B.Tech Electronics And Nanotechnology Latest Updates
10 Mar, 2025
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Course delivery method is Lectures, Experiments, practical, Project. Subjects include core courses and electives. This course covers heavy range of chemistry, surface science, molecular biology, electronic systems such as digital communications, analog systems and speed processing etc.
Following are some subjects that are prescribed by most of the universities in India.
Topics covered in syllabus |
Description |
Elements of Nano science and Nanotechnology |
Learn about elements of Nano science and behavior of physical systems. |
Materials Science Biology |
Understanding of improving functionality with the use of natural structures and interaction between materials and biological systems at different level. |
Principles of Environmental Science |
Understanding of link between living and non-living environment and challenges related to them. |
Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics |
Study of theoretical physicsby using probability theory andbehavior of a mechanical system. |
Fundamentals of Solid State Technology |
Understanding the fundamentals of solid state physics, quantum mechanics, dimensional structures, crystal growth, semiconductor device processing and technology. |
Instrumentation Techniques |
Learn how to use picture to demonstrate the position of the operator and techniques. |
Properties of Nano materials/ Synthesis of Nano materials |
Learn about Physical Chemistry of Solid Surfaces, Dimensional Nanostructures, Nanostructures and Fabricated by Physical Techniques. |
Quantum Mechanics |
It is the study about behavior and interactions between energy systems on the scale of atoms and subatomic particles. |
Engineering Economics and Management |
Knowledge about engineering and managerial economics and its concepts. |
Micro and Nano Fluidics |
Study and knowledge about behavior, manipulation and control of fluids that are confined to structures of nanometer |
Molecular Nano electronics |
Learn the principles of Nano electronics based on building blocks such as organic molecules, nano particles, nano crystals, nano tubes and nano wires. |
Polymer and Nano composites |
Knowledge about polymer or copolymer having nano particles or Nano fillers dispersed in the polymer matrix. |
Spintronic |
Understanding the intrinsic spin of the electron and its associated magnetic moment. |
Thin Film Technology |
Understanding of thin film which is a layer of material ranging from fractions of nano meters to several micro meters in thickness. It is a fundamental step in many applications. |
Nano robotics |
Learn how to use Nano robotics which is the technology of creating machines or robots at scale of a nano meter. |
Advanced drug delivery systems |
Knowledge about the critical analysis of advanced drug used for human and other living origin. |
Nano magnetism |
Learn about the sub micrometric system that presents spontaneous magnetic order at zero applied magnetic fields. |
Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) is a technology can be defined as miniaturized mechanical and electro-mechanical elements. And Nano electromechanical systems (NEMS) research is used for the development of powerful and versatile nano scale sensors and systems. |
Scheme of Assessment
The assessment will be of 2 types one is internal assessment and another is external assessment. Weightage given to internal assessment is 30% which includes class sessions, case study, practical assignments, project reports and experimental reports.
And weightage given to external assessment is 70% which covers written examination at the term end.
Evaluation on projects will be done at the regular intervals of time which is as under:
Evaluation (Marks) |
Internal Assessment |
University Exam |
Total |
Project |
Viva |
Project |
Viva |
100 |
50 |
100 |
50 |
300 |