Comindware Scholarship - Eligibility, Deadline, Application Process, Selection Criteria

Comindware Scholarship

Comindware Scholarship is granted to students enrolling in a reputed university in the US. The scholarship program is applicable for all the UG, doctorate, and PG programs in the US, be it degree, diploma or certificate.

  • Personal and academic skills will be considered at the time of selections.
  • The scholarship will be offered to full-time students only.
  • Submission of an essay is mandatory for all eligible applicants.
  • Recipients are awarded 4,000 USD for the payment of the program fees.

Comindware Scholarship aims at raising awareness regarding the true value of education in digital transformation, and not to promote Comindware’s product.


Scholarship TypeMerit-Based, Need-Based, Tuition-Fee-Waiver
Offered byCorporate
Application DeadlineN/A
Number of ScholarshipsN/A
Amount₹342,640 ($4,000)
RenewabilityOne Time Payment
International Student EligibleYes
Scholarship Website LinkN/A

Eligibility Criteria

There are no rigid eligibility criteria for the Comindware Scholarship. It is available to students from all nationalities and countries. So, whether you are a domestic student or an international student, planning to study in the US on a student visa, you can apply for this scholarship.

However, applicants looking for financial aid through this scholarship program have to fulfill the minor requirements given below:

  • A full-time student in a four-year/ two-year program.
  • Enrolled in the accredited US university or US  community college.
  • Candidate must be above 18 years of age.

Application Process

Applicants who fulfill the eligibility requirements can apply for the Comindware Scholarship program.

How to Apply for the Comindware Scholarship?

The students applying for the Comindware Scholarship must write an essay (at least 1,500 words) on any of the below-mentioned topics:

  1. Can devices in a classroom and clouds fuel the digital education revolution?
  2. What is under the bonnet of education digital transformation?

Tip: Students are suggested to write an original essay, which is well-structured, and gives a clear and logical message to the readers. Furthermore, students must write about their personal experiences.

Submission of Comindware Scholarship Application and Essay

Applicants have to send the completed Comindware Scholarship application form to their chosen university in the US. The application form along with the essay must be mailed, as a package, to the university.

Furthermore, the students must mail the essay with their full name, university name, and address to by the end of the current application period.

Selection Process

No special selection process applies as the Comindware Scholarship recipients will be selected based on their profile, which varies from student to student.

Comindware Scholarship Payment

Recipients of the Comindware Scholarship, studying in the US, will be awarded 4,000 USD. The scholarship amount must be used towards the payment of educational expenses, primarily course fees.

The scholarship is available for the eligible national international students, the students can get in touch with the university’s representatives to know more about the university.

Grant Details

To study abroad, in an accredited university in the US, is an opportunity no student wants to lose. Comindware Scholarship program is an initiative to help students with little financial support.

Applicable to all the US universities, this program provides potential students with a reward amount of 4,000 USD. All an applicant has to do is secure admission and submit an essay, on the given topic.

For more information regarding Comindware Scholarship, the students can contact at