Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya - [RGPV], Bhopal - associated department

Bhopal, Madhya PradeshState UniversityEstd 1998
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RGPV, Deparments

RGPV: 47 Answered Questions

How do I get my original Engineering Degree certificate from RGPV Bhopal? I Graduated in 2010 and I do not live in Bhopal or MP.

Rohini Mishra
Jeena AgarwalB-tech from Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal

The following is the procedure for obtaining an original degree from the University via offline mode:

  • Download and print the main degree form from the RGPV website's download forms section.

  • Fill out this form completely.

  • Make photocopies of all of the semester's grade sheets.

  • Visit your college and have your form, as well as all photocopies of your mark sheets, attested by the principal or head of the institution.

  • Bring all of the above documents, as well as the original mark sheets, to the RGPV office near Bhopal airport.

  • Write an application to the RGPV registrar, explaining why you need your degree as soon as possible.

  • Get your challan of 250 from the Union Bank of India, which is located just behind the university's building on campus.

  • Submit your attested degree form, attested mark sheets for all semesters, application for an urgent degree requirement, and Rs. 250 challan on the first floor. They will collect all of your documents, give you a student copy of the challan, and direct you to the second floor, where you will be asked to return in a week.

  • Return to campus and go to room 501, show them your student copy of the challan, and ask for your degree; they will give you your degree. They then request that you go to the registrar's office and have your degree verified.

  • If you want to travel abroad, you must go to the Ballabh Bhavan (Higher Education Department) for verification.

  • They give you a form, which you must fill out and submit photocopies of your class 10th, 12th, and 8th-semester mark sheets, as well as a photocopy of your passport's first and last page and a photocopy of your original degree front and back. 


After having your documents verified here, you must go to the HRD ministry in Delhi before traveling abroad for the same verification process.

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How do I get my original Engineering Degree certificate from RGPV Bhopal Graduated in 2010 and I do not live in Bhopal or MP?

Ishika GandhiB.E Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal

You can apply for the original RGPV Bhopal degree certificate online, by following the below steps. 

  • Visit the university service portal and log in.
  • Select the student services tab.
  • Click on the degree tab and you will get an option to apply for degree.
  • Click on show my online degree form. 
  • After, you are done filling out the degree form, check if all the details are correct. Then go for online payment.
  • After your payment is confirmed, you will get a confirmation receipt. 

This is how you can apply online for your engineering degree. 

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What are conditions for semester back in RGPV?

Happy NaragB.E in Electronics and Communication Engineering, Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal

At RGPV, Students get a semester back, if they fail in six subjects or five subjects and one practical, in a year. Students who fail 6 subjects in the first year (including the first and second semester) are not allowed to take the third semester examination. They get a semester back. They need to clear the back subjects first. 

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How do I convert my percentage into CGPA under RGPV University?

Satyam Purwar
Priya JoshiB.E.(Mechanical) from Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal

Different universities use various conversion methods and grading systems.

In the case of RGPV, the conversion base is 10. If you receive 78% or 78 marks out of 100, your SGPA/CGPA is 7.8 out of 10 according to RGPV. To convert it to Grade Point Average, simply divide the number by ten. Thus, by multiplying by 10, the reversal equivalent percentage can be calculated.

Equivalent Percentage = (SGPA/CGPA) × 10

If you turn over your RGPV Semester Marksheet, you will see a conversion Formula to convert your CGPA/SGPA into the equivalent percentage required in a few exam forms that must be submitted during application time.

If you require an RGPV equivalent percentage conversion form, simply provide a Xerox copy of the back side of your semester mark sheet. There is no need for a complex format or the signature and seal of the university/college head.

The method for calculating SGPA and CGPA is also provided on the back page of the semester mark sheets.

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What is the best way to score good in RGPV examination?

Nilesh SinhaB.E Information Technology & Computer Programming, Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal (2019)

Here are some tips that can help you score better in RGPV examination. 

  • Cover all the topics from your syllabus.
  • Include appropriate sketches with your answers.
  • Keep your answer to the point and neat.
  • Maintain an appropriate answer length according to the marks assigned.
  • Try to represent your answer well. 
  • Attend your classes regularly. Follows the lecture notes and tips shared in class.
  • Try to score well in the mid-term, that way you won’t feel the pressure during finals. 

RGPV questions are often repeated from the previous years. Solving previous year's questions can help you understand the question pattern and score better. 

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Is rgpv a good university?

Mayank Badhwar
Shashank GuptaB.Tech. Mechanical Engineering, Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal (2020)

RGPV is a decent university with affordable course fees and good infrastructure. If you are selecting RGPV, try to get branches such as CE, IT, or EC. These branches usually have better placement records. RGPV placements are good. Around 90% of students get placed through the campus drive. The average CTC offered is in the range of INR 6-7 LPA. 

However, the curriculum followed by the university is outdated. They need to work on offering industry relevant education. 

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What are the minimum passing marks at RGPV University for the BE program?

Shubham NaikB.E in Electronics and Communication Engineering, Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal (Graduated 2018)

When it comes to B.E program, there are typically two papers that you will have to deal with at RGPV University: theory and practical. The theory paper usually accounts for 70 marks, and in order to pass it, you will need to score at least 22 marks. The other paper is practical, and in this examination, the marks you receive will be based on how well you answer the questions asked by the external examiner, as well as your attendance record. Your head of department (HOD) will then assign a score to your practical based on these factors.

To summarize, in order to pass your theory paper, you need to aim for a minimum score of 22 out of 70. Meanwhile, your practical score will depend on your performance during the examination, as well as your attendance record. Keep in mind that it is important to focus on both aspects of the examination in order to succeed in your B.E studies.

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How do I write answers in RGPV to get marks?

Pradeep SharmaStudied at Delhi University

My neighbour is a lecturer. She told me some important points to keep in mind for any subject semester. 

  1. Look for the questions that you are best versed in and attempt those first. Go in descending order i.e., from best to worst. This will help maintain the quality of your answers.

  2. Writing in points will give you bonus marks. Black pens are not allowed so don’t use them. Highlight the parts of the answer you wish to be seen by the examiner first.

  3. Draw neat labelled diagrams of appropriate size. Note that the size of the diagram has nothing to do with your marks.

  4. Another way to improve the quality of your answers is to use the required technical words.

  5. Neat handwriting will definitely get you some brownie points. There should be proper spacing between two words.

The trick that will surely get you a few more marks is to highlight important parts while you are writing the answers. You may use the same pen or even pencil. In case you don’t know the answer to a question, focus on the keywords in the question and write your answer based on them itself.

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Why does RGPV take so long to deliver degrees?

Vishal BabuBA in English Literature and Psychology (IGNOU) (Graduated 2019)

One of my friends has graduated from RGPV main campus. He told me how irresponsible the staff is. He had to stay in the college for more than 2 years although the duration of his course was 2 years. This happened because of the college's inability to complete the course on time. 

This delay is the fault of the administration, staff and faculty as a whole. Many students suffer because of their inefficiency and slow tactics. The highest and oldest officials of the college have strong political relations because of which the danger to their job is minimal.

The college is slow when it comes to taking action to any kind of request. Getting a degree is a mighty task here. If you still haven’t got it, contact the administrative department frequently.

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What should I do if RGPV is not sending my degree certificate?

Michael fuBCA from Indira Gandhi National Open University(IGNOU) (Graduated 2022)

Getting your RGPV degree certificate is as difficult as getting any certificate from a Government Office without Corruption.

There are two ways you can try to get your degree:

  1. Apply online using RGPV portal: For this method, you need to first login using your enrolment number and password. This has to be the same you have been using for 4 years. Select the ‘Apply for Degree’ option. Pay INR 250 ( you will have to pay extra if your annual subscription has expired). Now you will have to wait for almost a year after which your degree will be finally delivered to your doorstep.

  2. The next and more quick way is to personally visit the RGPV campus. Go to the central building and ask for information regarding the degree. After a few formalities and hours of patience, you will finally get your degree.

If you want RGPV degree urgently, you will have to visit the campus. But if you are in no rush then consider it delivered after a year.

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