This course focuses on Science, Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics subjects, offering a deep dive into these fields to enhance your knowledge and skills in STEM disciplines.
This course focuses on Science, Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics subjects, offering a deep dive into these fields to enhance your knowledge and skills in STEM disciplines.
Hello, I'm from India. I have a doubt regarding the Program Cloud Computing (Certificate) offered by the University of Toronto. Will this certificate count toward my PGWP? Can I apply for PGWP for taking this course?
Sinbad Chongtham
If you have graduated from a designated learning institution in Canada, you may be eligible to apply for PGWP. However, graduating from a designated learning institution does not automatically make you eligible to appy for PGWP. You will be able to apply for PGWP after completing the one-year Certificate in Cloud Computing program of this university.
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Hello i am from nepal and want to study masters in child counselling. i have completed bacheolars in social work (4 years course). what are the qualification required to apply for the course. Do i need to do any extra course to bridge?
Sinbad Chongtham
The University of Toronto does not offer Master in Child Counseling. But the university offers MA Child Study and Education, MA Counselling and Clinical Psychology, M.Ed Counselling and Psychotherapy, M.Ed Global Mental Health and Counselling Psychology, M.Ed Guidance and Counselling, MA School and Clinical Child Psychology. To apply for these programs, you must have a bachelor’s degree in Psychology.
Hi,Professor I am from banglades,, SSC GPA-5.00 HSC:4.93 M.A Hon's In English from University of Chittagong -2.91 ielts exam 7 overall,, Now i have a interest master's program, this gpa accept your university,,?? Thanks in advance
Sinbad Chongtham
To apply for graduate admission at the University of Toronto you must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 on a scale of 4.0. Besides the GPA requirement there are certain other program-specific admission requirements that must be fulfilled.
If you have graduated from a designated learning institution in Canada, you may be eligible to apply for PGWP. However, graduating from a designated learning institution does not automatically make you eligible to appy for PGWP. You will be able to apply for PGWP after completing the one-year Certificate in Cloud Computing program of this university.
The University of Toronto does not offer Master in Child Counseling. But the university offers MA Child Study and Education, MA Counselling and Clinical Psychology, M.Ed Counselling and Psychotherapy, M.Ed Global Mental Health and Counselling Psychology, M.Ed Guidance and Counselling, MA School and Clinical Child Psychology. To apply for these programs, you must have a bachelor’s degree in Psychology.
To apply for graduate admission at the University of Toronto you must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 on a scale of 4.0. Besides the GPA requirement there are certain other program-specific admission requirements that must be fulfilled.