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3 Reviews Found
Winnipeg has plenty of building around the RRC Campuses where you can rent apartments. Apart from that, RRC offers Student Residence near Downtown Campus.
I wasn't looking to enroll in a 4-year Degree Program, so after searching I found the Business Admin 2-year Diploma that RRC offered. I liked it as it gave me the flexibility to get a diploma and then complete my Bachelor's at a later date.
I was initially staying with a family as a paying guest then I had few friends wanting to share the apartment so we rented out a flat and we are sharing it so it becomes easy on the pocket and it's fun to stay with friends.
It has a pathway program so I had the option of doing my first year in India at Xplora design school and then submit the portfolio here in red river college and apply for the second year which you get automatically selected and apply for the visa and come here for the second year.
I still lived with my parents so there was no need to live on campus. By not living on campus I was able to save a lot of money that other students had to spend. However, some fellow students were quite happy with their accommodations.
The reputation of the school was really good and my family also went there. There were no other management development courses in the area that piqued my interest. This college was also the closest one to me.
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