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What is the pattern of questions for the written interview at JNCASR for the Integrated PhD (Biological Sciences) program?

Snighdhanjan Kar Posted On : November 26th, 2021
studied at Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research

My sister applied for the integrated Ph.D. program in Biological Sciences at JNCASR, a few years back. They mostly asked her practical based questions in the interview. She was given problem sets, aptitude questions, and analytical questions. Most of the questions are aimed to judge your analytical skills. Rather than memorizing try to understand the concepts.

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What is the syllabus for the written examination for Integrated Ph.D. in Biological Science at JNCASR for the shortlisted candidates?

Bisakha Mitra Posted On : November 26th, 2021
Int. Ph.D Genetics and Molecular Biology, Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research

The written test taken for Integrated Ph.D. in Biological Science at JNCASR is mostly conceptual. If you paid attention during your bachelor’s lecture, then you can easily answer a large part of the questions asked. There will be questions from the syllabus of CBSC class 11-12 and a basic B.Sc in any branch of Biology at a central university. 

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