Bhaskar Shenoy Review at Texas A&M University, College Station | Collegedunia

Talking about the department of Engineering

7.3 /10

Good Program, Good Alumni Network, and closer to major cities like Houston, Austin, and Dallas.

Course Curriculum :

Great Curriculum, and a lot of flexibility to design your degree to suit your career path. Updated syllabus and many courses get you involved with industries.

Exams :

My Scores are GRE: 151 Verbal, 163 Quant, 3.5, and IELTS 8.0. No other standardized tests are required.

Placement :

There are career fairs that happen every semester. This should help you to get an idea of what companies look for from a master's student and also build your network. There is a great alumni network which makes it easy to enter the industry.

Internship :

Yes, currently a Supply Chain Intern at Tesla. From August 2020 to May 2021. Obtained by connecting to alumni and discussing available opportunities. 2 interviews and then offer.

Events :

In campus housings are expensive. A lot of off-campus options are available that are very reasonable. Good library, and free wifi within the campus. Great student clubs

Fees :

$13000 per semester for 9 credits (3 subjects) without any scholarship

Scholarship :

Full Tuition waiver for Spring 2020 - Graduate Teaching Assistant, Instate Tuition for Fall 2020 and Spring 2021 and $500 per semester - Department of Industrial Engineering Scholarship - based on academic performance

Faculty :

Great Faculty, Open to have discussion on subjects any time. Will go over the way to make student understand the subject.

Hostel :

Live off campus $350 per month for a single room in 2bed 1bath apartment 1km away from my department. University buses have a great connectivity.

7.3 out of 10