K.E.Society's Rajarambapu Institute of Technology, Rajaramnagar, Sangli - Placement Details and Companies Visiting

Sangli, MaharashtraEstd 1983 Shivaji University Kolhapur, Kolhapur
#101 For Overall By NIRF Innovation 2023  
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RIT Islampur Highest and Average Package

Highest PackageAverage Package
7.50 L
4.06 L
01.5 Lakhs3.0 Lakhs4.5 Lakhs6.0 Lakhs7.5 Lakhs

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RIT Islampur Placements 2025

company logocompany namehighest packagestudents placed
2024IntellipaatIntellipaat9 L0
2024TCS DigitalTCS Digital7.50 L2
2024CapgeminiCapgemini7.50 L0
2024Atlas Copco IndiaAtlas Copco India6.50 L0
2024BrillioBrillio6 L0
2024Johnson ControlsJohnson Controls5.60 L0
2024FaureciaFaurecia5.50 L1
2024Schindler Ltd.Schindler Ltd.5.50 L1
2024IndiaMart InterMesh Ltd.IndiaMart InterMesh Ltd.5.20 L2
2024Ceasefire IndustriesCeasefire Industries5.10 L1
2024Torrent PowerTorrent Power4.80 L0
2024Emtech FoundationEmtech Foundation4.50 L16
2024KPITKPIT4.50 L31
2024AccentureAccenture4.50 L10
2024iASYS Technology Solutions Pvt Ltd.iASYS Technology Solutions Pvt Ltd.4 L1
2024KSB PumpsKSB Pumps3.60 L3
2024IndiaMart CompanyIndiaMart Company3.60 L1
2024WILOWILO3.60 L4
2024NeologicNeologic3.50 L2
2024DmartDmart3.50 L11
2024ICICI LombardICICI Lombard3.50 L2
--QspidersQspiders3 L22
2024Bharat Forge LimitedBharat Forge Limited3 L10
2024Tech MahindraTech Mahindra3 L3
2024HDFC BankHDFC Bank3 L4
2024SutherlandSutherland2.80 L8
2024Byju'sByju's2.40 L1
2024Axis BankAxis Bank2.40 L1
2024MphasisMphasis1.99 L1
2024Reliable Analytical LaboratoriesReliable Analytical Laboratories1.80 L8
2024HDFC ErgoHDFC Ergo1.20 L3
2024WiproWipro85.60 K1

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WiproHDFC ErgoReliable Analytical LaboratoriesMphasis
Axis BankByju'sSutherlandHDFC Bank
Tech MahindraBharat Forge LimitedQspidersSCOPE T&M
ICICI LombardDmartNeologicWILO
IndiaMart CompanyKSB PumpsiASYS Technology Solutions Pvt Ltd.Accenture
KPITEmtech FoundationTorrent PowerCeasefire Industries

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Dr. Kumbhar Popat Dattatraya
Professor, Department of Civil Engineering
Dr. Patil Pandurang Shankar
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