Amie Justice Review at Eastern Michigan University [EMU], Ypsilanti | Collegedunia


Eastern MIchigan University: MSW

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Social Life

I had to attend a university for my program and it was not too far and affordable. I also went there for my bachelor's. I heard that this school had a really good Social Work Program and since that is my field, that's what I wanted.

Course Curriculum


I like the variety of classes and I think the curriculum was pretty good. I feel like I would have liked more therapy classes though. The school had a lot of interesting social work electives and I felt the courses gave me a good overall education and prepared me for the field of work.


I have not taken any special exams yet for this program. I have to take a state licensure test to receive higher pay. In high school, I had to take the SAT.



I am not sure of much as I am still in school. I do know, Dawn Farms has hired students from the program, Avalon Housing, and some of the Community Mental Health agencies.


Yes, they do provide internships. I had to complete an internship for my bachelor's level and my master's level. For my bachelor's, I thought it could have been organized. I did get placed where I wanted though, so I didn't have too much to complain about. For my master's program, it seemed a little bit more organized. There was another person in the department assisting to get the students placed. For my masters, I got placed where I wanted as well. I feel that as long as your voice and advocate for yourself that it will work out. Its also best to use the list of places you can an internship with, do your research and narrow it down to where you would like to go.



I did not participate in any extra events. I know there are events on campus such as celebrating MLK day, and they have social work parties for those who are graduating. The campus did have AA/Na meetings for students every week on campus, a building floor for the LGBTQ community.


They charge $35 a semester for the rec center(gym). You can fill out a waiver saying that you will not use and can get reimbursed for the $35. The form must be completed each semester. The parking can be a hassle until you become familiar with the campus. They now privatized the parking to another company so the rates have raised. To get a parking pass, I think its $150 each semester and that to park in specific lots. Then you still have to hunt for a spot. It's better to just show up early so you have time to find a spot. I go in the evenings so I don't purchase the pass. I park at the meter and page $2. The meters stop charging after 6 pm and are free on Saturdays. There is also pay lots that you pay for 4 hours( $12) and then the rest of the time in the lot is not charged.


I did not receive any scholarships however i used tons of financial aid. I worked in the first year of grad school and then I left my job to focus on school. When I did that, we lived off of my student loans. The process of financial aid and loans were very smooth. Definitely a big improvement from the community colleges. Much more organized.

Examination Structure

I did not take a lot of exams for my program but wrote tons of papers. When I did have an exam, it was just in a regular classroom and on scantrons, unless it was a paperlike test. I did not take one exam during my master's program. I do remember taking one or 2 in my bachelor's. The social work is more focused on working with people and making sure you able to document properly.



I am living off-campus. I commute 40 minutes to get to school. I had no issues with this. The biggest hassle is the parking and again, it's just until you figure out the tricks. If your going multiple days if the week during the day, you may benefit from the pass. I, however, go in the evenings, usually one day a week or on the weekends so it wasn't worth it to me.

Amie Justice Masters of Social WorkEastern Michigan University| Reviewed on May 28, 2019