Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology - [IIEST] Shibpur, Howrah - Cutoff Details

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IIEST Shibpur Cutoff 2025


IIEST Shibpur, JEE Main Cutoff 2024

IIEST Shibpur, JEE Main Cutoff 2024 for General Category is listed below. The overall cutoff rank for JEE Main is 1105 - 48361

Round 1
(Closing rank)
Round 2
(Closing rank)
Round 3
(Closing rank)
Round 4
(Closing rank)
Round 5
(Closing rank)

IIEST Shibpur, GATE Cutoff 2024

IIEST Shibpur, GATE Cutoff 2024 for General Category is listed below. The overall cutoff marks for GATE is 352 - 588

Round 1
(Cutoff marks)
Round 2
(Cutoff marks)
Round 3
(Cutoff marks)
Round 4
(Cutoff marks)

IIEST Shibpur, IIT JAM Cutoff 2024

IIEST Shibpur, IIT JAM Cutoff 2024 for General Category is listed below. The overall cutoff rank for IIT JAM is 253 - 1403

Round 1
(Closing rank)
Round 2
(Closing rank)
Round 3
(Closing rank)
Round 4
(Closing rank)

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IIEST Shibpur: 9 Answered Questions

What are the expected closing ranks of various streams in IIEST Shibpur?

Sounak Banerjee
Sourav RoyStudied at Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur

The expected closing ranks of various streams in IIEST Shibpur can vary from year to year depending on various factors such as the number of applicants, the difficulty level of the entrance exam, and the availability of seats. However, below are the previous year's closing ranks of various streams in IIEST Shibpur based on JEE Main exam:

  1. Computer Science and Engineering - 1583
  2. Electronics and Communication Engineering - 3061
  3. Mechanical Engineering - 5069
  4. Electrical Engineering - 5716
  5. Information Technology - 6387
  6. Civil Engineering - 7881
  7. Aerospace Engineering - 10438
  8. Mining Engineering - 17085

Please note that these are expected closing ranks based on the previous year's data and may vary for the current year. Also, the actual closing ranks may differ based on the category of the candidate, the state of eligibility, and other factors.

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What is the minimum cutoff in the JEE Mains for an admission in IIEST, Shibpur?

Sounak Banerjee
Aishwarya PathakStudied at IIEST, Shibpur

The cutoff scores for admission to the Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology (IIEST), Shibpur, through JEE Main varies each year and depends on several factors, including the number of applicants, the difficulty level of the exam, and the availability of seats in each program.

However, based on previous year trends, to get admission to IIEST Shibpur, you would need to score a rank under 10,000 (approximately) in the JEE Main exam. 

It's important to note that the cutoff score for each program offered at IIEST Shibpur is different, and you will need to check the official website of the institute for the specific cutoff score for the program you are interested in.

Additionally, meeting the cutoff score is only one of the eligibility criteria for admission to IIEST Shibpur. The institute considers other factors such as the candidate's academic performance, the number of applicants for a program, and the reservation policies, among others, for final admission decisions.

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How much should I get in JEE Mains to get into IIEST Shibpur?

Anil Tigga
Nishikesh RoyIndian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur

If you are somehow not specific on what branch, then a rank up to 22,000 (other states) can be expected to safely accomplish a branch at IIEST, Shibpur. You require to obtain marks of about 150 - 160 in JEE Mains for that.

For home-state students, the closing cutoff is usually around 30000 in general. 


The recent cutoff trends at the institute are tabulated below.




Aerospace Engineering 

1499 - 22344

3729 - 20377

Civil Engineering

19147 - 27598

18696 - 25038

Computer Science & Engineering

4978 - 9379

2118 - 7585

Electrical Engineering

10445 - 16511

9829 - 15720

Mechanical Engineering

11669 - 19625

8319 - 18560

Mining Engineering 

22516 - 31923

21516 - 29337

Information Technology 

9524 - 17031

12734 - 17573

Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

9219 - 11482

4354 - 10889 

Metallurgical & Material Engineering 

19784 - 28592

20850 - 27215

Architecture, Town & Regional Planning 

748 - 2155

940 - 1372

My cousin’s JEE-Main score was 142, and the normalized score was 175. Since there is no normalization nowadays, a suggestion would be to work hard for the score. 

And, a score anywhere between 180 would give you a position in the stream of your choice, you can be confident about that. Hope this gave you an idea about the score required to take admission at IIEST Shibpur.

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How much should I score in the JEE Mains as a general student to get the CSE at IIEST Shibpur?

Baishakhi SenguptaStudies at Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur (2020)

In JEE Main, a score of 190+ is considered to be sufficient if you want to get admitted to IIEST Shibpur and you belong to any other state apart from West Bengal.

Here is the cutoff required for different branches in recent years.








B.Tech+M.Tech Aerospace Engineering



B.Tech CSE



B.Tech IT



B.Tech+M.Tech Electronics & Telecommunication



B.Tech Electrical Engineering



B.Tech Mechanical Engineering



B.Tech Civil Engineering



B.Tech+M.Tech Metallurgical and Material Science



B.Tech Mining Engineering



You need to keep in mind the marks obtained in JEE Mains are completely based on the difficulty level of the question paper. If the question paper becomes easier, more marks will be required and if the question paper is difficult, lesser marks will work. But you should aim for a higher score so that things fall in your favor.

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I got a rank of 42,617 in the JEE Mains. Can I get metallurgy and material science in IIEST, Shibpur through other state quotas?

Tathoi MitraB.Tech Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur (2018)

One of my friends attends IIEST and here is his insight regarding cutoffs.

Your rank in JEE mains seems to be 5-6k more than the cutoff borderline for receiving admission into Metallurgy and Materials Engineering. According to the recent cutoff trends, the required cutoff for Metallurgy and Material Engineering are as follows.

  • Home State- 26837-29720
  • Outer State- 19784-28592

It would be difficult to get in Metallurgy and Materials Engineering with your rank. Your admissions in any branch are never guaranteed solely on the basis of cutoffs as the cutoffs drastically change in the case of JEE. The cutoffs provided are an approximation of your field of choice.

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Can I get IIEST Shibpur any branch with rank 34692?

Ashutosh PathakMetallurgy and Materials Engineering at IIEST Shibpur (2017)

It is possible to get into departments such as Metallurgy, Mining, and Aerospace, with a rank as you mentioned above. You can also get into the Civil engineering department, assuming that you belong to the general category.

Moreover, it also somewhat depends on whether you are from the home state or not. You should run a deep check on the latest cut-off as placed for this year.

Here is the cut-off of recent years for both home state students and students arriving from other parts of the country to help determine if you are likely to get selected.

Course Home State Students Other State Students
Aerospace Engineering 31814 14589
Civil Engineering 40148 35795
Computer Science and Engineering 11796 11947
Electrical Engineering 21436 22481
Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering 18954 18249
Information Technology 23838 15657
Mechanical Engineering 28939 24308
Metallurgy and Materials Engineering 41879 40051
Mining Engineering 44392 39285

It is suggested that you remain updated with any relevant data about the latest cut-off trends followed by the institute only recently.

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Can I get into the IT branch in IIEST Shibpur with a JEE Mains rank of 27.5k and an outside state?

Sanovar Lohia
Shivaprasad SenguptaB.Arch at IIEST (2019)

IIEST Shibpur is one of the oldest engineering colleges in India. As it is one of the most wanted engineering colleges, the closing rank for IIEST is expected to be quite steep.

For B.Tech Information Technology, the recent cutoff for outside and home state students at IIEST were as follows.

  • Home State - 11084 - 13249
  • Outer State - 9524 - 17031

This is for the general category students. So, there’s a thin chance that you will get admission at IIEST IT.

However, you should not lose hope as the stats may change after every round. For more details regarding cutoff, you can visit their official website.

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What number is needed for a CSE in IIEST Shibpur for an SC candidate?

Debaditya BhowmikCompleted B. Tech from Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur (2019)

IIEST Shibpur takes admission based on JEE Main scores. The counseling is usually conducted by JoSAA. Some of my friends are alumni of the institute so I can give you some idea of the cutoff trends for the CSE branch. Here are the recent cutoff trends for the CSE branch at the institute.

Academic Year









This should give you an idea of what percentile you need to score in order to take admission at IIEST Shibpur. But the cutoff varies, depending upon the difficulty level of the examination paper.

For more information regarding the cutoff score, you can visit the official website of JoSAA or the institute’s website.

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What is the IIEST Shibpur Cutoff Rank in JEE Main for B.Tech admissions?


IIEST Shibpur is situated in West Bengal. It is a renowned institution that offers B.Tech courses to interested candidates. To gain admission into IIEST Shibpur, the candidates must meet the institution’s cutoff requirement.

The cutoff is for the JEE Main exam, and those who fulfil this requirement have to attend the subsequent CSAB/JOSAA counselling. This cutoff serves as a benchmark, ensuring that only candidates who meet the specified rank can apply for the B.Tech programmes at IIEST Shibpur.

Here is the 2023 JEE MAIN cutoff for B.Tech Admissions at IIEST Shibpur (Open Category, Gender Neutral Seats)-

IIEST Shibpur Cutoff 2023 for B.Tech Admissions 

Branch HS OS
Aerospace Engineering 33167 23280
Civil Engineering 49928 52036
Computer Science and Engineering 11666 13711
Electrical Engineering 23153 28582
Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering 18868 21207
Information Technology 18259 16809
Mechanical Engineering 29101 37579
Metallurgy and MaterialsEngineering 48023 51002
Mining Engineering 53265 54788

I hope you’ve got an idea of the JEE MAIN cutoff trend at IIEST Shibpur for its B.Tech admissions. 

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