Close to home, a good program for my major, well known, liberal. It is also a beautiful campus that is easy in terms of transportation if you have a bike. The whole campus is built to make biking easy.
Course Curriculum
I love it. I love my teachers and I look forward to lectures. The courses are very relevant to what is happening in the real world and it makes me feel prepared. There are many classes to choose from. My emphasis is Peace and Security so I take a lot of classes about war history, foreign policy and scientific Study of War courses.
Because our campus is close to the state capital in Sacramento, many students get internships there and possibly even jobs after they graduate. Some also get jobs in Silicon Valley such as Facebook, Google or other startups.
My first year I lived on-campus and that was very convenient. My current and final year I am staying off-campus which is also convenient but my lease is expiring before my classes are over in the summer so I do not know where I will be staying for the two weeks.
I was a transfer student so I didn't have to take these exams. I got in automatically because I had the required GPA at my community college. But in high school, I took the SATs and ACTs.
Numerous organizations host their events, such as cultural clubs, performances, food festivals, art festivals and the biggest one of all, which is Picnic Day that is held in April.
Tuition, Courses, Health Insurance through campus, meal plan and on-campus living came to 35-40 grand.
No, I have not received any financial aid or scholarship because I did not qualify for it. I received one at my community college for $500.
Examination Structure
Our campus focuses more on essays and applications, such as projects. I'm not sure about other majors but that is how it is in mine. We have exams but they do not weigh a huge percent of our overall grade. We tend to have one midterm and one final for each class.