Taarika Khanijow Review at The University Of British Columbia [UBC], Vancouver | Collegedunia

THE UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA, VANC...I met amazing people and learned a lot f...

I met amazing people and learned a lot from my experiences abroad.

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I had visited the campus before and thought it was beautiful, My brother went there 2 years before I did and therefore I was able to see and hear about the programs that they offered. I also wanted to do my undergrad on a big university campus as I come from a small island and wanted something different.

Course Curriculum


I thought my course syllabus was cutting edge, we were given many options on what types of psychology we could take (eg. sexual psychology, personality psychology, gambling, and addiction, etc.). We were given the option to apply for an RA for research experience and encouraged to become participants in research.


For application, I had to submit my CV, 2 LoRs, 1 SoP, and a few small essays answering different questions. In my SoP, I wrote about my cultural and ethnic background as I wanted to pursue International Relations as my minor, and I thought my rich background would give me an edge. My first LoR was written by the dean of my high school (asked him to focus on my ability to adapt and think fast) and the second LoR was written by my employer in the Irish Consulate (asked her to focus on my managerial, quick thinking and adaptational properties).



I wasn't able to do any of this as COVID hit and I had to return back home. Alumni networking is however really strong, they keep in touch and still broadcast job vacancies and opportunities in the field.


Wi-Fi was amazing, sports facilities were absolutely great with 2 gyms, many swimming pools, wreck beach, rock climbing, and many more activities. Campus life was fast-paced since courses were really tough there were many study spaces (over 15 libraries) as well as hangout spots for students to eat and mingle (Nest, Life building)


180000 CAD





UBC is a big university and therefore the student-teacher ratios are approximately 1 to 150, there is however office hours and periods after class that you are able to meet them and get help. professor Goldsmith was extremely inspirational and really helpful as was professor Rawn.



I lived on campus for one year, I got a single room that cost 880CAD per month. I would suggest that for the first year stay on campus, but the next years to get a house as they are cheaper (750CAD on average).

Taarika Khanijow (Enrolled 2017) B.A PsychologyThe University of British Columbia| Reviewed on Sep 17, 2020