The University offered everything I was looking for in a college! The nursing program is well-known, you couldn't ask for a better location and the University has a great overall reputation! Plus, I wanted a break from winters :)
Course Curriculum
Overall, I like it, but I wish some changes would be made to the cognate system. It prevented me from obtaining a double minor. Say you find a cognate you enjoy and want to continue with it to earn a minor, you lose the cognate (which is required for graduation). I wanted to continue with Spanish to earn a minor, but by continuing, I would not be able to graduate on time since I would have to find and complete another cognate to take the place of Spanish.
They're all amazing! They genuinely want their student to succeed, but not to the point that they are just handing out A's. You have to come to class and do the work. Do that and they will really go out of their way to help you.
The nursing clinical placements could be done better. It is assumed that students have cars and assignments are made without regard to transportation or students' location. I was assigned to a site 20 minutes north of the city, while a friend that lives about 45 minutes north was assigned to a hospital right near my home. It is very hard for a car-less person such as myself to get to clinical placements that are far away! I often relied on other for rides.
I lived on campus for the first two years but moved off after my sophomore year. The on-campus apartments are $200-$500 more than an off-campus apartment across the street. A new dorm is being built that looks great! I don't even want to know the price of a room there though!!
ACT (33), AP US Politics (3), AP Psych (5), AP English Language (5), AP Comparative Politics (4? Maybe 5)
Homecoming is a big event! We have a parade then a boat burning ceremony on the lake in the center of campus. We put the logo of the school we are playing on a wooden boat and light it on fire. If the logo falls before the boat mast, then we will win the game!
I was lucky enough to receive a full ride to the University, so I am not totally familiar with the fee structure of the school; however, I do know that the nursing department charges an extra $720 a semester. I'm not sure what that is even for. They also charge a one-time $220 fee for immunization tracking and background checks prior to beginning clinical rotations.
I received some merit-based aid that was immediately applied to my account. I did not apply for any extra scholarships, so I am not familiar with the process.
Examination Structure
The structure isn't too bad, especially for the gen ed classes. The reading days are sufficient time to prepare and the exams are spaced nicely. My one complaint would be that the nursing department places too much weight on the final exam, which is a standardized national exam. We weigh ours at 25%, which is significantly higher than other programs that weight theirs at 10% or just use the standardized exam as a grade-boosting exam only.