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The college have basketball, table tennis, football and volleyball ground and all the equipment are provided by the college. The college also Gym and some facilities are there. Both the auditorium and library are up to standard. The library timing is from 9:00 to 4:30 . I haven't gone there for any research lately. The college is very Big Approximately 10minutes from hostel to the college. Relatives can't visit at night. There are food joints yes. There is not medical center Campus life is nice Most of student go to the canteen to eat. Cafeteria are not open at night they close at 4:30 Some students go to the campus at night for football and and training. I can't tell about that because I don't know. It's not much safe because it's a village. Khoshsis event. I don't know the name of the celebs. We have literary, event on air, adventures, and CSR clubs. I'm not part of any CSR club is the most important. I don't know of any
The course curriculum is not difficult that's if you study. Yes some students fail exam due to lack of interest. The good aspect is the faculties teach so well And the bad aspect is the calculations subjects are somehow hard. In a semester we have 3 exams and in a year we have 6 exams. We have 4 lectures in a day with a timing of 1hr each subject. We Re normally free from 11:00 to 11:25. The teachers teach through PPTs. I admire my operations Research Teach because she knows her subject area very well and controlled the class. I like all my teachers. Each student should have 75% attendance and failure to have it, will not sit to the final exam. I have seen students been detained because of the less attendance
We have sport facilities like football, basketball, volleyball, table tennis and baseball lounge. We college have provided all the facilities needed. Yes th college have GYM but not all the facilities are there. No the campus does not have a swimming pool. We have library but not auditorium. We only have a hall. The library is easily accessible. The timing is from 9:00am to 4:30pm. No one can't get to third party database. The college have two campus and the second campus is bigger than the 1st one. The distance is about 5 to 10 minutes working on foot. Most students travel by bus only and some by two wheelers. Yes it's allowed to keep personal bikes and car on campus. Your relatives can't visit you at hostel overnight. There are other food joints in the campus about 4 to 5. The college does not have any medical centre.The overall campus life is excellent and adventurous. Students mostly go to the gym or canteen we they're free. The night life of the college nothing special is just like other normal life. Canteens are not open at night. I don't see Students roaming in the campus during at night. The students mostly go out of the campus on weekends basis to eat out at the malls or go for partying. The Locality is not safe for roaming at night because it's a village. The campus annually conduct a festival called Khosis where everyone participate. The campus vibe during the event is always colourful and nice. I don't know the names of the celebrities. We have clubs like, CSR, Event on Air, Travelling and Adventure, literally and sport clubs. Unfortunately I'm not part of any. I think CSR club is the best for students. I don't know of any program called international immersion.
The college does not achieve 100% placement internship. The college give chance to the students themselves to look for companies but national and international or online internships. Approximately 75% get paid internship. The highest stipend offer is Rs.20000 the average is Rs.10000 and the lowest is Rs.7000. The most preferred companies for my course are manufacturing, textiles and sales companies. Because this companies deal with management. The manufacturing the manufacturing companies are the ones that higher in bulk. And they pay in Approximately 10k. I have no idea about PPOs Some courses like MLS and Pharmacy fine it difficult because of lack of places to do their internship. Is worse than my department.
The curriculum is smooth and easy. Faculty makes it more easy with their brilliant efforts. Students do fail in examinations and are allowed to write atkt at the end of semester. There are regular internal exams of each subject and one final examination at end of each semester. The good aspect of course is learning and placements. The bad aspect will be irregular timings of college. The class timings vary day to day on most days there are two lectures 2.5 hrs each. The faculty indulges in discussion with students this makes learning more easy. I do admire Mr. Ubale sir he is operations faculty. He actually engages students in class with innovative tasks and presentations making learning experience better. The 75% attendance is absolutely required for the course. The actions against defaulters varies on case by case basis.
Yes there is sports facilities in college. There is big ground in which various tournament of sports held. Yes there is big auditorium and big library there . No there is no swimming pool here. Yes we can keep our personal vehicle like car and bike inside the campus. Yes college also have medical centre. No relatives can't stay overnight here.Overall campus life is very adventurous. No cafeteria no open after 7 pm. There are many tourists destination outside the campus. Yes outside the campus area is totally safe. There are many fest which occurs in each semester some are cultural and some are related to technology. There are so many societies in our college and each society have own importance. Yes there is student exchange program in our college.
No gym No sports facility No food joints owned by college No medical centre The campus is small limited only to one building There is liberary. The liberary is air conditioned and most of the mba books are available.Most students stay outside the campus is small but the location makes it very pleasant No international students There are around 11 committees established by students The locality is very safe Most important committees could be placement, corporate relations, alumini. There are multiple fests - simergenece , hr conclave, SIMSREE house cup
The fee for college is 140000rs for two years for general category. This is the cheapest for a MBA college. The hostel fees varies but is around 10000rs a year. The college also provides scholarships amounting for around 50000rs. Most of yhr students around 70% recieve this aid. The aid is also based on attendance. The fee for other categories is around 18000rs for both years. The churchgate station is very near making it affordable considering transportation. There are food vendors are available near college providing meals for around 80 RS.
Football, basketball, volleyball, cricket and many more games are there to play.. vollyball court, football ground, kabadi, cricket etc and yes equipments are provided by the university itself. Yes there is a gym where boys and girls have different timings for gym and they have all the equipment of gyms. No university donot have any pool for swimming. Our university have the largest auditorium in the entire North East reason and a library were more than 100000 books are there and research Paper are also included. College campus is very vast and from hostel to administrative block it has 3km, most of the students travel by the bus that university provides. They allowed to keep the personal vehicle inside the campus. The won't allow parents or relatives to stay with the students overnight. apart from cafeteria we have some different shop inside the campus so we do visit there. Yes our university recently opened a private hospital inside the campus.Campus life is good, after classes if some students have interest in games they can go to the ground and play and if someone want to go to gym they can go there. For girls they donot allowed them for night out even not in campus but they allow boys so cafeteria is open till 8pm. Maximum of students are hangouts at cafeteria. Its safe inside the campus because lots of guards are there. Fest are like managemia, esplendizes and kiros had been organised by the university students itself...many outsiders students come to university during the event...the vibe is soo good. Recently daisy shah, darshan revel, astha gill came to attend some event at our university. i donot have idea about other states students, but ig one lady from Bangladesh had completed her phd at this university.
the cirriculum is not difficuly its just that students have to be regular about college classes yes students do fail in exam mainly due to less attendence and less participation in practical casses i have bcom program course and usually we have around 5-6 classes in whole day from 8:30 first classes in day until 2:45 the last classes 1 hour each class and a 15 min break in between teaching methodology is same as we have in school the teacher explains on white board and practical classes are taken in lab .I have commerce course so i have studied mostly from commerce department teacher apart from SEC and VAC courses and the commerce department is good especially vikas sir who taught us HRM in 2 year is very good teacher and focuses in practical learning and students overall developement
the sports facility in our college is not good we have a ground for football and a cricketing pitch with a basket ball court yes we do have gym room where u have the basic equipment and also have sharing games equipment room no we don't have swimming pool auditorim is medium size but is fully AC ventillated and library is also medium size but ventillated where you have a large collection of books from the course books which you can issue from library with student ID card and also other subjects books of many intresting topics you can choose from we have a great canteen service but if you want anything other than canteen menu we have food joint outside college we call them mini you can go there for snacks yes college does have medical centre but i have not visited there college campus is not very big and i think as of only drawback studying in this college overall campus life is happening where you can interact with all variety of students and after college life is really good you can be friends with all students across all colleges inn delhi university there is no night life in our college as college closes by 6 pm the students can go out with other studes in night too we have variety of places near by to hang out yes it is safe to locally roam around campus societies do organise fests and cultural events and campus vibes are good around that time few bands who organise small shows are called upon in fests few societies are vyapaar,enactus, vangati, north eastern and others i am not aware of student exchange program
our college fees is now increased to 11500 yearly and is the only fees u have to pay each year during your admission but there would be form fee which would be around 1500-2000 per semester it depends on how many prctical subjects you have the fee i feel is justified is not much compared to other colleges as around me many south campus colleges like motilal, aryabhatta ,ARSD, venky,RLA have fees around 15000 per year or more yes fees do vary for different category students if you come from weak family background the college will give you consession in fees and this good feature is available in all colleges and students just have t keep their grades good and they will be rewarded with scholarships or fee concession the cost of fees is totally justified and i feel the main expense lies in staying and travelling in delhi it hardly matters where u live if u live in PG the rent is high near college area like satya niketan and if you take a cheap PG away from college the rent would be low but your travelling expense would increase .same goes with renting a flat the more farther u would live the more travelling expense u would bear though rent is decreased . i think monthly 15000 would be minimum in which u could live properly in delhi during your course time
The course curriculum is very well-structured. Some students fail their exams. The good aspect of the course is that it covers all the important topics, and the bad aspect is that you need 80% attendance, or else you will have to face grade loss. In the first Trimester, we have 7 exams. We usually have 3 classes in a day, and the timings of the classes are between 9 am and 4:45 pm. Post this time, students usually have free time to do other stuff. But they have to do their club/committee/council work as well as their APO work as well. Teachers usually use PPTs to teach. Vivek Jadav is one of the best faculties as he is willing to schedule extra sessions for the students and also gives great marks in class assignments. You need to maintain 80% attendance, failing to do this will result in grade loss.
Gym, basketball court, badminton court, tennis court, football ground and cricket pitch is available at the campus. Gym is really great. No swimming pool. campus is approximately 7-8 acres. Relatives can visit but till 6 pm only. Medical centre is also there with a doctor and ambulance available at the campus.Overall campus life is great and hectic. and Imt never sleeps because of its rigorous culture.Cafeteiras are open till 4AM. Major committee is the Student affairs and welfare council, Academic committee and admissions committee. Main management event is Passion organised by the student council and sports fest that is Chakravyuh organised by sports committee. College offers student exchange program in various countries like France, Germany, USA and Canada.
The curriculum so far has been quite easy to understand although there are some professors who are too conceptual and cannot find any real world experiences to relate to or compare the concepts to. Failing in itself is not common as close to 60marks constitute our internals and with a bit of effort, students can score pretty well in internals plus their is the added benefit of relative marking which safeguards students from any sort of definite pass or fail mark. Across a year we have somewhere around 20 officials end term exams and anywhere between 50-60 quizzes or assignments that constitute our internal marks and evaluation with another 15-20 presentation as well. Faculty members who I really admire are Triphti Ghosh Sharma Ma'am and Mrinalini Shah Ma'am who taught us Marketing and Case Learning respectively. Tripti Ma'am is sound with her concepts and finds so many real world examples to relate and compare to that all that a student actually needs to do is pay attention in her class and that student will do pretty well in any form of assessment related to the subject. Mrinalini Ma'am taught us all something new in Case Studies and how a person can or should approach and the different frameworks and perspectives that are to be considered while going through the case and how to find links between different points on different pages and relate different aspects to one another. Unfortunately we do have a mandatory attendance rule of 80%, which I feel is highly draconian and if students dont meet the criterion, they are subject to grade loss basis the amount of classes they have missed. For example, for a 3 credit subject with 20 lectures, you can miss4. If you miss between 5-6 you suffer a singular Grade Loss, if you miss 7-8 that becomes a Double Grade Loss and so on and so forth. Multiple students have already missed so many classes and I am ware of people who have grade losses in 4-5 subjects out of the 6-7 exams that we will be attempting in the end term examinations.
The college has great sports facilities. It has a football field, basketball court, badminton court, lawn tennis court, and table tennis tables as well. It aslo has a gym but the gym lacks a few machines. There is no swimming pool on the campus. The college is decently big and distance of hostel to campus would be aound 300m. The relatives can also visit the campus. They just need to take permission from the Student Council and they can visit between 9 am to 6 pm. The Nescafe on the campus is also really good. There is also a doctor available on the college campus along with an ambulance.The overall campus life is great. Most of the students play or go out with friends. The nigh life is great and it is said that "IMT never sleeps". It is safe to roam around the campus at night. Passion is one of the best fests to happen. I'm a part of Student Affairs and Welfare Council. IRC looks after the foreign exchange program.
We have gyms, football ground, basketball court, tennis court and badminton courts as well. We dont have a swimming pool however. The auditorium and libraries are both big and well maintained and air conditioned most importantly. Library is open from 7am to 6am and we have access to third party databases like the Bloomberg terminal for CFM and other relevant certifications. The distance from hostel block to academic block is very less and will hardly take 5-7mins to cover in the main campus. For CDL, which is where the first year boys stay, the travel by bus/auto is about 15 mins. No we are not allowed vehicles on the campus and no visitors cannot stay overnight and have to leave by 6pm. There is a NESCAFE on campus grounds. We have a doctor on premises for 2-3hrs each day but not a medical center as suchMost students either rest or are preoccupied with club and committee work post calsses with studies only happening when exams are near. Students go out quite often and there are many happening places outside campus like the local chai tapri called Babbars and a more happening and posh place is RDC where there are many restaurants and bars. Nescafe is open till 4/5 in the morning with lot of students frequenting it in the dark and yes lot of students do roam around post sunset. I dont think it is that safe to roam around in night outside the campus. Passion and Chakravyuh are the main events with celebrities like Local Train, Nishant Suri having performed. The most important student body I believe for a student in terms of value addition and CV Pointer is either the Student Affairs and Welfare Council or the Placement Committee. Yes there are international immersion/foreign exchange programs offered by the college. I am not aware of what the intake is and whether there is an extra fee involved.
I found out about IMT via sites like Shiksha and Collegedunia as I had searched for colleges to apply for basis the percentile I had received in CAT which was around 93 with a work ex of around 4-5 months at that point in time. I filled out the application form for IMT and got a CTPI slot of 11th Feb 2024 and in the morning slot. Our document verification and panel allotment started within 45mins-1hr of the reporting time and it was a seamless process with not much in terms of hiccups. Even people who did not have documents in their physical form were either told to get printouts from the stationery shops right below the centre, or if details were visible enough in the soft copy itself they were let off. We had a written test at first of roughly 200-250 words for which sufficient time was allotted and post that we were allotted different interview panels and serial numbers basis which we had to sit in rooms that were thankfully air conditioned ensuring that no one had a long or painful wait. The PI itself for me revolved around my graduate college life, my work experience and slightly into the domain of current affairs. The interview lasted around 10-15mins with almost all panels having 2 interviewers and around 13-15 candidates to interview in the morning slot. Post reporting at 6, I was done with all necessary proceedings by 1 and then proceeded home.
We have a gym which is well equipped and we have a basketball court football, ground, volleyball and tennis court. We don't have a pool we can't keep our personal vehicle. Relatives cannot stay on campus. The library is amazing and has great facilities. We do have a medical center on campus. Students visit the Nescafe on campus a lot too The night life is amazing there are fests that happen. Students play sport at night some of them jam in the amphi theatre. Outside the campus they hang out at CLIP or visit Delhi etc. Karunesh Talwar performed at our college recently. I am a part of RACE the consulting club which gets us opportunities like short term projects etc and is truly a great cv pointer. There is a foreign exchange program but not for the bfs batch
The curriculum is very intense at IMT Ghaziabad, with terms holding multiple exams in the form of quizzes, assignments, presentations for each subject and then the final exams. Classes usually start at 9 AM, and close at 5 PM, with 4-6 hours of lectures in a day. The university uses several educational models such as case studies and classroom discussions with esteemed lecturers.. On the other hand, compulsory attendance of 80% is also required; any student who fails to do so faces a grade loss. Thus, although a lot of students manage to get through the workload, some others do not; thus, effective time and energy management is put to use.
A well-equipped campus with multifarious sports facilities such as an indoor court for basketball and badminton as well as outdoor grounds for cricket and football, is available. Besides these, the campus provides a gym offering a total range of fitness facilities. The auditorium and library are modern, holding a wide collection of books that students can easily access; the hours in the library are convenient, and third-party databases are available for research. The campus covers a substantial area, and since most of it is walkable, the distance from the hostels to the academic block is not too long. However, personal vehicles are not allowed in campus, and the campus site is open to relatives who may visit the students, with an arrangement made in advance. Besides the main canteen, there are several other food stalls. There is a medical center with a qualified doctor to treat students in case of any medical issue.Cafeterias open till late, which permits the student to hang out and study well into the night. Many students go out, on occasion, to nearby hangouts and the locality is pretty safe around the college too. The college holds several major fests and cultural events, providing it with a vibrant campus life.. There are also other active clubs and committees, as well as Marketing and Finance clubs, which add more significant value to your CV. International immersion and student exchange programs with the partner universities in the USA and Europe attract around 20-30 students per year and usually require a supplementary fee for participation.
Generally the class strength at IMT Ghaziabad is around 60-70 students, with an overall PGDM strength of about 740 students. Then there are specialisations in marketing and Finance with an approximate strength of 100 to 120 each. The institute has a predominantly male student base with about 36 percent girls and 64 percent boys. Cultural diversity also marks the institute with students hailing from different states like Maharashtra, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, and West Bengal among others, that really add to the classroom discussions. Peer learning is greatly encouraged and often, marks are earned on participation. Thus, students arrive to class for engaging reasons. Most students have good attitudes toward attending classes since they can learn through insights from faculty members and the team spirit created by peers.
TT, badminton, basketball. Cricket and football ground. Volleyball as well. Very huge library and good books. Huge auditorium with AC as well. Relatives can visit campus but can’t stay. There is an ambulance on campus and a doctor who comes everyday for 2 hours. Very good. There is an international exchange program where students can go and students from abroad come as well. Partner university in US, UK, France, etc. the cafeterias are open till 5 AM, close from 5 - 8 and open up again by 9 AM. There are many places inside and outside the campus where students can hangout. Passion is the best fest. 3 day event with everything. Anuv Jain, The Local Train, Zahir Khan. I’m part of Student Council. I do believe being in club / committees help as we get to learn a lot and get a lot of exposure to sponsorship, designing, marketing etc.
So I applied to IMT after my XAT results came out. Had to submit my documents online . Then got call letter for IMT and was asked to fill preferred city for interview, then came interview day, finished the interview and waited for a while after which results were announced. And I got an offer letter along with that I got a fee breakup and instructions on when to pay the fee. Document submission etc.
The college has good infrastructure that can almost support all major sports like cricket, basketball, volleyball, table tennis, tennis etc. We have both indoor and outdoor sports facilities. Yes, there are two gyms in the college. The gyms are equipped with all basic machines found in normal gym. No, the college does not have a swimming pool. The college has a huge auditorium that can seat 600 students, and has 2 libraries equipped with state of the art computers. We have access to many third party databases and facilities like bloomberg terminal. No, students are not allowed to have personal vehicles parked inside campus. Relatives/friends can visit students during visitor hours. But they are not allowed inside the hostel rooms. Apart from canteen/cafteria (Arcus and Nescafe) there are no other food joints. The college has a medical emergency room with a visiting doctor. The college also has 24x7 ambulance facilities.The overall campus life is vibrant, most students hangout in common areas after class. IMT never sleeps, there always something going on at night. The cafteria is open at night. K block is where most students hangout, outside the campus people usually go to Delhi, or Noida to party. No, the locality is a bit unsafe at night. IMT has lots of fests, but the biggest one is Passion. The campus is all engaging during the time of fests, where everyone contributes and participates. There are 20+ clubs and committees, Dj Ravtor performed during Passion. The most important committee is the Student Council. Yes, there is a foreign exchange program available in IMT. 30+ students participate in this exchange,
There are 3 trimesters every year, and each trimester has an end-term exam along with multiple quizzes, group projects and presentations. Most of the subjects are easy to understand. Continuous quizzes help with the revision of the course materials. In the first trimester, the classes are usually scheduled from 9 am to 4:45 pm all days of the week. Students who are engaged with committee work do not get much free time after classes and some find it really hard to balance academics and extracurriculars. Students also have to maintain 80% attendance in each subject or else they suffer grade losses. Lecturers use PPTs to teach in class and keep the sessions interactive by bringing in real-life case studies relevant to the topic at hand. Most of them are great at engaging students but there are some who just come and read out the slides.
There's a common ground which is used for playing cricket and football. There's an outdoor badminton court and a volleyball court and an indoor table tennis room. The campus also has a gym which is used by both boys and girls. People usually use the library for any type of coursework. There's an auditorium that is used for conducting leadership talks. The classes are a 5 minute walk from the hostel blocks and are well equipped with the necessary equipment. There's also an on-campus doctor. Students are not allowed to park their personal vehicles inside the campus.The overall campus life is good. People usually hang out in and around the campus. The college hosts two major events every year- Chakravyuh (sports event) and Passion (flagship management & cultural fest). There are various clubs and committees and the major ones are the Student Affairs and Welfare Council, Placement Committee, Sports Committee, Cultural Committee, etc. The above mentioned committees get the highest number of applicants each year during their recruitments.
The course curriculum is one of the most difficult among various different courses. People are failing in exams. A score of 60 per cent is considered really good and scored only by the top cader. The course demands a lot from the student. There are multiple internal assessments and exams, with a final end-term exam usually at the end of the year. Students typically attend theory and practicals daily; the day usually starts at 8 am and ends at 6 pm. And there is a minimum attendance requirement of 75 per cent, below which students won't be allowed to attend their end-term exams. The faculty members are knowledgeable with in-depth knowledge in their own specialisations.
The admission process starts after the NEET-UG exam which is usually conducted in May. Post this, the results will be announced a month later. Due to the ongoing court case regarding NEET-UG in Tamil Nadu, the counselling process got delayed and the first counselling happened in the last week of August followed by two other rounds of counselling before October. Every year, there has been some hassle regarding NEET and there is no definite date for any of the above. NEET-UG is the only exam that is considered all through the country. There is no definite safe score. There are Management quotas and NRI quotas through which students take admission as well.
There are multiple arenas for various sports. There is a gym as well. There is no swimming pool on the campus. The auditorium and library are known to be one of the best in South India. The college campus is around 100 acres. Relatives aren't allowed to stay back on campus, but there is a separate parent accommodating block nearby. The campus life was mostly filled with academics and delivering or assisting treatment for patients. There are spots to hang out at night. Nightlife in the hostel blocks is solid. There are only a couple of significant events. And there are no clubs and committees as such.
Course is easy you will not get failed easily if you are studying one week before your examination There would be two sessional exams of 15 marks each which will take place in oct first week and second sessional in November first week .. there will be 4 subjects ... you will be given with 4 questions in which 3 should be done one question carry 5 marks so 15 marks in total for each subject which will add with your end sem result.. And one end sem exam in month of January in the first week There is no such attendance have maintain good with your teachers they will help you if they observe good academic number in your paper .. 50-60% attendance is enough . Faculties are PhD holders they are enough fair in their work you have to pay attention properly in classes then only you will be able to grab concepts clearly.. classes timing will be 10to5 or 5:30 .. There will be a lot of gaps in between classes which you can utilise to study in library or you can chill with your friends.
sports facilities are good table tennis badminton football basketball shot put cricket for both girls and boys running marathon and even fun activities like lemon in a spoon race there is gym in the college but subscription is required for that most students gonto cafeteria they are super good and affordable cafeterias are open late night even i don't see much students roaming around college as the hostel entry closes around 9 pm the locality is not much safe for girls at night some celebs came like salman ali
The course is not much tough it's just the surface of BTECH course but the thing is there is not much pressure and no limit to learning it's upon you how much you can learn more teachers tell the outline and teaches basics there is various options after this course you can go any of your wanting lines there is 2 sessional and 1 final each semester. Each week there are approximately 15-20 classes 1hour each someday classes starts from 10 and held till 3 or 4 teachers emphasize both practically and theoretically. For me best teachers are Dr. Refia wiquar maam and Tabish Mufti sir. And those who are not admired due to their attitude tiwards students and teaching methodology. There is serious and strict 75% mandatory rule. If you don't fulfill the attendanve you need medical for that.
As I am an cs btech student, the fee for cs here is one lakh per semester plus you will be charged examination fee of 5000 per semester At the time of admission you will have to submit 123000 rupees which includes 100000 tuition fee + 5000 admission fee which will be one time payment only + 5000 examination fee which will be charged further on the basis of per semester + 5000 library deposit which will be refundable+ 3000 alumni fund + 500 e governance fee For ece the tuition fees will be 160000 per year and one time fees will be same as mentioned above For cs ai the tuition fees will be 220000 per year and one time fees will be same as mentioned above There is no such scholarship from the University but you can apply for scholarship to realaince and other companies
Our college has various sports facilities including cricket pitch, football ground, basketball court, volleyball court for outdoor games and for indoor there is a room for table tennis , carrom, chess etc, things like football basketball you can get using identity card and condition of ground are well maintained and there is nor swimming. There is gym facility for both boys and girls but different timings. Library and auditorium are well maintained and quite big enough to find all the necessary books and you can get third party database with the help of teachers. Campus is large enough if you can walk through whole campus only once or twice if you have good stamina and some students have there own personal bike and cars with respective parking facility and if a family member come out to stay there is scholar house for there staying facility, There are alot of eatery outside college a tons of options and food variety. Most students go to cafeteria or sports ground after the classes and join other students in their respective games. There is not much colorful nightlife as there is restrictions and security all over the campus and cafeteria closes after 8 30 . There are eatery hubs like chaarminar , alaknanda market, saket, cafe street 36 these are the hot spots. Yes it's safe to hand outside the campus. There are alot of fest happens in the college as there is diverse courses once salman the indian idol winner performed in our college fest and so many cultural and tech clubs and society's. Some of the important and international clubs are IEEE and a government approved club is UBA. No there is no student exchange program
The course which i am currently studying is not that hard overall however, certain subjects like mathematics still makes me scratch my head. There are no “bad” aspects of the course which im studying but i guess some subjects feel unnecessary like english communication. The subjects like Basic Electrical Engineering is quite astounding as it teaches us about the practical uses of daily electrical and electronic instruments and how it works, its principle etc. The classes take place like the usual from 9AM to 5PM however it is not daily that follows this time table. Some days like Monday and Tuesday, our classes begin from 11AM and end early at around 4PM. The teaching methodology of professors is simple, they explain a topic verbally with examples then solve a few basic questions on board amd give some questions for us to solve on our own, they are also friendly meaning we can go upto them when they are not in class amd ask them a doubt. Since it has not been that long of me studying here i admire all the teachers that teach me currently, maybe that opinion might change by the end of the semester, we may never know. There is a mandatory attendance rule of minimum 75%, in cases when students do not have 75% min attendance they are not allowed to write in mid sem exams and even as far as end sem exams. I have seen a few cases of my seniors being detained during exams and not being allowed to write the exams because of low attendance.
The infrastructure is amazing to say the least with cricket grounds to football grounds to gym etc. The auditorium has been recently rebuilt and is looking better than ever with a big stage, centralised ac, soft cushioned seats, the back stage is also good. There is a central library on 3rd floor of the building and it is very good for students who want a break from the outside loud world. The library is in two sections, one is walk in free for all and one is for paid members. These members get ac, more comfortable seats, even quiter and peacefull workstation, free issue of books etc. The college campus overall is too big to explore on foot (which is a good thing). Most students are seen using two wheelers or even four wheelers to get from one place to another. The campus is filled with greenery amd scenic views. Even the air feels fresher because of the abundant amounts of green trees present almost everywhere in campus. The overall campus life is amazing, our classes end by 5:30 and we roam around the campus for around an hour and a half and leave when it starts getting dark which is around 7:30. Even then we see a good few students roaming around still which i assume must be from hostel. Some canteens do stay open till night around 8-9PM for hostel students and for others as well. The most common spot for hangout is i would say the canteen right in front of the Buisness Management building (bba). During break around 1-1:30pm most of the students are found there cus its spacious and their food is also very delicious. Even during night time it is completely safe to roam around inside the campus because there are guards almost 24/7 keeping an eye for anything fishy. There is not a big fest culture here but still its good. There are plenty of clubs and commitees in Hamdard with few being ieee, uba, coding ninjas etc
Course is easy and curriculum is also good but is little bit advance according to coming technological World. Yes mostly all pass but some rare students fail. Good is that's it's new combination of bbas & computer science and its good for future. Bad is that's there is unnecessary subject in the course which create little bit annoying and hectic in between main subjects( according to me ). Teaching methodology are combined smart boards and normal boards but mainly content on PDFs and all online stuff. Meenakari Ahlawat ma'am I admire the most yes she left the college now but today I feel why see was so strict and why she always tell us to study for future not for now . Yes minimum 60% very important for attendance and 75% as normal mandatory. If comes below 60% you will detend by semester and some fine which I don't know how much.
There are many sports facilities in the campus for outdoor volleyball, basketball, cricket, skatting and badminton court available. For badminton indoor and outdoor 2 courts available. Mostly all equipments are there and been provided If available for many. Yes college have gym and yes all equipments are available for beginners to advanced. No swiming pool in the campus . There is 2 auditorium and 1 big library. All books are freely and easily accessible but if someone issue a book he / she needs to re issue in every 10 days or submit by 10 days if failed to do 5 rupee charge will applicable per day. College campus is not such big but yes there is good distance between hostel to college block. Student maximum time travel by walk. Yes bikes are allowed but with necessary documents and mostly only after University permission but some students don't take permission. Is relatives can visit overnight but there is guest room provided by university where they can stay and 500 per day charges will apply after 1 free visit. There are many cafeteria or food joints present between 2km of road area and many in campus. Yes there are medical facilities in the college and all are not sufficient for every student If there is very big mass requirements. All doctors are qualified. Overall good campus life. Students generally enjoy the campus at very good spot of cafeteria present in free time. Night life are even more better than day as lighting bright the campus beauty. Cafeteria are generally closed after 9 pm . Mostly in weekends or holidays go out of campus with friends as Shimla chandigarh are near in 60km distance. Yes locality are totally safe in night. There are 2 major fest one is Manchtantra and one is spring fest. Sorry to say many celeb comes but currently didn't remember the name . YCT, karobaar club and IIC are very important club in university and also important for CVs. Yes there also foreign International student exchange program. Mostly students prefer University of Australia as more in this program. Frankly In numbers I don't know total students choose this . No extra fee for this program
Total ideal strength is 70+ in general and if we say as specialisation it will around 25-30 students. 40:60 ratio will be there 40 for girls 60 for boys There is good diversity from all over india to even foreign students comes to study in class. There are almost 14 states students in which mostly are from Bihar, jharkhand Uttar Pradesh, haryana and Himachal itself Yes there are almost same peer group but there is no special peer learning class . Yes I have marks for class participation but it will only comes after final result so current I may not able to provide. Frankly says some main specialisation class is what I can say students comes for learning but there many unnecessary subject or say classes we come dir attendance only.