B.Tech Engineering Physics Syllabus, Subjects, 1st Year, Semester, Entrance Exam, Books, Top colleges

BTech Engineering is an undergraduate degree program of four academic years mainly focuses on subjects like Advanced Classical Mechanics, Signals, Systems and Networks, Semiconductor Devices, Computational Physics, Electro-magnetic, Quantum Mechanics, Analogue & Digital Electronics, Microprocessor architecture & Programming, Measurement Techniques, Atomic & Molecular Spectroscopy, Nuclear Science & Engineering, Solid State Physics, etc.

Apart from the theory papers included in the course, the BTech Engineering Physics syllabus includes several laboratory sessions like Chemistry Laboratory, Computing Laboratory, Physics Laboratory, Electronics Lab, General Physics Lab, Advanced Physics Lab, etc.

B Tech Engineering Physics Course Details

Course Level Undergraduate
Duration 4 years
Examination Type Semester System
Eligibility 10+2 with science from a recognized university
Admission Process Based on counseling after qualification of entrance test
Course Fee NR 2.5 to 5 LPA
Average Starting Salary INR 3.6 to 6 LPA
Top recruiting companies TATA (all sectors, Motors, Steel, Communications etc.), Maruti Udyog, Reliance Industries ltd., TCS, Infosys, Wipro, etc.
Job Roles Industrial Engineer, Research Scientist, Physicists, Financial Analyst, Radiation Physicist
BTech Engineering Physics Scope MTechMBA

See Also:

B Tech Engineering Physics Syllabus

B Tech Engineering Physics Syllabus is structured specifically to make the students understand all the concepts of physics and their practical applications which include experimental techniques and modern equipment.

Semester 1 Semester 2
Mathematics I Mathematics II
Physics / Chemistry Chemistry / Physics
Professional Communication / Basic Electrical Sciences Electrical Sciences/ Professional Communication
Engineering Mechanics / Engineering Graphics Engineering Graphics/ Engineering Mechanics
Introduction to Engineering Physics Profession/Computer Programming Computer Programming / Introduction to Engineering Physics Profession
Workshop I / Workshop II Chemistry Lab./ Physics Lab
Physics Lab./ Chemistry Lab Workshop II / Workshop I
OT(Value Education(1), Physical Education(1), NSS(1) -
Semester 3 Semester 4
Mathematics III Mathematics IV
Classical Mechanics Quantum Mechanics
Thermodynamics Statistical Physics
Optics Analog & Digital Electronics
Electromagnetics Applied Electromagnetics
Physical Chemistry Organic Chemistry
Physics Lab -II (general Physics) Physics Lab –III (Electronics)
Semester 5 Semester 6
Applied Quantum Mechanics Semiconductor Physics and Technology
Condensed Matter Physics Lasers and Applications
Computational Physics Elective - II
Cell Biology Experimental Techniques in Physics
Elective - I Elective - III/ Independent Study / Minor project
Chemistry Lab Environmental Studies
Physics Lab -IV (Solid State) Physics Lab -V (computational)
- Mini Project / Industrial training
Semester 7 Semester 8
Introduction to Photonics Economics
Nuclear Science & Engineering Physics of Nanostructures and Nanoscale Devices
Principles of Management Elective - VI
Elective - IV Elective - VII
Elective - V Project
Seminar -
Project -

B Tech Engineering Physics Electives

  • Fiber Optics
  • Atmospheric and Environmental Physics 
  • Optical Engineering
  • Thin film technology
  • Unconventional Electronics
  • Introduction to Optoelectronics
  • Relativity and Gravitation
  • Nano Photonics
  • Light-Matter interaction in Resonators
  • Introduction to Critical phenomena

B Tech Engineering Physics Subjects

  • Quantum Mechanics -This includes topics such as Dirac formalism, Born interpretation, measurement theory, time evolution, Schrödinger equation, applications of quantum mechanics to simple systems, semi-classical approaches – WKB method, rotations, angular momentum, central field, hydrogen atom, symmetry, conservation laws.. See Also: Manufacturing Engineering Courses
  • Applied Electromagnetics - This comprises Transmission lines, Smith chart, the lossy line, parallel waveguides, modes in waveguides, rectangular waveguides and cavity resonator, dispersion and group velocity, reflection and refraction of plane waves, radiating systems and antennas, numerical methods in electromagnetics. See Also: Bachelor Of Science Courses
  • Condensed Matter Physics- This includes topics like Crystalline and noncrystalline materials, bonding and internal structure of solids, ionic and covalent bonds, metallic bond, hydrogen bond, cohesive energy, crystal structure, reciprocal lattice, X-Ray diffraction, Bragg condition, vibrations of lattice, heat capacity, thermal conductivity, free electron model, the density of allowed wave vectors, Fermi distribution, band theory of solids, periodic potential, the density of states, diamagnetism and paramagnetism, Weiss theory of ferromagnetism, superconductivity, Meissner effect, London equation, BCS theory. See Also: C Courses
  • Nuclear Science and Engineering- This comprises Nuclear decay, nuclear binding energies, forces, shell model, liquid drop model, nuclear decay, beta, gamma and alpha decay, nuclear reactions, neutron interactions, moderation, fission, chain reactions, reactors, fuels, fusion, fast breeders, shielding and safety, radiation detection, dating, isotope production. See Also: Information Science Courses
  • Physics of Nanostructures and Nanoscale Devices - Topics like Semiconductor homojunction and heterojunctions, crystal growth, characterization, band engineering, layered structures, microscopy, lithography, pattern transfer, etching, selected area growth, dimensionality, quantum well structures, superlattices, lasers, modulators, detectors and solar devices, quantum well optical modulators, photodetectors, quantum well-infrared photodetectors, solar cells. See Also: Nanotechnology Courses

See Also:

B Tech Engineering Physics Books

The important books for B Tech Engineering Physics are:

Books Author
Modern Electrochemistry J. O'M. Bockris and A. K. N. Reddy
Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems W.E. Boyce and R.C. DiPrima
Introduction to Quantum Mechanics, Pearson Education, 2005. D. J. Griffiths
Networks, Lines and Fields, Second Edition, Prentice Hall of India, J. D. Ryder
Numerical Recipes in C: The Art of Scientific Programming, 2nd Ed, Cambridge University Press, 1997 W. H. Press, S. A. Teukolsky, W T. Vetterling and B. P. Flannery
Modern Quantum Mechanics, Pearson Education, 2002. J. J. Sakurai
Physics of atoms and molecules, Longman Scietific and Technical, 1983. B.H. Bransden and C.J. Joachain

See Also:

B Tech Engineering Physics Syllabus: FAQs

Ques. What is the B Tech Engineering syllabus?

Ans. B Tech Engineering syllabus includes subjects like Systems and Networks, Semiconductors Devices, Quantum Mechanics, Advanced Classical Mechanics, Signals, Analogue & Digital Electronics, etc 

Ques. Does Engineering Physics have a scope?

Ans. Students can make careers in various industries such as telecommunication, and informative sciences. They can make a career in microelectronics, optoelectronics and laser information systems or quantum information systems.

Ques. Which IIT has Engineering Physics?

Ans. B Tech Engineering Physics in India is available in four IITs only - Delhi, Bombay, Madras and Guwahati, IT - BHU. The course helps students to learn firm foundations in mathematics and physics, together with engineering design and problem-solving skills.

Ques. What is Engineering Physics?

Ans. BTech Engineering is an undergraduate degree program of four academic years. The basic eligibility to take admission in this course is to have a 10+2 passing degree with Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics as compulsory subjects.

Ques. Why should I study Engineering Physics?

Ans. Engineering physics provides a wide foundation in the basics of science and engineering. Engineering physics provides sensible preparation for other areas of engineering including electrical, mechanical, civil engineering and computer science.

Ques. What is taught in B Tech Engineering Physics?

Ans. Engineering Physics is the study of the principles of Science, in designing equipment that includes electronics,electro-mechanical systems used in the measurements, communications as well as the acquisition of data, optics, nano synthesis, photovoltaics and nanofabrication.

Ques. What jobs can I do after Engineering Physics?

Ans. There are many options for students after Engineering Physics which are listed below

  • Aerospace Engineer
  • Civil Engineer
  • Astrophysicist
  • Lab Scientist
  • Electrical Engineer
  • Materials Engineer
  • Chemical Engineer

Ques. Is Engineering Physics difficult?

Ans. The course is challenging as it covers several aspects of a variety of different industries while most engineering courses cover only one industry.

Ques. Does ISRO hire Engineering Physics?

Ans. Students who want to become a space scientists in ISRO must pursue an engineering or Science course.ISRO usually hires professionals with a master's in mechanical, electrical, PhD in Astronomy, Physics, computer engineering or Mathematics.

Ques. Is B Tech Engineering Physics good?

Ans. After the completion of B Tech Engineering Physics course, Students can get amazing job opportunities in companies like Microsoft, Vikram Sarabhai Space Center, The Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), etc

Bachelor of Technology [B.Tech] (Engineering Physics) : 20 answered questions


Ques. Is it worth it to do engineering physics from NIT Calicut?

● Top Answer By Akanksha Pandey on 24 Mar 21

Ans. You would first decide whether it is a good option to do Engineering Physics, then no matter whichever college you choose. It is important that you know a few details before making a final decision about college. About the course:  Engineering Physics is a 4-year programme whose course commences in the first year and for three years you will study the same structure as of BSc-Physics.  It includes Quantum Mechanics, Nuclear Physics, etc. But in Engineering Physics practical knowledge is given more importance which will help you gaining extermination knowledge.  Placements: A career after Engineering Physics is not promising. You cannot expect to get a place on campus with an Engineering Physics degree.  There are not many companies that have the Engineering Physics job requirement.  Most of the companies have different recruitment processes which cannot be done on-campus, except government firms like DRDO, BARC, etc. You should not lose hope as college faculties and alumni help students in getting placed by identifying your interest.  Scope: Some students after completing Engineering Physics go for an MSc course and get into research and join IITs or institutes such as BARC.  To get good opportunities you have to work hard and keep taking GRE, GATE, and other exams to clear it.  If you do not want to go for research, then you can join a non-engineering job or can go for TFI etc. Therefore, if you have an interest in Engineering Physics and ready to work hard then go for it. It will surely pay you well. Most of the college faculties also help students in getting placed, so do not worry much about it.Read more
1 Answer

Ques. How is engineering physics at IIT Delhi?

● Top Answer By Pawan Sinha on 03 Apr 23

Ans. IIT Delhi's Engineering Physics program is highly respected and well-regarded in the field. According to information available online, the program focuses on IT Delhi's Engineering Physics program is highly respected and well-regarded in the field. According to information available online, the program focuses on providing students with a strong foundation in both physics and engineering, with an emphasis on hands-on, practical learning. The key highlight of the course is Focus on Nanotechnology and Photonics, both emerging technologies  Physics is taught, its purest form, as well as when applied form Faculty researching biophysics, green optics, and material processing and fabrication theoretical physicists are working in fields like Quantum Computing.  The research is conducted in various fields like optics, photonics, spintronics, and solid-state mechanics.  Physics department has one of the most modern and well-equipped facilities in the institute: The Nanoscale Research Facility (NRF).  The program is suitable only if  You are interested in modern physics, optics, and electrodynamics Are proficient in mathematics and can analyze problems I will suggest you not opt for Engineering Physics in IIT Delhi if you want to study basic stuff like Newtonian Mechanics or electrical circuits or are intrigued by Astrophysics or Cosmology, as in that case IIT Kanpur or IISER Pune, is more suitable for you.Read more
1 Answer

Ques. Which is better: Engineering Physics at IIT Bombay or Electrical Engineering at IIT Roorkee?

● Top Answer By Sumit Bose on 18 Mar 23

Ans. It would be suggested to pursue Engineering Physics at IIT Bombay rather than Electrical Engineering at IIT Roorkee.  When it comes to studying physics at IITB, there are some key differences between JEE physics and college-level physics. Here are some important points to keep in mind: In JEE physics, you study formula derivations after brief explanations of concepts and practice a lot of problems in that topic. College-level physics courses are typically more rigorous in theoretical and mathematical content, and problems are solved to help you understand the concepts more deeply. While EE does not have any pure physics courses after the first year, it focuses on making you an electrical engineer. Core courses include analog and digital electronics, signals and systems, network theory, electronic devices, microprocessors, power electronics, and some relevant math courses. EP, on the other hand, has core courses like quantum mechanics, electrodynamics, statistics, relativity, classical mechanics, waves and optics, nuclear physics, etc. There are also important math courses up to your second year. EP trains you in core physics concepts and prepares you for experimental physics and electronics, giving you many options for your career path. You can work in theoretical or experimental physics, electronics, statistics and stochastics, CS-related research, or pursue higher studies in physics. When choosing between IITB and IIT Roorkee, consider factors like the quality of professors, campus culture, and location. IITB has excellent professors, a beautiful campus, and great cultural and sports scenes, and is close to TIFR, which provides opportunities for collaboration. When it comes to placements, most EP students go for higher studies because they are passionate about physics. For EE, core and non-core jobs are similar to those for other courses in terms of job security and salary packages. Finally, the "brand" of IITs, especially IIT Bombay, provides a sense of job security that can be reassuring for graduates.Read more
1 Answer

Ques. How do I choose between IIT Delhi engineering physics, civil, production & industrial, and chemical engineering?

● Top Answer By Pawan Sinha on 05 Apr 23

Ans. I will restrict my answer to Engineering Physics and Chemicals only as I know the same only.  The major criterion followed at IIT Delhi by all the branches is a well-maintained CG. To secure good placements one has to constantly score a good CG throughout the program. During your admission, the department does not play any role but your 85 percent constraint on minimum possible strength does. Engineering Physics is a unique branch for those highly passionate about Physics and want to pursue higher studies in the same To secure core jobs, one has to move to MTech in Engineering Physics from BTech in Engineering Physics. For Chemical Engineering students, BTech is more than enough to secure decent packages and great research opportunities outside India. Consultancy and Analytics jobs are offered equally to students of all the departments  Engineering Physics graduates usually take up consultancy or IT jobs  Chemical Engineering is the most laid-back department of IIT Delhi with very flexible academics thus making it easy to maintain a decent CG throughout.  I wouldn’t suggest anyone go for Engineering Physics if they have no intention of pursuing it later. Instead, look for other options in BTech and explore your interests.Read more
1 Answer

Ques. What is your opinion on engineering physics at IIT Madras?

● Top Answer By Shruti Tiwari on 30 Mar 23

Ans. Engineering Physics at IIT Madras is a multidisciplinary field that combines elements of both Physics and Mathematics. Those who have a passion for both Physics and Mathematics and are not sure about core Electrical can go for this course. The branch comprises multiple courses some of which might even not sign with your interests. But this happens in almost every branch. Despite it all, you gain excellent exposure to a wide range of fields and thus eventually help you clear your doubts regarding the branch.Read more
1 Answer

Ques. What should I choose between BITS Pilani EEE or IIT Guwahati engineering physics?

● Top Answer By Aditi Banerjee on 04 May 23

Ans. Both BITS Pilani and IT Guwahati are reputable institutions with strong engineering programs. It’s highly recommended that you go through the contents of the curriculum once before opting for any major. Most students skip this and regret it later as they are forced to study courses they least expected. Go through the books of these courses and determine if the matter intrigues you or not.  IIT Guwahati Engineering Physics program covers a wide spectrum of fields. Although the placement scenario is average, it definitely quenches your thirst for knowledge of Physics and also prepares you for higher studies.  Another good option for core physics is MSc at Kanpur or Kharagpur. Although EP will expose you to multiple options, you will require another degree. It’s better to analyze your interests deeply before making the final decision. As far as the EEE at BITS Pilani is concerned, I am strongly against anyone joining BITS irrespective of the branch they choose. The curriculum is poorly structured and lacks flexibility. The placement scenario is deteriorating day by day. The exposure offered is null and thus BITS Pilani should be your last option when all doors are closed. You will end up wasting your time and money with no solid knowledge up your sleeve by the end of 4 years. Ultimately, the decision of which program to choose depends on your personal preferences and career goals.Read more
1 Answer

Ques. Does an engineering physics graduate from IIT Delhi get high packages?

● Top Answer By Dipti Sinha on 05 Apr 23

Ans. Engineering Physics is one of the most intriguing research-oriented branches of IIT Delhi. Students of this branch get the excellent opportunity to work in top research centers like ISRO, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre. Eminent scientists and professors testify to the branch's credibility so need not worry about placements. However, this branch is highly challenging and should be opted for only if you are serious about making a career out of it. The curriculum is challenging with high-level mathematics. Students from most branches end up working in MNCs and leave soon because they are not satisfied. However, the Engineering Physics branch provides excellent job prospects. I know someone who chooses this branch over CS and Electrical despite his AIR being 10. This branch requires serious commitment and one has to be truly devoted to the field. The faculty is not that good in comparison to other branches and this might make you suffer initially, but once you start understanding the practical concepts, it will become one of the most interesting courses you have ever come across.Read more
1 Answer

Ques. What rank in JEE is required for engineering physics at NIT Calicut?

● Top Answer By Shailja Khandelwa on 21 Aug 23

Ans. The cutoff marks vary from year to year and also depend on the category of the candidate. Another major factor that determines the cutoff is if you are a Home State Student or Other State student. Home-state students require lower cutoffs so they are at a certain advantage. These cutoffs decrease in subsequent rounds depending on the seats left. Here is the NIT Calicut Engineering Physics cutoff for various categories  Category HS OS General 25540 16153 OBCNCL 7887 6808 SC 9310 2773 EWS 30303 2695 ST 1952 1946 GeneralPwD 1021 - OBC NCLPwD 715 - Hope this helps you!Read more
1 Answer

Ques. Which one is better: IISC Bengaluru BS Programme or IIT Delhi Engineering Physics? Why?

● Top Answer By Deeraj Shah on 10 Apr 23

Ans. IISc Bengaluru’s BS Program is still in its infancy but has great scope for development in the near future. In fact, I consider this program even better than the Engineering Physics offered at IIT Delhi. A few strong reasons support my stance on the same area: IISc program curriculum is very flexible and students are at the freedom to opt for any course of their choice provided that they have completed the first year m’s highly dynamic course. Whereas IIT Delhi's EG program has little flexibility as you will be studying physics-related courses throughout the program with little space to choose a different topic Globally, IISc is a well-reputed science institute, and its scientific research and teaching methodology are even better than IIT Delhi. The professors of IISc Bangalore are more experienced and learned than IIT Delhi and their unique pedagogy offers a great learning experience. These professors enjoy worldwide recognition and thus their recommendations are highly valued For someone who is interested in Academics more than jobs, IISc is a very good option. It holds the 35th position globally for providing jobs. Despite being a new course, I will highly recommend you to go for it owing to the tremendous scope of development it has.Read more
1 Answer

Ques. What should I take among IIT Delhi textile, IIT Kharagpur biotechnology, and IIT Guwahati engineering physics?

● Top Answer By Akriti Banerjee on 10 Apr 23

Ans. The choice of college and branch totally depends on your inclination and career prospects. Yet, a few pointers you might consider  For MBA/ non-core jobs/Startups: IIT Delhi Textile is the best choice if you are looking for any 3 of these options. Its excellent location provides enough exposure to give you access to unimaginable opportunities. Many events hosted by industry experts, CEOs of big companies, and successful entrepreneurs will give a better insight into the startup culture. Moreover, students preparing for competing exams can easily access coaching centers nearby. Research in Biotechnology: If you are interested in research in general or Biotechnology specifically, then the Biotechnology at KGP is an excellent choice. It is one of the most demanding fields in terms of research and general growth. With a good CGPA, you can find a research internship or you can apply for MS or Ph.D. Even job opportunities are plentiful.  Campus: IIT Delhi is better because of its small size and location Lastly, Engineering Physics from IIT Guwahati should be considered only if you are genuinely passionate about Physics and want to pursue a research career in the same. The curriculum comprises high-tech mathematical concepts and is a good option to pursue a career in economics and computer science.Read more
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