List of Full Time BA Colleges in Allahabad Based on 2024 Ranking

Program Type
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Entrance/Exam Accepted
Avg Fee Per Year
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Gender Accepted
Found 40 colleges
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CD RankCollegesCourse FeesPlacementUser ReviewsRanking
38,000BA - Bachelor of Arts- 1st Year Fees--
8.5 / 5
Based on 1 User
7,700BA - Bachelor of Arts- 1st Year Fees------
16,000BA - Bachelor of Arts- 1st Year FeesCompare Fees--
3.8 / 5
Based on 8 User
Best in Social Life
7,760BA - Bachelor of Arts- 1st Year Fees--
9.5 / 5
Based on 1 User
CD RankCollegesCourse FeesPlacementUser ReviewsRanking

Allahabad Bible Seminary, Allahabad

Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh 

Allahabad Degree College, Allahabad

Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh 

Atibal Singh Mahavidyalaya, Allahabad

Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh 
CD RankCollegesCourse FeesPlacementUser ReviewsRanking

Balram Mahavidyalaya, Allahabad

Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh |UGC Approved
3,000BA - Bachelor of Arts- 1st Year Fees------

Beni Madhav Singh Mahavidyalaya, Allahabad

Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh |NCTE Approved
1,320BA - Bachelor of Arts- 1st Year Fees------
3,332BA - Bachelor of Arts- 1st Year Fees------
CD RankCollegesCourse FeesPlacementUser ReviewsRanking

Divyabha Girls Degree College, Allahabad

Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh 

Hamidia Girls Degree College, Allahabad

Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh 
1,340BA - Bachelor of Arts- 1st Year Fees------
CD RankCollegesCourse FeesPlacementUser ReviewsRanking

Handia Post Graduate College, Allahabad

Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh 

Iswar Saran Degree College, Allahabad

Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh 
1,224BA - Bachelor of Arts- 1st Year Fees------
1,054BA - Bachelor of Arts- 1st Year Fees------

Kisan Mahavidyalaya, Allahabad

Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh |AICTE Approved
CD RankCollegesCourse FeesPlacementUser ReviewsRanking

MBL Degree College, Allahabad

Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh 

MP Garg Degree College, Allahabad

Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh 

Maa Vaishnavi Degree College, Allahabad

Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh 

Mahendra Pratap Singh Degree College, Allahabad

Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh |AICTE Approved
CD RankCollegesCourse FeesPlacementUser ReviewsRanking

Motilal Nehru Degree College, Allahabad

Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh 
3,000BA - Bachelor of Arts- 1st Year Fees------

RBS Mahavidyalaya, Allahabad

Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh 
3,000BA - Bachelor of Arts- 1st Year Fees------
2,700BA - Bachelor of Arts- 1st Year Fees------