Master of Pharmacy [M.Pharm] (Pharmaceutics) From Mandsaur University, Mandsaur

Mandsaur, Madhya PradeshPrivate UniversityEstd 2015
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Master of Pharmacy [M.Pharm] (Pharmaceutics) 
first year fees:  ₹74,975
2 YearsFull Time
Total Year Wise fees74,97572,925
Total Fees₹74975₹72925
Tuition fees₹72925₹72925
other fee₹2050-

Eligibility Criteria

Aspirants seeking admission to the Program should meet the criteria followed by the institute 

  • B. Pharm Degree examination of an Indian university established by law in India from an institution approved by Pharmacy Council of India and has scored not less than 55% of the maximum marks (aggregate of 4 years of B.Pharm.)
  • Every student, selected for admission to post-graduate pharmacy program in any PCI approved institution should have obtained registration with the State Pharmacy Council or should obtain the same within one month from the date of his/her admission, failing which the admission of the candidate shall be canceled.

Course Details


It is mandatory to submit a migration certificate obtained from the respective university where the candidate had passed his/her qualifying degree (B.Pharm.)

Annual Academic Fee (USD): 3582

One time Admission Fee (USD): 350

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