Thomas Flynn Review at DePaul University, Chicago | Collegedunia

DePaul University Experience

6.2 /10

I chose DePaul University due to its two wonderful locations. The main campus in Lincoln Park and the business school in the Loop (Downtown Chicago).

Course Curriculum :

The courses are rigorous and offer a nice balance of all aspects of the industry. One thing I will note is that once it became time for electives, the offerings would often get canceled due to low enrollment - just keep that in mind. Two examples would include - Advertising Portfolio and Communication Law.

Exams :

DePaul will accept - ACT scores on a case by case basis, but they also weigh in your high school overall GPA.

Placement :

Everyone is kind of on their own once they graduate. It’s good to get a connection at a few companies early on in your college career. The college and career center was not helpful in my experience. They did not seem to know much about the advertising industry.

Internship :


Fees :

About $26,000 per year.

Scholarship :

I received the first generation college student scholarship. This included approximately $5,000 per quarter, or $15,000 per school year.

Faculty :

There are roughly 20-25 students in every class. 7/10 staff members are great and well versed, but there were a few that did not seem to care much and had a full-time job making in nearly impossible to get any questions answered outside of class. Dorthy DeCarlo and Michael Blight were outstanding.

Campus Life :

There is pretty much something for everyone as far as clubs go. There are two libraries, plenty of research facilities (they have traditional PC’s and iMacs). There is a softball field and that’s about it. Wi-Fi is so-so, could be better.

Hostel :

You can rent these type of rooms in the libraries for free.

6.2 out of 10