Ishika Singh Review at Centennial College, Toronto | Collegedunia

Studying Hospitality at Centennial College

My college is really known for its hospitality program and the best faculty.

Course Curriculum :

The curriculum of my program focuses on practical knowledge and has given them a deep insight into the operations of the industry.

Exams :

My scores IELTS 7.5 ; the Minimum IELTS score required 6.5 minimum and 60% in secondary education ( high school).

Placement :

Placements are tough for hospitality students due to Covid. Instead of looking for placements in other companies, my college registered the students in the Coop in the school itself. So we did our collaboration online. We learned about operating a restaurant and the different trends in hospitality.

Internship :

Yes, I opted for co-op but due to Covid, I had to do online co-op with college instead of working in any other company. It was not the best experience.

Events :

There are various different clubs in the college and a lot of events are organized for students ( virtual events too). There are so many activities to do on the campus, basketball, squash, there's gym , lounge area and many more things

Fees :

Approximately $7750 per semester. I had 4 semesters.

Scholarship :

No, I didn't receive any scholarship.

Faculty :

All our professors were experienced and had immense knowledge about the hospitality industry, which helped us a lot to learn about the industry and how to grow in this field.

Hostel :

The college provides accommodation but it is quite expensive, so I used an app called Kijiji to search for room rentals close to my college. Initially, I shared a room with another girl and I used to pay $350. If you want a private room then the price can start from around $400 and can go up to $600 for a private room.

6.5 out of 10