Can I get into CSE at Jorhat Engineering College with a rank of 433 in Assam CEE?

1 Answer

Kapil Kumar Posted On - Feb 15, 2021
B.E Electrical Engineering, Assam Engineering College (2017)

In my opinion, your chances of getting into Jorhat Engineering College are quite high. You should get in without much effort and you will get into the Computer Science Engineering branch as well. CEE is quite easy to crack as compared to JEE and you should definitely sail through. You must score more than the required amount to get into Jorhat Engineering. 

Cut off Score

  • If you are from the general category the cutoff marks for appearing in round 2 of counseling range between 72 to 76. 
  • Additionally, the cut off for Jorhat Engineering College for the general category was 120 as of 2020. 

If you are from other categories, the following table should help you out:


Cut off

OBC Category


SC Category


Irrespective of knowing your likes or dislikes, you should try to avoid getting into engineering subjects like Computer science engineering, instrumentation, chemical, electronics, or even industrial engineering.

Engineering is becoming a multi-disciplinary field and they require students who have diverse applications of their degrees throughout their jobs. The applications of the branches that have been listed above are quite limited. If you want to prosper in your future, you should consider taking engineering branches like electrical, mechanical, and civil engineering. Students from these fields have the ability to get into any field of their choice.

If you are considering taking software development in the future, you can definitely take electrical engineering and end up doing the same.



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