Dalhousie University [DAL], Halifax Programs, Tuition Fees & Entry Requirements 2022-2023

Dalhousie University Programs: Tuition fees, Ranking, Scholarships, Application Deadlines & Entry Requirements

Halifax, Nova ScotiaLocation
UniversitySchool type
Estd1818established year
Partner [18 Courses]

Partner Course

STEM Course

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Master of Computer Science [M.C.S]

2 years
On Campus
Full Time
Exam Scores: TOEFL92|IELTS7|GRE updated300|PTE65|GMAT550
169 Students Applied
109 Students Admitted

Master of Science [M.S] Applied Computer Science

16 months
On Campus
Full Time
Exam Scores: TOEFL92|IELTS7|GRE updated300|PTE65
297 Students Applied
211 Students Admitted

Master of Science [M.S] Business

16 months
On Campus
Full Time
Exam Scores: TOEFL92|IELTS7|GRE updated300|PTE65|GMAT550
2 Students Applied
2 Students Admitted

Master of Engineering [M.Eng] Industrial Engineering

2 years
On Campus
Full Time
College Partner
Exam Scores: TOEFL92|IELTS7|GRE updated300|PTE65|GMAT550
Degrees Available: M.A.Sc
1 Student Applied
1 Student Admitted

Master of Engineering [M.Eng] Internetworking

2 years
On Campus
Full Time
College Partner
Exam Scores: TOEFL92|IELTS7|GRE updated300|PTE65

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Master of Engineering [M.Eng] Mechanical Engineering

15 months
On Campus
Full Time
Exam Scores: TOEFL92|IELTS7|GRE updated300|PTE65|GMAT550

Master of Engineering [M.Eng] Civil Engineering

2 years
On Campus
Full Time
College Partner
Exam Scores: TOEFL92|IELTS7|GRE updated300|PTE65
2 Students Applied
1 Student Admitted

Master of Science [M.S] Agriculture

2 years
On Campus
Full Time
Exam Scores: TOEFL92|IELTS7|GRE updated300|PTE65

Master of Engineering [M.Eng] Electrical and Computer Engineering

2 years
On Campus
Full Time
Exam Scores: TOEFL92|IELTS7|GRE updated300|PTE65
1 Student Applied

Master of Science [M.S] Pharmaceutical Science

2 years
On Campus
Full Time
Exam Scores: TOEFL92|IELTS7|GRE updated300|PTE65

Master of Engineering [M.Eng] Chemical Engineering

2 years
On Campus
Full Time
College Partner
Exam Scores: TOEFL92|IELTS7|GRE updated300|PTE65

Master of Science [M.S] Health Administration

16 months
On Campus
Full Time
College Partner
Exam Scores: TOEFL92|IELTS7|GRE updated300|PTE65|GMAT550
1 Student Applied
1 Student Admitted

Master of Engineering [M.Eng] Environmental Engineering

2 years
On Campus
Full Time
Exam Scores: TOEFL92|IELTS7|GRE updated300|PTE65
Degrees Available: M.A.Sc
1 Student Applied

Master of Science [M.S] Food Science and Technology

2 years
On Campus
Full Time
Exam Scores: TOEFL92|IELTS7|GRE updated300|PTE65
1 Student Applied

Master of Science [M.S] Pharmacology

2 years
On Campus
Full Time
Exam Scores: TOEFL100|IELTS7.5|GRE updated300|PTE65

Master of Science [M.S] Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

2 years
On Campus
Full Time
Exam Scores: TOEFL92|IELTS7|GRE updated300|PTE65

Master of Science [M.S] Computational Biology and Bioinformatics

2 years
On Campus
Full Time
Exam Scores: TOEFL92|IELTS7|GRE updated300|PTE65

Master of Science [M.S] Psychology and Neuroscience

2 years
On Campus
Full Time
Exam Scores: TOEFL92|IELTS7|GRE updated300|PTE65

Master of Science [M.S] Electronic Commerce

2 years
On Campus
Full Time
Exam Scores: TOEFL100|IELTS7.5|GRE updated300|PTE65
3 Students Applied
2 Students Admitted

Master of Engineering [M.Eng] Mineral Resource Engineering

2 years
On Campus
Full Time
Exam Scores: TOEFL92|IELTS7|GRE updated300|PTE65

Master of Science [M.S] Chemistry

2 years
On Campus
Full Time
Exam Scores: TOEFL92|IELTS7|GRE updated300|PTE65

Master of Science [M.S] Health Informatics

2 years
On Campus
Full Time
Exam Scores: TOEFL92|IELTS7|GRE updated300|PTE65

Master of Science [M.S] Marketing

16 months
On Campus
Full Time
Exam Scores: TOEFL92|IELTS7|GRE updated300|PTE65

Master of Engineering [M.Eng] Petroleum Engineering

2 years
On Campus
Full Time
Exam Scores: TOEFL92|IELTS7|GRE updated300|PTE65

Master of Science [M.S] Statistics

2 years
On Campus
Full Time
Exam Scores: TOEFL92|IELTS7|GRE updated300|PTE65|GMAT550

Master of Science [M.S] Medical Physics

2 years
On Campus
Full Time
Exam Scores: TOEFL92|IELTS7|GRE updated300|PTE65

Master of Engineering [M.Eng] Material Engineering

1 year
On Campus
Full Time
Exam Scores: TOEFL92|IELTS7|GRE updated300|PTE65

Master of Engineering [M.Eng]

2 years
On Campus
Full Time
Exam Scores: IELTS7|TOEFL92|PTE65|GRE updated300

Master of Science [M.S] Microbiology and Immunology

2 years
On Campus
Full Time
Exam Scores: TOEFL100|IELTS7.5|GRE updated300|PTE65

Master of Engineering [M.Eng] Biological Engineering

2 years
On Campus
Full Time
College Partner
Exam Scores: TOEFL92|IELTS7|GRE updated300|PTE65
Degrees Available: M.A.Sc

Master of Science [M.S] Engineering Mathematics

2 years
On Campus
Full Time
Exam Scores: TOEFL92|IELTS7|GRE updated300|PTE65

Master of Science [M.S] Pathology

2 years
On Campus
Full Time
Exam Scores: TOEFL92|IELTS7|GRE updated300|PTE65

Dalhousie University Reviews

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14 Reviews Found

8.7 /10

Course Curriculum


This university is good. It's above average in terms of studies. Standards are pretty high. I am actually satisfied. Here everything is practical, with no theory exams. Study pressure is average, not too high, not too less. The courses they have collected here, its like hitting a bull's eye for a software developer to get a job. They have courses which are hot cakes right now in the market. They have a course for data analytics and data science. Whatever technology is booming right now, they have the course for it. They have customized their course plan according to the market. They have tied up with some companies, who constantly give more importance to Dalhousie students.


The tuition fee varied each term. the first term it was around C$6500. As the next term started, they increased the fee gradually, it was around C$7500-8500. In my last term, I almost paid C$9000

academic: 8/10
faculty: 8/10
infrastructure: 9/10
accomodation: 9/10
placement: 9/10
extracurricular: 9/10

7.2 /10

Course Curriculum


The course curriculum is a bit more difficult than I expected but it is very interesting.


My tuition is about $9000 a year. I got a government student loan and was not awarded any scholarships as I am a transfer student. The school does offer bursaries that students can apply for once every semester and they can help offset some costs. They are given out based on financial need. I applied for one this semester.

academic: 8/10
faculty: 7/10
infrastructure: 8/10
accomodation: 7/10
placement: 6/10
extracurricular: 7/10

Course Curriculum


Good facilities and few faculties are good, easily approachable to solve your queries, whereas few just teach and don't bother to get feedbacks. Overall the faculty of computer science is good enough to manage.


The fee structure is like around $5000 each semester which includes transit, gym, society fees altogether. The total course in rupees will come around 13-15 lakhs. I took an education loan from a bank back home. Even to get a loan it took me a month. For Masters, there are not many scholarships available but they do offer teaching assistants and best student awards.

academic: 7/10
faculty: 7/10
infrastructure: 9/10
accomodation: 7/10
placement: 9/10
extracurricular: 7/10

8.8 /10

Course Curriculum


Very hectic, a crazy amount of courses to fit into this specialized course, and sometimes learning information will never have to know in the future. Feel as though they could take out a few of the courses they currently have and focus more in-depth on the more important topics that apply to the dental field.


2 payments, one first semester and one second, the larger payment being first, includes medical insurance, bus pass, facility renewal fees, etc, tuition, instrumentation fee, and the list goes on.

academic: 8/10
faculty: 9/10
infrastructure: 8/10
accomodation: 9/10
placement: 9/10
extracurricular: 10/10

7.8 /10

Course Curriculum


I think that the course curriculum is interesting, however, it is challenging at times. There is a lot of group work which helps boost morale and teamwork skills which are important for the workforce. It also helps with problem-solving skills.


The fee structure is 2 payments, one per semester to cover tuition. There are also textbook costs which are to your discretion of whether you want to buy them or not or if they are mandatory. There are no other fees.

academic: 9/10
faculty: 8/10
infrastructure: 7/10
accomodation: 8/10
placement: 8/10
extracurricular: 7/10

7.3 /10

Course Curriculum


Good. Everything I need it to be. However, there are a few courses that are required that don't really help me with what I want to do in the future. I always wouldn't mind if there were a little more upper year course options.


The fees all get combined together into one tuition cost for each semester. They charge for everything Dalhousie offers, regardless of whether you use it or not. However, you can opt out of certain things that you do not use, so that's good.

academic: 8/10
faculty: 9/10
infrastructure: 7/10
accomodation: 7/10
placement: 5/10
extracurricular: 8/10

8.0 /10

Course Curriculum


The medical science program was very hard and the curriculum forced us to take some of the worst classes at dal. I switched to neuroscience and this program has been a lot better. The courses are interesting and not too hard. Theatre courses are very fun and engaging.


Each class runs around $1000 a class with art classes being slightly less than science class. Typically my science classes have labs which makes them more expensive.

academic: 9/10
faculty: 9/10
infrastructure: 9/10
accomodation: 7/10
placement: 7/10
extracurricular: 7/10

7.3 /10

Course Curriculum


It's very advanced and helps an individual I'm being set up for their future in the career they desire, in this case, psychology, by preparing you for the real world and any challenges you might face. They offer very advanced courses Ke experiential learning that help you see how science is addressed daily without experiments.


The fee structure seems very fair however this situation may change in the near future. They also offer awards and bursaries for those in need and for those who excel academically or athletically.

academic: 9/10
faculty: 9/10
infrastructure: 8/10
accomodation: 4/10
placement: 7/10
extracurricular: 7/10

9.2 /10

Course Curriculum


Course curriculum is very interesting and encompassing of many other subjects. It incorporates many other fields of study giving the students a broader range of knowledge. Within the political science program there are a wide range of courses you can take and I really appreciate that.


Fees structure is very straight forward. Tuition is due in the third week of classes as by this time you will have had your schedule figured out. Paying tuition is very easy as you can either do it through online banking or cheques.

academic: 10/10
faculty: 9/10
infrastructure: 10/10
accomodation: 8/10
placement: 8/10
extracurricular: 10/10

8.7 /10

Course Curriculum


The course curriculum is practicum-strong. Dal nursing is known for its practicums more than it's classroom content. However, courses are laid out well across the semesters. Dalhousie has 2 program options for nursing. Direct Entry and Advanced standing. Direct Entry is for straight out of high school and is 3 years. The first 2 semesters are prerequisites. You go in the summer as well, for a total of 8 semesters from Fall year 1, to Winter year 3. The other program option is Advanced Standing which is 2 years, and it's for students who have already completed the prerequisites.


Tuition is usually about $4300 per semester plus other fees, totaling approximately $4800 without health and dental.

academic: 10/10
faculty: 8/10
infrastructure: 8/10
accomodation: 7/10
placement: 9/10
extracurricular: 10/10


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