Manav Rachna International Institute of Research and Studies - [MRIIRS], Faridabad - Scholarship Details

Faridabad, HaryanaDeemed to be UniversityEstd 1997
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Manav Rachna International Institute of Research and Studies (MRIIRS), Faridabad provides the following scholarships to meritorious students:

(A) Schemes ‘Utkarsh’ and ‘Uttam’ for the candidates on the basis of MRNAT-2020 Score for UG & PG Programs:

MRNAT 2020 Score Utkarsh Uttam
90.00% & above 100% Tuition Fee Waiver 100% Tuition Fee Waiver
80.00% & above but below 90.00% 50% Tuition Fee Waiver 25% Tuition Fee Waiver
70.00% & above but below 80.00% 25% Tuition Fee Waiver 10% Tuition Fee Waiver


  • Scheme ‘Utkarsh’ is for candidates taking Admission within a period from 1st April 2020 to 31st May 2020)
  • Scheme ‘Uttam’ is for candidates taking Admission within a period from 1st June 2020 to 31st July 2020

(B) Free ship /Scholarships to students on the basis of marks/CGPA in the qualifying examination as per the following criteria:

UG level programs (Except B.Ed. & B.Ed. in Special Education)

Marks / CGPA in Qualifying Examination Tuition Fee Waiver
90% and above 100%
85% to 89.99% 50%
80% to 84.99% 25%

PG level Program (other than LLM program)

Marks / CGPA in Qualifying Examination Tuition Fee Waiver
80% and above 100%
75% to 79.99% 50%
70% to 74.99% 25%

LLM Program

Marks/Score in the Qualifying Examination Tuition Fee Waiver
75% & above 100%
70 % to 74.99% 50%
65% to 69.99% 25%


  • Scholarship criteria for B.Ed. program would be similar to PG Programs other than LLM
  • Candidate in PG programs could be associated with faculty members for proper, grooming, mentorship & providing assistance to the faculty as and when required.

(C) Free ship/ Scholarships to students seeking admission for B.Tech-Engineering programs on the basis their JEE-2020 Overall All India Rank as per following criteria:

JEE-2020 Overall All India Rank Tuition Fee Waiver
Up to 50000 100%
50001 - 100000 50%
100001-150000 25%

(D) Free ship /Scholarships to students seeking admission for any UG programs on the basis their SAT-2020 Marks/Score as per following criteria:

SAT-2020 Marks/Score Tuition Fee Waiver
1301 & above 100%
1201 to 1300 50%
1101 to 1200 25%

(E) Free ship/ Scholarships to students seeking admission for Integrated LLB programs on the basis their CLAT-2020 Marks/Score as per following criteria:

CLAT-2020 Marks/Score Tuition Fee Waiver
151& above 100%
141 to 150 50%
131 to 140 25%

There is a Provision of Teaching Assistantship for the candidate enrolled for M.Tech Programs, as detailed below:

  • The selected candidates having more than 70% overall marks or 7.00 CGPA in the qualifying examination shall be provided teaching assistantship on the recommendations of the committee constituted by the Vice-Chancellor of the University. Under this provision, such candidates shall be required to engage with Professors/ Associate Professors of the University for Practical and Tutorial Classes with total assignments of 8-10 periods/ week and them shall be paid stipend of INR 10,000 per month with a maximum limit of payment for 12 months during the complete duration of the M.Tech program.
  • The candidate of M.Tech and MPT Programs can either avail the above free ship policy for PG program or Teaching Assistantship.

Note: Total Free ship/ Scholarships to students under all categories stated above (from B to E) put together shall be limited to a maximum of 10% of the sanctioned intake for the program of admission.

(F) Free ship/ Scholarships to the Wards of MREI Employee: 25% Tuition fee Waiver (limiting up to maximum of INR 12,500 (per semester) to First Child only, however, if first child is already getting scholarship on the basis of merit then this benefit would be passed to second child, if applicable. 

(G) Free ship/ Scholarships to the Siblings of Manav Rachna Student in the same HEI: 10% Tuition fee Waiver (limiting up to maximum of INR 5000 (per semester) to the sibling (brother/sister) of student already enrolled in any of the program at HEI of MREI. Only the elder one of the siblings would get the said benefit. In case, the candidate is eligible for any freeships/ scholarships in either of the above-stated categories from A to I, he/she shall be getting this benefit over and above to freeship/ scholarship of that category with a maximum limit up to 100% Tuition Fee Waiver. 

(H) Free ship/ Scholarships to the Alumni of Manav Rachna Educational Institution: Student who is an Alumnus of any of the Manav Rachna Educational Institutions (Schools or HEI), eligible for 10% Tuition fee waiver (limiting up to maximum of INR 5000 (per semester) during admission to the programs offered by any of the HEI. In case, the candidate is eligible for any freeships/ scholarships in either of the above-stated categories from A to I, he/she shall be getting this benefit over and above to freeship/ scholarship of that category with a maximum limit up to 100% Tuition Fee Waiver. 


  • Proof of relationship is to be provided wherever applicable
  • For continuity, University Scholarship policy would be applicable from 2nd year

(I) The suitable free ship shall be available to high achievers in the field of sports, persons suffering from Thalassaemia Major, sons/daughters of Army Personnel who have been killed in war/ terrorist attack, physically handicapped students, etc. on case to case basis.

Conditions for Continuation of Free ship/ Scholarship in Subsequent semesters for above categories

Progress of students awarded a scholarship in subsequent semesters shall be reviewed after the end of every semester for continuation, based upon his/her performance in the previous semester. For continuation of a scholarship student shall be required to:

  • Maintain a minimum SGPA of 7.0 in each semester without any backlog.
  • Have 75% attendance in all courses in each semester.
  • Applicants should not have been suspended for any grave act of indiscipline by the university.
  • No disciplinary action against the applicant is established or pending in case of ragging or eve-teasing.
  • The applicant should not be receiving any other scholarship from any other source whatsoever, for which a certificate signed by student and parents is to be provided.

Note: For purpose of scholarship/ tuition fee waiver, the marks will not be rounded off to the next higher figure and calculation of the percentage of marks shall be made on the basis of eligibility subjects in the qualifying examination (same number of subjects).

(J) Scholarship for outstanding achievers in the sports category

A provision of scholarship for outstanding achievers in sports is available for admission seeker at Higher Educational Institutions (HEIs) as per the following categories:

Event/Level Participation Medal Win
Olympics 100% of Tuition Fee 100% of Tuition Fee
Asian Games / Asian Championship 75% of Tuition Fee 100% of Tuition Fee
Common Wealth Games 50% of Tuition Fee 75% of Tuition Fee
World Cup 50% of Tuition Fee 75% of Tuition Fee
National 25% of Tuition Fee 50% of Tuition Fee
State (with compulsory participation in National) - 25% of Tuition Fee


  • The candidate seeking admission under any of the above categories of sports shall be required to produce the relevant documents of proof of his/her participation and Medal Won. Sports Committee under Director-Sports will take the final decision regarding Scholarship.
  • The scholarship under this category shall be given in the first semester and its continuation shall be decided by a committee constituted by the Competent Authority of the Institution/ University.

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