25 Feb, 2025
03 Feb, 2025
Chandigarh University, NCHMCT JEE Cutoff 2022 for General Category is listed below. The overall cutoff rank for NCHMCT JEE is 10201
Courses | Round 1 (Closing rank) | Round 2 (Closing rank) |
Compare | 10201 | 10382 |
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Why did you chose this college over the other colleges you applied to? Compare your college on different parameters with the other colleges you applied for. If you couldn't make it to other colleges, talk about what went wrong? Also talk about the admission process of your college. Earn bonus cash by answering the below questions in detail: Which other colleges did you apply to and which colleges you got a confirmed admission from? Why did you choose this college over the others? Did you get a rejection from other colleges you applied to? Why didn't you make it there? What went wrong? What is the admission process of your college? Mention the eligibility, exams accepted for your course and the exam most preferred by students, cutoffs for these exams and the overall admission experience.
Tell us the detailed fee structure (yearly) and scholarship details (if any). Mention the fees for the complete course along with the fact that it is increasing or not.* The year-wise fees you paid (or will be paying). Mention the Tuition fees, caution fees, registration fees, admission fees, development fees, lab fees and the other compulsory charges during the course completion as per the category (like Management, SC, ST). Also, share the fees of your batchmates for categories other than yours. Names and amounts of scholarships or financial aid that are available for students. Like merit cum need.
Tell us the detailed fee structure (yearly) and scholarship details (if any). Mention the fees for the complete course along with the fact that it is increasing or not.* The year-wise fees you paid (or will be paying). Mention the Tuition fees, caution fees, registration fees, admission fees, development fees, lab fees and the other compulsory charges during the course completion as per the category (like Management, SC, ST). Also, share the fees of your batchmates for categories other than yours. Names and amounts of scholarships or financial aid that are available for students. Like merit cum need.
Tell us the detailed fee structure (yearly) and scholarship details (if any). Mention the fees for the complete course along with the fact that it is increasing or not.* The year-wise fees you paid (or will be paying). Mention the Tuition fees, caution fees, registration fees, admission fees, development fees, lab fees and the other compulsory charges during the course completion as per the category (like Management, SC, ST). Also, share the fees of your batchmates for categories other than yours. Names and amounts of scholarships or financial aid that are available for students. Like merit cum need.
Tell us the detailed fee structure (yearly) and scholarship details (if any). Mention the fees for the complete course along with the fact that it is increasing or not.* The year-wise fees you paid (or will be paying). Mention the Tuition fees, caution fees, registration fees, admission fees, development fees, lab fees and the other compulsory charges during the course completion as per the category (like Management, SC, ST). Also, share the fees of your batchmates for categories other than yours. Names and amounts of scholarships or financial aid that are available for students. Like merit cum need.
Tell us the detailed fee structure (yearly) and scholarship details (if any). Mention the fees for the complete course along with the fact that it is increasing or not.* The year-wise fees you paid (or will be paying). Mention the Tuition fees, caution fees, registration fees, admission fees, development fees, lab fees and the other compulsory charges during the course completion as per the category (like Management, SC, ST). Also, share the fees of your batchmates for categories other than yours. Names and amounts of scholarships or financial aid that are available for students. Like merit cum need.
Tell us the detailed fee structure (yearly) and scholarship details (if any). Mention the fees for the complete course along with the fact that it is increasing or not.* The year-wise fees you paid (or will be paying). Mention the Tuition fees, caution fees, registration fees, admission fees, development fees, lab fees and the other compulsory charges during the course completion as per the category (like Management, SC, ST). Also, share the fees of your batchmates for categories other than yours. Names and amounts of scholarships or financial aid that are available for students. Like merit cum need.
Tell us the detailed fee structure (yearly) and scholarship details (if any). Mention the fees for the complete course along with the fact that it is increasing or not.* The year-wise fees you paid (or will be paying). Mention the Tuition fees, caution fees, registration fees, admission fees, development fees, lab fees and the other compulsory charges during the course completion as per the category (like Management, SC, ST). Also, share the fees of your batchmates for categories other than yours. Names and amounts of scholarships or financial aid that are available for students. Like merit cum need.
Tell us the detailed fee structure (yearly) and scholarship details (if any). Mention the fees for the complete course along with the fact that it is increasing or not.* The year-wise fees you paid (or will be paying). Mention the Tuition fees, caution fees, registration fees, admission fees, development fees, lab fees and the other compulsory charges during the course completion as per the category (like Management, SC, ST). Also, share the fees of your batchmates for categories other than yours. Names and amounts of scholarships or financial aid that are available for students. Like merit cum need.
Tell us the detailed fee structure (yearly) and scholarship details (if any). Mention the fees for the complete course along with the fact that it is increasing or not.* The year-wise fees you paid (or will be paying). Mention the Tuition fees, caution fees, registration fees, admission fees, development fees, lab fees and the other compulsory charges during the course completion as per the category (like Management, SC, ST). Also, share the fees of your batchmates for categories other than yours. Names and amounts of scholarships or financial aid that are available for students. Like merit cum need.
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