We all believe that getting a degree from a university or education is just all. Obviously, one should have mandatory basic education till class 10th /12th. But after that, you should look forward to your personal interest and then pursue further studies. Continuing education for the sake of a degree is not a good option.
There is a huge difference between pupil and student life. When you are in school you are taught and in college, you have to learn as a student. This urge of students to grab just a degree has degraded their own careers. In India, lakhs of students graduate every year but only a few are suitable for their respective job roles. Even for a Grade “C” and “D”, lakhs of graduates apply. Not only have they, but many dropouts from schools also apply for such jobs. And this is how they all are degrading their career and country’s economy.
So, your first priority should be that you access yourself and understand what you want to do in life. Because we get one life and spending half of it in getting degrees and half in searching for a job is not a thing. Choose wisely because all your future depends on such decisions. Good luck!