Indian Veterinary Research Institute (IVRI) Admission 2024: Courses, Application Form, Eligibility, Entrance Exam

Bareilly, Uttar PradeshDeemed to be UniversityEstd 1889
#6 For Agriculture abcd By NIRF 2023  
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Indian Veterinary Research Institute (IVRI) was established in 1889. The institution has deemed-to-be-university status and is situated in Izatnagar, Bareilly (UP). It awards master's and doctoral degrees in more than 20 disciplines of veterinary and animal sciences, livestock products technology, basic sciences and extension education. In addition to it, the institute also conducts diploma courses in veterinary preventive medicine, animal husbandry, veterinary biological products, animal reproduction, poultry husbandry, etc.

For M.V.Sc programme, admission are done on the basis of All India Entrance Test. Candidates willing to take admission should possess valid ICAR examination score card. In case of Ph.D programme, candidates will be shortlisted for admission on the basis of marks secured by a candidate in all India Entrance Examination.

Information Bulletin and Application form for admission to PhD program can either be obtained from the university office or downloaded from Institute website. Duly filled-in forms should be submitted along with the printed e-receipt downloaded from the State Bank Portal, of Rs. 1200/- (Rs. 1000/- for SC/ST/PH (SC,ST) category candidates)

The written entry examination for admittance to Ph.D. courses is conducted by the University on All India level at the following IVRI Campuses/Stations:

       •   IVRI Campus, Izatnagar, Bareilly (U.P.)

       •   IVRI Campus, Hebbal, Bangalore (Karnataka)

       •   National Institute of High Security Animal Diseases, Bhopal

       •   IVRI Regional Station, Kolkata (West Bengal)

       •   IVRI Regional Station, Palampur (Himachal Pradesh)

IVRI Important Dates 2023

Events Dates
Online Registration BVS & AH Degree  December 12, 2022
Last Date to Apply  December 24, 2022
Rank List for 1st Round of Counselling (Regular & Open Seats) December 30, 2022
1st Round of Counselling (Regular & Open Seats) January 6, 2023
Rank List for 2nd Round of Counselling (Regular & Open Seats) January 7, 2023
2nd Round of Counselling (Regular & Open Seats) January 13, 2023
Rank List ( NRI & Payment Seats) January 14, 2023
Counselling (NRI & Payment Seats) January 19, 2023
Commencement of Classes January 20, 2023
Rank List for Mop-Up Round  January 20, 2023
Counselling against Mop-Up Round January 27, 2023

IVRI Admission Highlights Table:

Name of the University Indian Veterinary Research Institute (IVRI)
University Type Deemed
Basic Admission Criteria For M.V.Sc: Entrance Exam
For PhD: Entrance Exam
Application Mode For M.V.Sc: Online
For PhD: Online
Name of the Entrance For M.V.Sc: ICAR
Scholarship Yes

Indian Veterinary Research Institute (IVRI) M.V.Sc Admission 2023

Admission for M.V.Sc programme will be done on the basis of all India Competitive Examination conducted by the Education Division, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi. All the candidates including sponsored (in-service) ones seeking admission to M.V.Sc program must appear in the written Examination.

Commercial engaging applications for admittance is published in the first/second week of February/March every year in the newspapers and also on the official website of IVRI every year around the first/second week of February/March inviting applications for admittance. The last date for acceptance of applications shall generally be first week of April every year or a date as may be specified by the University.

The candidates for admittance to Master’s program must fulfill the below mentioned eligibility criteria:

Course Name Stream Minimum Criteria Selection Criteria
M.V.Sc Animal Biochemistry Bachelor’s Degree in Veterinary Science in the concerned discipline as specified below as specified by the Veterinary Council of India with a minimum of 60% marks in aggregate (55% for SC/ST or sponsored candidates) or equivalent CGPA. Entrance Examination scores
Animal Biotechnology
Animal Genetics and Breeding
Animal Nutrition
Livestock Economics
Livestock Production and Management
Livestock Products Technology
Poultry Science
Veterinary Bacteriology
Veterinary Extension Education
Veterinary Gynecology and Obstetrics
Veterinary Immunology
Veterinary Medicine
Veterinary Parasitology
Veterinary Pathology
Veterinary Pharmacology
Veterinary Physiology
Veterinary Public Health
Veterinary Surgery & Radiology
Veterinary Virology

Exam Details

Mode of Exam Offline
Language of Exam Hindi and English
Exam Duration 2 hours
Type of Question MCQs
Total Questions 190
Subjects Concerned Discipline
Maximum Marks 190
Interview Marks 10

All applications, duly completed in all respects with all documents required should be sent so as to reach the Assistant Administrative Officer (Academic), IVRI, Izatnagar- 243 122 (up) on or before 1st April (5:00 PM) (closing date).

Indian Veterinary Research Institute (IVRI) PhD Admission 2023

For PhD program, Candidates must have M.V.Sc degree in the concerned discipline, the applicant must have secured at least 60% marks for General/OBC category. For SC/ST/Physically challenged/Sponsored category candidates, the minimum percentage of marks will be 50%. For National Diploma, admittance open to service candidates sponsored by the State Animal Husbandry Department, etc. holding a basic, degree, Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry (B.V.Sc & AH).

All seats at Masters' level are to be filled on the basis of combined assessment for admission and award of ICAR Junior Research Fellowships conducted by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi.

Candidates will be shortlisted to PhD program on the basis of an all India Entrance Examination.

Exam Details

Mode of Exam Offline
Language of Exam Hindi and English
Exam Duration 2 hours
Type of Question MCQs
Total Questions 190
Subjects Concerned Discipline
Maximum Marks 190
Interview Marks 10

The candidates for admittance to Ph.D program must possess the below mentioned eligibility criteria.

Course Name Stream Seats Minimum Criteria Selection Criteria
PhD Animal Biochemistry 4 B.V.Sc.& AH along with Master’s degree in the concerned discipline. On the basis of marks secured in the All India Entrance Examination
Animal Biotechnology 4
Animal Genetics and Breeding 5
Animal Nutrition 5
Livestock Production and Management 3
Livestock Products Technology 2
Poultry Science 3
Veterinary Bacteriology 13 B.V.Sc & AH with Master’s degree in Vet. Bacteriology/Vet. Virology/ Vet.
Veterinary Extension Education 2 B.V.Sc & AH with Master’s degree in concerned discipline/ Vet. Medicine/ Vet. Gynaecology & Obstetrics/ Vet. Surgery/ Animal Nutrition
Veterinary Gynecology and Obstetrics 4 B.V.Sc & AH with Master’s degree in Vet. Bacteriology/Vet. Virology/ Vet. Microbiology/ Vet. Public Health/ Avian Diseases/ Vet. Immunology/Epidemiology/ Biotechnology
Veterinary Medicine 4 B.V.Sc. & AH with Master’s degree in concerned discipline
Veterinary Parasitology 4 B.V.Sc & AH with Master’s degree in Vet. Immunology or M.V.Sc in Vet. Microbiology/Virology/ Bacteriology/ Pathology/Biotechnology/Avian Diseases/Parasitology/ Animal Biochemistry with minor in Vet. Immunology
Veterinary Pathology 4 B.V.Sc.& AH with Master’s degree in concerned discipline / Avian Disease
Veterinary Pharmacology 2 B.V.Sc.& AH with Master’s degree in concerned discipline
Veterinary Physiology 4
Veterinary Public Health & Epidemiology 6
Veterinary Surgery & Radiology 4

The last date for delivery of application duly completed in all respect shall be April 1 till 5:00 PM. No application shall be acknowledged after the due date and time. The final date for candidates in the Andaman & Nicobar Island, Lakshadweep, States/Union Territory in the North Eastern Regional, Ladakh Division of J&K State and Sikkim is April 8 (5:00 PM).

For those who have downloaded the application form from the website will also have to enclose bank draft for Rs. 1200/- for General/OBC/PH category and Rs. 1000/- for S.C./S.T. category candidate drawn in favor of “ICAR, Unit IVRI, IZATNAGAR” payable at State Bank of India, CARI Branch(Code No. 7027), Bareilly. In the nonexistence of the prescribed fee, the request form shall not be considered and will be rejected. The fee is non refundable.

IVRI Application Process 2023

For M.V.Sc programme:

  • Information Bulletin and Application form for admission to M.V.Sc program can either be obtained from the Assistant Administrative Officer (Academic), IVRI, Izatnagar-243122 (UP) or can be downloaded from Institute website ( and should be submitted along with the printed e-receipt downloaded from the State Bank Portal, of Rs. 1200/- for General/OBC/Sponsored/PH(General, OBC) category and Rs. 1000/- for SC/ST/PH (SC,ST) category candidates.
  • The requisite fee as per applicable category can be deposited online through ‘FEES’ link in ‘Student Fee Deposit Gateway’ on the website of IVRI
  • All applications, duly completed in all respects with all documents required should be sent so as to reach the Assistant Administrative Officer (Academic), IVRI, Izatnagar- 243 122 (up) on or before April 1 (5:00 PM)

For Ph.D programme:

  • Information Bulletin and Application form for admission to PhD program can either be obtained from the Assistant Administrative Officer (Academic), IVRI, Izatnagar-243122 (UP) or can be downloaded from Institute website ( and should be submitted along with the printed e-receipt downloaded from the State Bank Portal, of Rs. 1200/- for General/OBC/Sponsored/PH(General, OBC) category and Rs. 1000/- for SC/ST/PH (SC,ST) category candidates.
  • The requisite fee as per applicable category can be deposited online through ‘FEES’ link in ‘Student Fee Deposit Gateway’ on the website of IVRI
  • All applications, duly completed in all respects with all documents required should be sent so as to reach the Assistant Administrative Officer (Academic), IVRI, Izatnagar- 243 122 (up) on or before April 1 (5:00 PM) (closing date).
  • The last date for applicant in the Andaman & Nicobar Island, Lakshadweep, States/Union Territory in the North Eastern Regional, Ladakh Division of J&K State and Sikkim is April 15 (5:00 PM). Postal delay will not be accepted as a legitimate reason to entertain submission received after the last date. The envelope containing the application form should be superscripted in capital letters, “APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION TO PhD PROGRAM”.
  • Candidate can apply for either under OPEN OR SPONSORED sort, as the case may be. The choice once exercised will be final. Employed candidates applying under open category, must submit their “No Objection Certificate (NOC)” along with relieving order from his/her employer at the time of admission, failing which their candidatures will be treated as cancelled.
  • Self attested copy of the following certificates/documents are compulsorily required to be enclosed with the application form:
  1. Matriculation (Class X) certificate and mark sheet for date of birth proof.
  2. Higher Secondary (10+2) or equivalent certificate and mark sheet.
  3. Bachelor’s degree certificate and Transcript.
  4. Master’s degree certificate and Transcript.
  5. In the nonexistence of Master’s degree certificate & transcript, and for continuing students.
  6. Course completion documentation indicating percentage of marks or final CGPA obtained from the Registrar of the University/Principal/Dean/HD of the college, failing which the application form is liable to be rejected.
  7. Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe/OBC certificate as per annexure-III or IV from the authority empowered to issue such certificate of verification, wherever necessary. Until the certificates are verified from the competent authority, the admittance under these reserved quotas will be treated as provisional.
  8. Documentary evidence of employment from the employer(s) in case of in-service candidates.

Reservation Criteria 2022

  • Fifteen (15%) percent allotted for scheduled caste, 7.5% seats for scheduled tribe, 27% seats for Other Backward category (OBC) and 3% for Physically Challenged (PH) applicant.
  • In case seat under SC/ST category seat is vacant due to non-availability of eligible SC/ST candidate, the seat will be transposable in a particular discipline amongst the eligible SC/ST candidates. Even after that if the seat is vacant in SC/ST group, it will not be filled from any other category candidates.
  • In case any OBC reserved seat remnants vacant due to non-availability of eligible OBC candidates, the said OBC seats shall be filled up amongst the general group candidates of the same subject/discipline as per merit.
  • 3% (2 seats) will be reserved for physically challenged aspirants as per their value on horizontal basis. The reservation is applicable only in case of aspirants admitted under open category and not under sponsored category.


Institute Scholarship will be offered to assist the students who need financial assistance. This provision will be utilized to assist as many students as possible who have good educational record and who are making diligent hard work to pursue higher learning.

  • The span of scholarship for M.V.Sc course will be of two years and Scholarship for PhD course will be of three years.
  • Initially the scholarship will be accepted for one year.
  • The sum of the scholarship for Master’s Degree curriculum is Rs. 7,560/- per month for 2 years with a contingent grant of Rs. 6,000/- per annum for two years and for Doctoral program, it is Rs. 13125/- per month for three years with a contingent grant of Rs. 10000/- per annum for three years.  

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IVRI Cutoff 2025

IVRI, NEET Cutoff 2023

IVRI, NEET Cutoff 2023 for General Category is listed below. The overall cutoff rank for NEET is 24580

Round 1
(Closing rank)

Do you think the Cutoff is wrong ?  Report Here

IVRI Fees & Eligibility

Full time Courses
Bachelor of Veterinary Science [BVSc] & A.H.41,500 (1st Year Fees) 10+2
21 Courses
43,500 (1st Year Fees) Graduation
19 Courses
58,000 (1st Year Fees) Post Graduation

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BVSc & A.H., Admission Link

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MVSc Veterinary Surgery and Radiology
Course Duration:  2 Years
₹34350  First Year Fees
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Professor & Head, Biochemistry
Dr. Praveen Kr. Gupta
Professor & Head, Veterinary Biotechnology
Dr. Bharat Bhushan
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