the option of retaking it in subsequent semesters until you achieve a passing mark. So, get the reference books, analyze the question pattern, turn in your assignment, and begin studying for the exam.Read more
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Ques. How can I score well in IGNOU, M.A. English course?

● Top Answer By Mahesh Desai on 21 Oct 22

Ans. When it comes to study material, IGNOU definitely provides the best. The course is lucid, well-written, and informative and contains a summary of all important details. The quality of the study material makes it possible for you to solely rely on it and give exams.  But if you are aiming for some brownie points, then there is an additional tip for you. Download MA English question papers of the past 5 years. Going through these papers will instil in you a confidence and general picture of the paper. You will also discover the important questions that are repeated almost every year and can focus more on those questions. Basically, this method will enable you to approach your exam a bit more confidently and well-prepared.Read more
1 Answer

Ques. How good is an MA in English from IGNOU?

● Top Answer By Amal Nair on 28 Oct 22

Ans. We have listed below some significant reasons why you should pursue MA in English from IGNOU: The study material for this course is very short and simple The content is designed to facilitate self-study Affordable Fees (INR 14,000) for the entire course including books It is a reputed university with nationwide recognition  IGNOU’s degrees are valid across India and are recognized by UGC. MA in IGNOU will enable you to multitask alongside the course in 2 years You are free to not attend any kind of classes MA English from IGNOU is a very easy course and is valid for all other courses like PhD NET and BEd.Read more
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Ques. What is the syllabus for the entrance exam for M A English from DU?

● Top Answer By Ranveer Sanghi on 10 Oct 22

Ans. The Pattern for M.A English Entrance Exams for University of Delhi is elaborated below: The entrance exam lasts 90 minutes and is designed to assess the candidate's command of the English language. The entrance exam will be divided into three sections. The first section consists of 60-mark objective model questions. The second section will be based on a passage of prose or verse and will include 20-point questions. A short essay model question is included in the third section (based on a general literary topic). This section also carries 20 points, for a total of 100 points for the entire test. 3. Admissions are made in order of merit based on performance in the entrance exam. You are required to revisit your graduation studies, and if you have access to the previous year's papers, solve some of them before taking the exam.Read more
1 Answer

Ques. What are some good books for the MEG course(MA in English) of IGNOU?

● Top Answer By Varun Kumar on 20 Oct 22

Ans. The study materials provided by IGNOU are more than enough. They are very helpful as they are loaded with more quality information than other books. Buying extra books will be just an additional unnecessary expense that you can easily cut down on. Nowadays English Literature students should turn to online study guides. They are the best options. Some famous sites are listed below: Sparknotes Cliffsnotes Jiffynotes These sites will give students a better understanding of school subjects. Apart from this, there are certain points you need to keep in point for the best results: Read a lot. Make extensive notes. Ask doubts. Do extra research  Prove and validate your point clearly. These points combined with the study material will yield good benefits.Read more
1 Answer

Ques. What are passing marks in the IGNOU MEG?

● Top Answer By Sunil on 02 Nov 22

Ans. Some basic information on IGNOU MEG is as follows: Minimum Duration  2 year Maximum Duration  5 years Course fees INR 9000 Minimum Age No limit Maximum Age No limit For marks the weightage is as follows- Assignments: 30% and Theory: 70% The minimum pass percentage required for passing both these components separately is 40% (‘D’ grade). Anything below this is considered a failure and you will see the “Incomplete” status on the grade card. The grade card is as follows: 60% and above First Division 50% and above but below 60% Second Division 40% and above but below 50% Pass Less than 40% Unsuccessful The exam board of IGNOU will be issuing passing marks out of 100, 70 and 50 for all subjects in the official site.Read more
1 Answer

Ques. Is EFLU, Hyderabad good for pursuing an M.A. in English, if one has gotten a degree in English from DU? What is its ranking among the top universities for humanities?

● Top Answer By Vinit Ghose on 15 Jul 21

Ans. EFLU is an exclusive university for English. There are 29 departments, out of which 20 are in English. With so many micro-specialties, pursuing an MA in English from EFLU is a great option. The university gives a lot of freedom in choosing subjects in post-graduation. Post-graduation applicants get a pool of subjects to choose from in their degree at EFLU. EFLU conducts only one entrance test for admission in all streams. If you clear the entrance test you will get the chance to choose whichever subject you want to pursue. You can either choose all subjects from one department only or select subjects from several departments if you want to have a mixed degree. Even, you are allowed to change subjects till two weeks of the course. The linguistic department of EFLU is very famous all over India, because of its quality of education. It has a world-class set of faculties in the department, along with an extensive library for helping students in their coursework. The literature department of EFLU is not as good as other central universities in India. Although there are excellent professors here too, the scope for students in literature is limited. Considering the quality of the linguistics department in EFLU, it is a great option for English graduates. Because of the cafeteria system of choosing subjects, there is a lot of diversity in the department.Read more
1 Answer

Ques. How do I write a good answer in the exam of a Master of Arts English MEG at IGNOU and other universities?

● Top Answer By Anu Mehta on 03 Nov 22

Ans. Here are two of the major points that are helpful in writing a good answer in the exam for an MA in English: The answer must start with an excellent introduction to the writer and the text. Then, there should be good content, sticking to the point. The answer must end with an eminent conclusion.  The answer must not be written in a storytelling way. Students are supposed to answer what the question is asking them to explain, the theme, the character, and the point of view attached to the question. Whatever answer students write, it must be revolving around giving proper reasons, perspectives, and possible central ideas that a question is trying to ask. The answer must not be diverting and stretching, without providing any appropriate conclusion.Read more
1 Answer

Ques. How do I prepare for MA in English from Ambedkar University, Delhi?

● Top Answer By Dabojyoti Roy on 18 Jan 22

Ans. In the entrance test for MA in English at Ambedkar University, there will be questions that will test your analytic skills. You will have to analyze an unseen poem or passage. Also, there will be short questions. Some of these questions will be opinion based while others will test your subject knowledge.  For preparation, you can read ‘A glossary of literary terms’ by M.H Abrams, Contemporary Literary and Cultura; Theory: From Structuralism To Ecocriticism by Pramod K Nayar. Also, read a little bit about Indian English Literature, Postcolonial literature, partition literature, etc. Read more
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