Why are you so pessimistic about Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow?

1 Answer

Souvick Sengupta Posted On - May 11, 2021
Jaipuria Institute of Management

I have a friend who is a Jaipur Institute of Management, Lucknow alumni. His experience at the institute was not that great. Here are a few things that he found bothersome.

  • Despite having a good faculty base, decent curriculum, and exposure Jaipur Institute of Management still is not counted among the tier 1 or tier 2 B-School. It still lacks reputation among students. 
  • There’s a lack of professionalism in the admission process. Admission interviews are done over Skype calls and even via Whatsapp. 
  • It is over 25 years old but still failed to create a reputation. They keep on increasing their fees but the placement statistics are somewhat stagnant with an average CTC of around 4-5 LPA.
  • The foundation of Jaipuria is not that strong as other B-Schools like IMS, JIMS, Jaypee, Apeejay, EMPI, etc.

Jaipuria Institute of Management’s brand name won’t do much for your resume as it is not that well-reputed. These are probably some of the reasons why some people are skeptical about Jaipuria.



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