The excellent learning environment and teaching methods led me to choose this school. Their focus on pursuing the truth is refreshing in a world where education focuses largely on just the practical side of things.
Course Curriculum
It is a great way of forming well-rounded students so they have a solid understanding of fields such as philosophy, literature, history, science, and politics. The college's core curriculum is one of the many things that makes it unique and academically challenging.
The faculty are wonderful and always willing to help. They treat each student with personal care because they truly care about each of us. Faculty become like family in many ways.
They are excellent. Each department wants to be sure students have the chance to get experience in their chosen field. They also look to get students jobs right out of school, whenever in their major field of study or not.
The fees are kept to a minimum where possible, thanks to generous private donations. Access to anything on campus is covered in student fees, including gym access, tickets to concerts/performances, access to literally and journalistic publications, etc.
Examination Structure
Every course must have a final exam each semester. Many classes also have midterms, and many also administer regular reading quizzes or exams throughout the semester to be sure students are learning the material.