IIM Calcutta Admission 2024 (Open): Fees, Cutoff, Criteria, Eligibility

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What's New in IIM Calcutta?

11 Mar, 2025 IIMC - Indian Institute of Management (IIM Calcutta) is a renowned institution situated in the vibrant city of Kolkata, within the state of West Bengal.

IIM Calcutta admission 2023 is currently going on and the candidates who have registered for the WAT-PI process will only be considered in the further selection process.

IIM Calcutta admission process consists of 2 stages. In stage 1, IIM Calcutta releases a shortlist as per CAT Score. The minimum CAT Cutoff required for IIM Calcutta MBA admission is 85 percentile. However, the actual cutoff remains somewhere between 98-99 percentile. For Stage 2, a Personal Interview (PI) will be conducted in online mode and GD has been scrapped. IIM Calcutta will take into consideration overall performance in CAT & Personal Interview, Academic Record, Work Experience, Gender Diversity, and WAT in the final MBA selection. In 2023, the Graduation score is also scrapped from the final MBA selection criteria of IIM Calcutta.

Table of Content

  1. IIM Calcutta MBA Admission 2023

1.1 IIM Calcutta MBA Admission Dates 2023

1.2 IIM Calcutta MBA Selection Criteria

1.3 IIM Calcutta MBA Selection Criteria: Minimum Cut-off

1.4 IIM Calcutta MBA Selection Criteria: Shortlisting for WAT and PI

1.5 IIM Calcutta MBA Selection Criteria: Final Selection

1.6 IIM Calcutta MBA Admission: How to Apply?

  1. IIM Calcutta MBAEx Admission 2023

2.1 IIM Calcutta MBAEX Admission Dates 2023

2.2 IIM Calcutta MBAEx Selection Criteria

2.3 IIM Calcutta MBAEx Admission: How to Apply?

  1. IIM Calcutta PGPEx-VLM Admission 2023

3.1 IIM Calcutta PGPEx-VLM Admission Dates 2023

3.2 IIM Calcutta PGPEx-VLM Selection Criteria

3.3 IIM Calcutta PGPEx-VLM Admission: How to apply?

  1. IIM Calcutta PGDBA Admission 2023

4.1 IIM Calcutta PGDBA Admission Dates 2023

4.2 IIM Calcutta PGDBA Selection Criteria 

4.3 IIM Calcutta PGDBA Admission: How to Apply?

  1. IIM Calcutta PhD Admission 2023

5.1 IIM Calcutta PhD Admission Dates 2023

5.2 IIM Calcutta PhD Admission: How to Apply?

  1. IIM Calcutta Admission: Exams Accepted
  2. IIM Calcutta FAQs

IIM Calcutta MBA Admission 2023

The candidates who hold a bachelor’s degree in any discipline with a minimum aggregate of 50% marks are eligible to apply for the MBA program.

 IIM Calcutta MBA admission includes the following stages:

Admission Stage Description 
CAT Registration  Interested candidates will have to register for CAT and also apply to IIM Calcutta in the same form. 
CAT Exam The applicants will have to appear for CAT.
Stage 1 Shortlisting for WAT-PI The candidates who have scored a percentile above the minimum cut-off in both sectional and overall will be shortlisted. 
Final Shortlist for WAT-PI Process The shortlisted candidates will be ranked based on their composite score and will be shortlisted for the WAT-PI process.
WAT-PI Process The shortlisted candidates will have to appear for the Written Ability Test (WAT) and Personal Interview (PI).
Final Selection  A category-wise merit list will be prepared based on the composite scores, which will be calculated through the CAT score, PI, WAT, Academic diversity, and Work experience. 

IIM Calcutta MBA Admission Dates 2023 

Events Dates
CAT Registration  August 3, 2022 - September 21, 2022
CAT Exam November 27, 2022
CAT Result December 21, 2022
Shortlist Announcement for WAT-PI  Second Week of January 2023
WAT-PI Round starts From February, 2023
Final Admission Offer April/ May 22, 2023

IIM Calcutta MBA Selection Criteria 

The candidates will be shortlisted for the MBA program, based on CAT 2022 and other parameters like academic performance and gender diversity.

IIM Calcutta MBA Selection Criteria: Minimum Cut-off

In stage 1, the candidate who meets the minimum cut-off of CAT 2022, both section-wise and overall percentile, will be shortlisted. IIM Calcutta CAT cut-off is mentioned in the table below:

Category Overall Percentile VARC DILR QA
OPEN 85 80 80 75
NC-OBC 75 70 65 65
EWS 75 70 65 65
SC 70 65 60 60
ST 65 55 55 55
PwD 55 45 45 45

IIM Calcutta MBA Selection Criteria: Shortlisting for WAT and PI 

The candidates shortlisted in stage 1, will be now shortlisted for the Writing Ability Test (WAT) and Personal Interview (PI), based on the composite score. The composite score will be calculated using various parameters like CAT score, academic qualifications, and gender diversity. The weightage of all these components is mentioned below:

Components Weight
CAT Score 56
Class 10th marks 10
Class 12th marks 15
Gender Diversity Factor 4
Total 85

IIM Calcutta MBA Selection Criteria: Final Selection 

Candidates satisfying the standards of Round 1 will be called for personal interview on the basis of the composite score, derived using CAT Score, Academics, and Gender Diversity. The weightage of all these components is tabulated below:

Parameters Weightage
CAT Score 30
Personal Interview  48
Writing Ability Test 8
Academic Diversity at Bachelor’s and Master’s level for non-engineering degrees and professional qualifications.  6
Work Experience 8
Total  100

Check: IIM Calcutta detailed Cut-off

IIM Calcutta MBA Admission: How to Apply?

  • Interested candidates will have to visit the CAT official website or www.iimcat.ac.in.
  • They can start by registering themselves, which will provide them with system-generated login credentials.
  • They can then log in to their account and start filling up the application form with all the personal, academic, and professional details and upload all the required documents.
  • Then they will have to choose IIM Calcutta as one of their preferences.
  • Once they have completed the form, they can submit it and pay the application fee.

IIM Calcutta MBAEx Admission 2023

The candidates who hold a bachelor’s degree with 5 years of work experience are eligible to apply for MBAEx admission 2023. The MBAEx admission procedure includes the following stages:

Admission Stage Description 
Application Form Interested and eligible candidates can fill out the application form available on the IIM Calcutta website. 
Shortlist for PI The candidates will be shortlisted for the personal interview based on the information provided and the GMAT scores.
Personal Interview The shortlisted candidates will have to appear for the personal interview.
Final Selection The final selection will be done based on various factors and the selected students will be sent an admission offer.

IIM Calcutta MBAEX Admission Dates 2023

Events Dates (First Round) Dates (2nd Round) Dates (3rd Round)
Dates for Applying Online June 30, 2022 - August 22, 2022 August 23, 2022 - October 16, 2022 October 17, 2022 - November 30, 2022
Submission of duly completed application form August 22, 2022 October 16, 2022 November 30, 2022
Announcement of Short-listed candidates August 27, 2022 October 22, 2022 December 05, 2022
Interview of Shortlisted candidates September 3 - 4, 2022 November 5 - 6, 2022 December 10 - 11, 2022

IIM Calcutta MBAEx Selection Criteria

The selection of the candidates for the MBAEx program is based on the following criteria:

  • Academic background
  • Professional experience
  • GMAT score
  • Personal Interviews
  • Statement of Purpose
  • Recommendation

IIM Calcutta MBAEx Admission: How to Apply?

The candidates will have to download the MBAEx application form from the IIM Calcutta website i.e, www.iimcal.ac.in/pgpex, and send the duly filled application form to the institute, along with a DD/ cheque of INR 4,000. 

The documents that need to be submitted along with the application form are

  • Duly filled application form.
  • Application fee paid by demand draft/ cheque
  • GMAT scorecard
  • Proof of English proficiency (if applicable)
  • Marksheets of degrees obtained (scanned and self-attested)
  • Statement of Purpose
  • Two Letters of recommendation

IIM Calcutta PGPEx-VLM Admission 2023

The candidates who are B.Tech/ BE graduates with First Division and have a minimum of 4.5 years to a maximum of 10 years of work experience in manufacturing, engineering, and related sectors are eligible to apply for the PGPEX-VLM program. The PGPEx-VLM admission procedure includes the following stages

Admission Stage Description 
Application Form Interested candidates can fill out the application form for the PGPEX-VLM program available on the IIM Calcutta website.
Written Test The candidates will be shortlisted for the written test based on their application. The test will be for 2 hours and will evaluate the candidate’s analytical ability, verbal ability, and engineering aptitude.
Personal Interview The candidates will be shortlisted for the personal interview, based on their performance in the written test.
Admission offer The selected candidates will receive an admission offer from the institute.

IIM Calcutta PGPEx-VLM Admission Dates 2023

Events Dates
Online Application Starts September 22, 2022
Online Application Ends November 18, 2022
Receipt of Letters of Recommendation by Referees Closes November 18, 2022
Last Date of receipt of Physical Application November 23, 2022
Shortlisting Candidates for Written Test November 26, 2022
Writing test at 4 locations (Delhi, Calcutta, Mumbai, Chennai) December 11, 2022
Shortlisting candidates for Personal Interview December 14, 2022
Personal Interview at IIT Kanpur January 01, 2023
Selected Candidates for Admission  January 03, 2023

IIM Calcutta PGPEx-VLM Selection Criteria

The candidates will be selected based on their performance in the written test and the personal interview. 

IIM Calcutta PGPEx-VLM Admission: How to apply?

The candidates can find the application form at the following link: https://oag.iitk.ac.in/vlmiitk/. The steps to apply for the PGPEx-VLM program are as follows:

  • Register yourself through the New Applicant Registration Form.
  • Fill out the application form with all the required details.
  • Upload your photograph and signature. 
  • Pay the application fee of INR 3,500, through the demand draft.
  • Then select your desired examination center.
  • Check whether all the details are correct or not and submit the application form.

IIM Calcutta PGDBA Admission 2023

The candidates who hold a graduate or a postgraduate degree with 60% marks or 6.5 CGPA are eligible to apply for the PGDBA program at IIM Calcutta. IIM Calcutta PGDBA admission procedure includes the following stages:

Admission Stage Description 
Application Form Interested candidates can fill out the application form available on the IIM Calcutta website.
PGDBA Admission Test The applicants will have to appear for the PGDBA admission test conducted in 30 cities across India.
Personal Interview The candidates will be shortlisted for the personal interview, which will be conducted in Bangalore, Calcutta, Mumbai, and New Delhi. 
Merit list The final merit list of the selected students will be prepared based on various parameters like the PGDBA admission test scores, Personal interview, Academic qualifications, and Work experience.

IIM Calcutta PGDBA Admission Dates 2023

Events Dates (Tentative)
Start of Application Process  January 25, 2023
Last Date for Application  March 02, 2023
Downloading of Admit Card March 10, 2023
Mock test March 16 - 17, 2023
Admission Test (CBT) March 26, 2023
Release of Answer Key March 29, 2023
Answer Key Objection Management March 30 - 31, 2023
Intimation of CBT Result through Portal  April 05, 2023
Intimation Interview details through Portal  April 12, 2023
Personal Interview for Shortlisted Candidates May 6 - 7, 2023
Announcement of List of Selected Candidates From may 17, 2023
Closure of Admission Process By June 2023
Commencement of PGDBA Programme July 17, 2023

IIM Calcutta PGDBA Selection Criteria 

The candidates will be shortlisted for the personal interview based on their performance in the PGDBA admission test. The final selection will be based on various parameters like the PGDBA admission test scores, Personal interview, Academic qualifications, and Work experience. The weightage of all the parameters is mentioned below:

Components Weightage
PGDBA 2023 Admission Test Score 45
Personal Interview 40
Points for Class XII marks 8
Work Experience 7
Total 100

IIM Calcutta PGDBA Admission: How to Apply?

  • The candidates can find the application form at the following link: https://pgdba.cbtexam.in/Home/index.html
  • The candidates will have to register themselves as a new user, by providing their name, date of birth, email ID, and mobile number.
  • They can then login into the portal and start filling out the application form.
  • The application fee is INR 2500 for the general category. 

IIM Calcutta PhD Admission 2023

The candidates who have a Master’s degree or a Postgraduate degree with First Class OR B.Com and CA with 50% marks OR 4-year Bachelor’s degree with 6.5 CGPA are eligible to apply for the PhD program at IIM Calcutta. They will also have to appear for CAT or other tests like GMAT/ GRE/ GATE/ NET/ JRF.

IIM Calcutta PhD Admission Dates 2023

Events Dates 
Application Process Starts  November 01, 2023
Application Process Ends January 31, 2023

IIM Calcutta PhD Admission: How to Apply?

Interested candidates can fill out the application form available on the IIM Calcutta website and pay the application fee of INR 1000 (INR 500 for ST/ SC/ OBC/ EWS/ PwD).

IIM Calcutta Admission: Exams Accepted

Courses Exams Accepted
PGDBA PGDBA Admission Test


Ques. How can I get admission into IIM Calcutta for an MBA?

Ans. The candidates will have to appear for the CAT exam and score above the minimum cut-off to become eligible for the further selection process. Then the eligible candidates will be shortlisted for the WAT-PI process and then the final selection will be done based on various parameters like CAT score, PI score, academic qualifications, work experience, academic diversity, etc.

Ques. How much CAT score is required for IIM Calcutta?

Ans. The CAT cut-off of IIM Calcutta is overall 85 percentile. IIM Calcutta also considers the sectional cut-off which is 80 percentile for VARC and DILR and 75 percentile for QA.

Ques. How much does an MBA cost at IIM Calcutta?

Ans. The MBA fee at IIM Calcutta is INR 27,00,000 for 2 years. 

Ques. Do 12th marks matter for admission into the MBA program at IIM Calcutta?

Ans. Yes, 12th marks are used in preparing the composite score of the candidate while shortlisting them for an interview and for final selection. 

Ques. Does IIM Calcutta accept any other exam than CAT for MBA admissions?

Ans. IIM Calcutta accepts admission only through the CAT exam. There is no other exam considered by IIM Calcutta for MBA admissions.

Ques. How can I get admission into IIM Calcutta Executive MBA?

Ans. The candidates can get admission into IIM Calcutta based on their GMAT scores and performance in the personal interviews. The other factors that are considered are Academic background, Professional experience, Statement of Purpose, and Recommendation.

Ques. Does IIM Calcutta accept CAT scores for Executive MBA?

Ans. No, IIM Calcutta only accepts GMAT scores for Executive MBA.

Ques. What is the validity of GMAT scores for Executive MBA at IIM Calcutta?

Ans. The GMAT should be taken within the last 35 months of filling out the application.

Ques. What is the average GMAT score for IIM Calcutta MBAEx?

Ans. There is no minimum GMAT score required for MBAEx admission at IIM Calcutta. The candidates are only required to provide a valid GMAT score.

Ques. Is there any entrance exam for Executive MBA at IIM Calcutta?

Ans. IIM Calcutta does not conduct any entrance examination for MBAEx but it does conduct an exam for PGPEX-VLM.

Ques. What is the course fee for Executive MBA at IIM Calcutta?

Ans. The course fee for MBAEx at IIM Calcutta is INR 31,00,000 for 1 year.

Ques. How many seats are there in PGDBA at IIM Calcutta?

Ans. The PGDBA program at IIM Calcutta offers 53 seats. 

Ques. What are the fees for PGDBA at IIM Calcutta?

Ans. The PGDBA fee at IIM Calcutta is INR 25,00,000 for 2 years. 

Ques. How can I get admission into PhD in IIM Calcutta?

Ans. The admission into the PhD program at IIM Calcutta is based on the scores of CAT/ GMAT/ GRE/ GATE/ NET/ JRF.

Ques. Who is eligible for IIM Calcutta PhD?

Ans. The candidates who have a Master’s degree or a Postgraduate degree with First Class OR B.Com and CA with 50% marks OR 4-year Bachelor’s degree with 6.5 CGPA are eligible to apply for the PhD program at IIM Calcutta.

Ques. Is CAT compulsory for PhD in IIM Calcutta?

Ans. No, CAT is not compulsory for PhD admission in IIM Calcutta. The PhD candidates can also appear for other exams like GMAT/ GRE/ GATE/ NET/ JRF.

Ques. How many areas of specialization can I apply during PhD admission at IIM Calcutta?

Ans. The candidates can apply for a maximum of 2 areas of PhD specialization at once.

Ques. How much is the PhD application fee?

Ans. The PhD application fee at IIM Calcutta is INR 1,000.

Ques. What is the validity period for the test scores for PhD admission at IIM Calcutta?

Ans. Any of the test scores being used for PhD admission should not be older than 2 years.

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IIM Calcutta Upcoming Application Dates 2025

Expired Events

CAT 2024 Registration DateAug 03, 2024 - Feb 13, 2025
Program Duration (PGC-FBM)Jan 14, 2024 - Dec 31, 2024
CAT 2024 Result DateDec 26, 2024

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IIM Calcutta Fees & Eligibility

Full time Courses
CourseFeesEligibilityApplication DateAction
Master of Business Administration [MBA]27 Lakhs (Total Fees) Graduation with 50% + CAT2 Aug - 31 Jan 2024
Post Graduate Diploma in Business Analytics25 Lakhs (Total Fees) Graduation5 Jan - 10 Feb 2024
Master of Business Administration [MBA] (Executive)31 Lakhs (Total Fees) Graduation + CAT/ GMAT16 Oct - 26 Nov 2024
Executive Program in Business Management6.8 Lakhs (Total Fees) Graduation16 Oct - 26 Nov 2024
PGPEX13.5 Lakhs (Total Fees) Graduation + CAT2 Aug - 31 Jan 2024
MDP40,000 (Total Fees) Graduation-
Part time Courses
CourseFeesEligibilityApplication DateAction
Executive Programme
2 Courses
6 Lakhs - 6.36 Lakhs (Total Fees) Graduation4 Feb 2024
2 Courses
3.9 Lakhs - 4.8 Lakhs (Total Fees) Graduation4 Feb 2024
Executive Programme in Business and Corporate Laws2.65 Lakhs (Total Fees) Graduation with 50%-
Advanced Programme in Marketing Professionals4.05 Lakhs (Total Fees) Graduation with 50%4 Feb 2024
Post Graduate Certificate in Family Business Management4.4 Lakhs (Total Fees) Graduation10 Jan 2024
Executive Certificate in Business Analytics5.5 Lakhs (Total Fees) Graduation4 Feb 2024
SLP9.25 Lakhs (Total Fees) Graduation4 Feb 2024

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Executive MBA, M.Phil/Ph.D in Management, MBA/PGDM, Admission Link

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IIM Calcutta: 35 Answered Questions

How much does the Work experience, test score, other factors matter for admission in PGDBA course hosted by universities IIT Kgp, IIM C , ISI Kolkata?

Dhrishti Tuli

The section-wise weightage for final PGDBA shortlisting is not revealed by these colleges. They analyze all these aspects and a candidate’s interview when putting out the final offer. The interview helps them assess what a candidate brings to the table. Even if they start announcing the section-wise weightages some day, that should not affect your test preparation. Your work experience and past academic record are unchangeable factors, but your entrance test score is in your hands. 

Study for the entrance exam with utmost sincerity, and stop worrying about other aspects of your profile that you can not change.

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Can a person get into IIM CALCUTTA with low graduation score?

Jayanti SethStudies MBA in Business Analytics at IIM Ahmedabad (2021)

The following is the weighted average of graduation score taken into consideration to get into IIM Calcutta

60% will fetch you 15 marks

55-60% will fetch you 10 marks

50-55% will fetch you 5 marks

 So yes you can get into IIM Calcutta with a low graduation score but for that your CAT score should not be less than 99.9 percentile.

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What are the chances of getting an admission into IIM Calcutta?

Sagnik GuhaStudied at Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad

Let’s discuss the changes in getting admission into IIM Calcutta through past figures (general category only).

Apart from CAT score, the chances of getting into IIMC depend on various factors such as

  • Academic profile (i.e. marks in 10th, 12th, and undergraduate)

  • Academic Diversity

  • Work experience

  • Gender Diversity

  • Category-based evaluation (EWS, NC-OBC, SC, ST, PWD)

IIM Calcutta has around 200-220 general category seats. Also, it rejects 4 students for 1 selection which means around 1100 students are shortlisted. To be among these 1100 students you need to have at least 99.33 percentile.

The chances increase if you are a favorable candidate apart from a high CAT score. Being a female, non-engineer, decent work experience. If you aren’t then your cutoff increases to 99.5. 

Your chances drop to 0.5% and passing the interview round becomes more difficult.

So work around the factors I have mentioned beforehand to become a favorable candidate for admission into IIMC

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I got 82% in 10th and 70% in 12th. Can I get an admission in IIM-Calcutta?

Raktim Tarafdar

There are a number of factors that IIM Calcutta takes into consideration during the selection process of the students. However, out of the 3 top IIMs it has the simplest criteria wherein a CAT score above 99.8% can maximize your chances of admission. It's difficult to get admission to other IIMs even with a CAT score above 99.99%

Some other factors that determine your admission chances are 

  • Graduation Scores: The higher your graduation score, the higher your chances of admission to IIM Calcutta.
  • Profile: The more diverse your profile is with a lot of achievements the higher your chances of admission.
  • Gender diversity: Although this is an uncontrollable factor, it is considered while shortlisting.
  • Academic Diversity: Non-engineers have better chances of admission than a GEM. 

Now, considering your profile, you have great marks in class 10th but average marks in class 12th. So to increase your chances of admission, you need a high CAT score of around 99.98% especially if you don’t have legit work experience.

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Is it advisable to settle on JBIMS, if one only aimed for IIM's?

Ashish PaiStudied at Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management Studies

Comparing JBIMS with IIMs is highly unjustified as IIMs are way ahead of JBIMS or FMS even if we consider the ROI. They are unique in many aspects such as

  • IIM ABC and ISB is the only B-schools that offer Investment banking profiles in placement. Even if we look at other profiles, it’s easy to infer that they are much superior in terms of quality than the ones offered at JBIMS. 
  • Being a pass out of IIMs or ISB, you have an upper hand in the higher spectrum of one’s career, i.e, leadership roles.
  • JBIMS or FMS lack the general ambiance and culture of a typical B School due to a lack of residential and campus facilities.
  • The peer quality of IIMS and ISB are much better than JBIMS whose gender ratio, diversity, and competitive exam are very one-dimensional.
  • The only significant aspect of JBIMS is the ROI which when negated makes JBIMS as mediocre as SP Jain and MDI.
  • The placement statistics of JBIMS are much similar to that of new IIMs or average B Schools like MDI, and SP Jain. They are in no way in comparison to the top IIMs even with batch sizes as small as 120.

So one should choose JBIMS or FMS over IIM only if one wants to spend low fees, take no loans, or pursue MBA in Mumbai or Delhi.

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Over its history, has IIM Calcutta's strategy of ignoring GPA in lieu of CAT scores been effective?

Ranjai BanerjeeMBA in Marketing, Indian Institute of Management Calcutta (Graduated 2020)

The answer is based on my cousin's experience who had an average GPA but a great CAT score. IIM Calcutta’s strategy of ignoring GPA in lieu of CAT scores has been essentially effective because:

  • IIMC focuses more on your ability and willingness to learn and apply. Your GPA is just a small factor.

  • People who achieve high CAT scores are not just lucky. It’s a result of analytical skills, hard work, determination, and an overall sense of excellence. All these skills are valuable to the institution.

  • The institute prefers investing in experiences rather than mere grades.

IIM Calcutta, therefore, welcomes mediocre talents and transforms them into their best self. The lack of pressure to achieve high grades makes the overall experience a bit more relaxing. Basically, results are more important than the intensity of efforts. People here develop soft skills like people management, leadership, and emotional intelligence.

We can safely say that the job prospects and academic performance have no connection with your past academic facilities. If anything IIM Calcutta offers you a second chance in life.

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Can I make it to IIM A B or C if my 10 score is 93, 12 is 82 and grade is 73 and from a tier 3 college?

Kumar GauravMBA from Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad (Graduated 2020)

Your question basically means what criteria are required to get into IIM A B or C. The table below has summarized the different parameters that decide your eligibility for admission into IIM ABC.


IIM Calcutta

IIM Ahmedabad

IIM Bangalore



Final Selection-0%


Final Selection-15%


Final Selection-25%

Worl Experience

8% (final selection)

5% (shortlisting)

8% (shortlisting)

10% (final selection)

Gender/Academic Diversity

4% (shortlisting)

4% (final selection)

2% (shortlisting)

Non-Engineers can get a call with low percentile also

Now considering your profile, you need the following CAT score to get into IIM A B C

IIM Ahmedabad: If you are a non-engineer you will get a call easily but if you are an engineer you will need work experience and at least 99.5+CAT score

IIM Bangalore: You will need work experience to compensate for poor academic record or at least 100 percentile to get a call

IIM Calcutta: you will need 98.8+ if you are a girl. For boys, it is around 99.6+.

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What should I do as an undergrad to get into IIM Ahmedabad, IIM Bangalore or IIM Calcutta?

Samiksha SharmaMA in Social Work, Jamia Millia Islamia (Graduated 2021)

As an undergraduate, you must complete the following tasks:

  • Better 10th and 12th-grade point averages, at least above 80% in both.

  • Maintain your academic focus.

  • Choose a non-engineering subject for your undergraduate studies. It will help your profile.

  • Attempt to score above the 99th percentile on the CAT. If you want, you can do coaching during your undergrad.

  • Enhance your communication and writing abilities. This will be beneficial in WAT and GD/PI. If you want, you can join Toastmasters or start a blog.

  • If you want, try to participate in some extracurricular activities. This will not improve your IIM chances (unless you have a national-level certificate), but it will add some vibrancy to your profile. Activities can range from being a member of a club or placement cell to creating your own YouTube channel.

  • Perform some internships or work as a freelancer on a project. It will provide fodder for conversation in interviews.

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How much minimum CAT percentile do I need to get IIM Calcutta or IIM Lucknow if I have Xth 93, XIIth 73, and BTech 70, without any work experience?

Khushboo Shafi
Raktim Tarafdar

Your graduation score is a bit low but it depends on your institute too. If you are from a top college, then this score will be considered pretty good. Moreover, past academics are not the only deciding factor when it comes to admission to IIMs. You do have decent changes if selection viewing your overall profile. 

As for the CAT Score, don’t set a fixed target and just aim for as high as you can. The cutoffs keep changing depending on various factors so what should remain constant are your efforts. Additionally, preparing for the interview is very crucial because it determines your chances of admission. 

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Why is it said that IIM Calcutta gives a second chance to the students whose academics are not good to shine again in life?

Jasmine Grover
Kainaz IraniMBA in Master of Business Administration Degrees, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad (Graduated 2020)

According to popular perception, IIM Calcutta places a high value on CAT scores, so you can overcome your previous academic failures and gain admission to a tier 1 MBA college by working hard on the CAT.

The reality, however, is quite different. People who have done well in CAT are generally people who have done well in academics in the past, i.e. 10th and 12th grades. This is because the basics are retested in CAT if you put in the effort back then. So the only thing you can get away with in IIM C is your graduation score. However, some top companies use this to shortlist candidates for summer placements.

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IIM Calcutta Latest News

Life at IIM Calcutta

Written ByMayank Badhwaron Mar 22, 2023
Life at IIM Calcutta

IIM Calcutta Important Dates

Written ByMayank Badhwaron Mar 22, 2023
IIM Calcutta Important Dates

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Course Duration:  2 Years
₹1250000  First Year Fees
MBA Executive
Course Duration:  1 Year
₹3100000  First Year Fees
Course Duration:  2 Years
₹1350000  First Year Fees
Abhipsa Pal
Assistant Professor
Abhishek Goel
Associate Professor
Aditi Bhutoria
Assistant Professor
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IMT - Institute of Management Technology
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IIM Bangalore - Indian Institute of Management
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IIM Bangalore - Indian Institute of Management
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IIML - Indian Institute of Management
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IIM Mumbai - Indian Institute of Management
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IIM Mumbai - Indian Institute of Management
VGSOM - Vinod Gupta School of Management IIT
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