Stephanie Review at University Of California [UC MERCED], Merced | Collegedunia

UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, MERCED, CALIFO...Positives I met my best fiends and futur...

Positives I met my best fiends and future coworkers

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Social Life

Mostly because of financial aid, it was the only college I was accepted. My plan was to transfer but later I decided to stay because I had made friends connected with staff and did not want to start all over.

Course Curriculum


Well, a lot of curriculum courses did not apply to what I wanted to do. I didn't like that some were mandatory and I could not choose classes that I wanted to take especially since there were a lot of classes that were interesting but I couldn't take.


I took the SAT prior to college as well as the act. Then after college, I wanna go to grad school so I will be taking the LSAT and GR.



Students have to compete for jobs and placements. Since is a small town everyone is trying to get a job. Most of the dining center is run by students and even the process for a dishwasher position can be competitive


No, internships we must look for outside sources. We have a career center that helps students apply to outside internships since the college town is very small and not many opportunities students have to intern in their home towns



well out campus has a big Greek life so there were a lot of events for Greek organizations that left non-Greek students outside. Later during my years in college, they integrated two big events a music festival like Coachella and they also had a winter ball, which was lots of fun. I wish more events were hosted but the budget wasn't available.


Parking was not available and the parking passes were ridiculously expensive. The school was growing so new buildings were being built.


Lots of essays and resumes and cover letters. The process of scholarships was so long but luckily they were a lot of funds for scholarships.

Examination Structure

Depends on classes some will have 4 exams two midterms and two finals. Some classes have no exam and are mostly projects and other classes have a big final exam. Personally, I like projects and a final exam as I believe through the projects I can learn how much progress and how much I've learned in the classroom.



The faculty was unique. Very diverse backgrounds although diversity was not visible you could see that they tried.



Off-campus having buses work very. Although their schedules were great in the morning and during rush hour. The good thing is that there was a city bus that took students directly to campus. They had off-campus apartments which were really expensive.

Stephanie Political scienceUniversity of California| Reviewed on Mar 6, 2019